Love The Psycho

Chapter 198: Even a rabbit would bite when threatened 2

Chapter 198: Even a rabbit would bite when threatened 2

''Do you think I am not aware that you are the one spreading all those rumours about me? a backer? I wished I had one but what to do? I got into this hotel based on my capabilities. If you have anything to say about me or you feel wronged, then just come to me and say it to my face. Even a kind and patient person like me can lose her cool one day'' Ever said and pushed Benita away and she stumbled backwards and someone helped her.

Meanwhile, Ever was unfazed by their shocked expressions as she looked into their faces saying ''I know you all don't like me except for a few of you, but since we are all workers aiming for the total satisfaction of the guest, let's all be tolerant towards each other. I won't sit back and watch any of you say things behind my back again. the days of patient and kind Ever are long gone. Do you all understand? If you think you can mess with me, try it and see what I will do to you'' Ever said to them and bowed before the assistant manager and the chief chef before going out.

Emma clapped her hands excitedly. She had been working with Ever for two years and this was the first time she had put everyone in their place especially that bitch Benita who was always out to grab the rewards of Ever's hard work. Emma hated Benita so much.

''Did you hear that? My Miss shouldn't be messed with. This is a clear example of 'don't wake a sleep dog up, or it might bite you'' Emma said and smirked before running out.

''Wow, this is the first time, I've seen Miss Ever so angry?''

''I know, right? Did she experience a huge shock?''

''Didn't you see how the boss was on her? I think they have a history together'' one of the workers said and the rest turned to look at him. He beckoned on them to get closer and they did.

''From my experience, I think that Miss Ever and our new boss have a relationship''

''What kind of relationship?'' one asked.

''A love-hate relationship. Look at it this way. Since our new boss started talking, none of us dared to even breath out loud. But, Miss Ever came late and even challenged him saying she wouldn't compete in the competition because she didn't have anything to 'reminisce' on. Who knows, they might have been ex-lovers in their past lives''

''Ayeee, stop with this nonsense'' one of them said as they dismissed. None of them believed him except Benita who seemed more interested in his conclusion.

Ever walked out of the hotel and it was raining. She massaged her shoulders as she watched the rain. She should have taken an umbrella. She thought to herself and turned towards the hotel's entrance.

''Should I go back for an umbrella?'' she asked herself and paused as she saw Jayden and Ann walking out. Their cars soon pulled over in front of the building as they walked out.

Ann saw Ever as they got to their cars and stopped. She turned towards Ever saying ''Miss France, is raining and night is approaching fast, why don't you join us? You and Jayden's paths are the same anyways''

Jayden stopped and turned to look at her. He wanted to open the door for her but didn't know what was stopping him. He glanced at her and got into the car saying.

''Ann, you don't have to force a person who likes to be drenched by the rain to get into the car''

''You can go without me, someone is coming for me soon'' Ever said to Ann and walked a distance away from their car.

Ann looked at her for a while before getting into the car and their driver drove away.

Not long after that, a Bentley pulled over and Kash got out of the car holding an umbrella towards Ever.

''My beautiful daughter''

''Dad? I thought Cody was the one coming for me?'' Ever said as she snuggled with her father under the umbrella, walking to the car. Kash opened the front door for her to get in before running to the driver's seat.

''Cody said he couldn't come because the rain will ruin his hair'' Kash said as he helped Ever to buckle her seatbelt.

''Cody and his hair. He really loves it more than his own family'' Ever said and took the towel from Kash 'let me do it, dad. You are also wet'' Ever said and wiped Kash's hair with the towel.

''Tough day at work?'' Kash asked.

''Dad, are you a psychic? How did you know?'' Ever said as Kash drove away.

''I know my girl the most. Right now, you really look like you could use a shoulder and a good cry. Tell me, did Jayden bully you? I will go to him right this minute and beat the hell out of him'' Kash said seriously and Ever laughed.

''Dad, you really can't make a joke'' Ever said to him.

''What can Dad do to make you feel better?''

''Nothing, I already feel better''

''Dad is always worried that you will get bullied by others because you are always too careful around others and you never really share your feelings with dad anymore''

''Dad, I did something reckless today. I twisted the arm of Benita and gave a stern warning to the workers in the kitchen. I told them if they spread rumours about me again, I will break their arms and legs''

''Good going, my daughter. I always tell you, if you find it hard to work outside, just come home and be a freeloader. Dad has a lot of money that you won't be able to finish even if you spend a million dollar a day''

''I know, but I still want to do something for myself. I've always depended on you, mom and Cody. I love pastries and I love to make them because they made people happy. If I can do something that will put a smile on someone's face, then I will be happy for a long time. Even if it gets hard, I still want to do it, grow through the pain and become a better person. Dad, I must be a masochist, right?''

''No, you are not. My daughter is the most courageous person I know. You have always tried your best in everything. Dad is only afraid that you will be too much pressure on yourself and breakdown. Is good to say, I'm tired. I'm hurt. I'm happy. You are allowed to express your feelings, whether they are of hurt, or joy. You shouldn't bottle everything deep inside you. if you keep things to yourself, one day you will explode and blow out on the wrong person''

''Dad, I'm tired. Today was really tough for me. Going to work every day, I always have one mission. That is to pour my heart out and make a pastry that will bring a smile on someone's face. Yet, they still don't see my hard work and spread rumours about me. Dad, why is it so difficult to live a simple life?'' Ever said and started weeping. Kash pulled over in front of their villa and unlocked his seat belt. He pulled Ever closer and hugged her.

''Off course life isn't simple because nothing good comes easy, but my daughter is doing an amazing job. Everest, you are doing a great job at living life, so don't worry about what people say and do what makes you happy''

''Dad, don't tell mom about what I told you. She is going to worry about it the whole night''

''Don't worry, I won't tell her anymore, but anytime is hard on you, you have to tell me, okay?''

''Yes, dad. I will''

Ever smiled and got down the car with her father and they went inside the house.


The car pulled over at Ann's apartment and she turned to Jayden saying 'would you like to come up for a cup of coffee? I bought the coffee from Zealand, the one you love to drink''

''No. Let's not make people misunderstand our relationship. Is still raining, go in and rest well. I will see you at the hotel tomorrow'' Jayden said distantly and Ann's smile froze. She nodded her hair and looked at Jayden before going inside. She has been by his side for three years now and thought that as long as she stayed by his side, he will one day look at her. only she knew that Jayden had never seen as nothing more than a secretary. The one his heart has always belonged to one person. The one she could never compete against. Even though they have broken up for two years now, she could still not have his heart. Regarding work, he treated her well, but aside that he had never looked at her twice.

Jayden closed his eyes and leaned against the seat as the face of a certain someone came to his mind. Why did she have to look so sexy when she spoke against him? He smiled subtly.

''Everest France, you can only belong to one person; me'' he muttered to himself.


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