Lord of the Truth

Chapter 837: Next task

Chapter 837: Next task

Under Robin's Old Palace---

The period that Robin lived in Jura City cannot be called long, but he spent most of this period in this palace, specifically in this small room...

From here began the tradition that all of Robin's palace builders followed, which was to build a room underground for privacy, until the complexity finally reached the point of building a complete research maze under the imperial palace in the capital!


"Damn it!!" Robin entered through the rusty metal door and quickly closed it behind him as if he were escaping from a monster

But he barely caught his breath when a storm of dust blew on him, "Cough cough... Damn, what is this?!"

Robin looked around and found small eyes shining and hissing and crawling sounds, and the smell of animal urine and the remains of small corpses made the place smell unbearable

The room had been open for nearly 30 years and was located underground, so it had become a haven for dust, insects, and even small reptiles and mice. His clean study room, where he had produced most of the techniques that had turned the Burton family into a major force on the Ancestral Continent back then, had turned into a ruin!

"Get lost!" Angry, Robin waved his hand, releasing a deep white flame that raged throughout the room *SHUAAAAAA*


In the blink of an eye, all the small animals, the remains of corpses, the old furniture, even the stench, everything was burned.

"Hmph," Robin easily gathered the water in the air around the mansion with his right hand and pumped it into the room to wash away the ash and stains, then *Swoosh* with his left hand Robin summoned a small storm that dried up the water and removed any remains... Within a few minutes, the room was empty and clean again, as if they had just finished building it!

What Robin was using now was the Perfect Fire Path, Perfect Water Path, and Perfect Wind Path, although he could only use the first stage, they were more than enough to handle something as simple as cleansing a room! Robin actually smiled after that and his mind cleared up a bit, it had been a long time since he had used those little laws he had discovered back in the day...

"Huuu~" Robin let out a long sigh and sat in the middle of the room in a meditation position, "Evergreen, I need your help.."

"What's up this time?" Evergreen was currently playing around inside Robin's soul domain, she had made a cover out of tree branches in the realm and then tied them between two nearby silver trees to make a rocking bed.

"...It seems like things are going well for you there." Robin chuckled, "But it's time to get to work, I need you to tell me how to search for a planet's spirit."

"What?! Ouch!!" Evergreen suddenly jumped up from her rocking bed and fell on her face, "Why are you asking about something like that?"

"Planet Jura is my home and the core of my power. I can't leave it without an owner for much longer. If I had owned it before, it would have been much easier to defend and the losses would have been less."

"You want to refine another Planet Spirit already? Aren't you at war?! It hasn't been a few years since you refined me yet, that's unfair!!" Evergreen kicked a small silver squirrel that was walking beside her.

"...Are you my wife? Didn't you say that it was okay to refine more than one Planet Spirit when I rejected you before and said that I would rather refine Planet Jura than you? That's what I'll do now." Robin was surprised by Evergreen's reaction, "Although I don't think I can finish refining Jura's soul anytime soon, I at least need to secure a percentage of the refinement so that I can communicate with her."

"...Well, damn it, never mind, DAMMIT! I did promise you something like this before, never mind!" Evergreen stood up again and looked away in annoyance, "There's not much you need to know about the search process anyway, the planetary spirits are visible in the Middle Planetary Belt and no one in the young Planetary Belt knows about us, the only ones who do know about us are the ones who have an overlord as back up and that overlord is the one who tells them about our location, you're not supposed to find us in the first place so there's no technique involved, just repeat what the tree fathers did and you might get lucky."

"...Randomly stick my toes deep into the ground?" Robin was surprised by her response and sneered.

"Spread your Soul Sense!!" Evergreen stomped her foot on the ground, her patience was clearly running out early this time, "The Tree Fathers were able to sense my Soul Domain because their roots were close to me and fell within their Soul Sense range, but you already have a Silver Soul, you can easily penetrate thousands of kilometers underground with your Soul Sense if you focus on one point!"

"But that way I would have to sacrifice the range of my Soul Sense in order to penetrate the layers of the earth deeply, I would have to move from city to city all over the planet until I finally find it, why is it so difficult?" Robin frowned, that didn't seem very practical, he could easily scan the ground under the city and then move to the next city using the 4th-grade Space Piercing Divine Tattoo, but that would still take months.

"Hey! Planetary Spirits aren't supposed to appear in the Young Planetary Belt in the first place, nor should they be owned by anyone, you're already cheating, don't be a thick-skinned cheater!" Evergreen's face turned a little red.

"...I think you're right, I'll start." Robin scratched his head in embarrassment. "Wait! What I'm going to tell you now should be etched into your memory." Evergreen quickly called out, "We planet spirits enjoy watching what's going on on our surface and we might interfere to waste time, but we're not gods to know everything that's going on above us at the same time. For example, while I'm focusing on cultivating the Terra creature for you, I had no knowledge of the battles your army is fighting, and I certainly wouldn't have knowledge of what every mortal or random soldier on my surface is doing, do you understand?"

"I get what you're saying but I don't understand why you mentioned it..." Robin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Just reminding you not to treat the spirit of Planet Jura as if she knows your life story, she probably doesn't care, and also don't mention that you have the golden eyes of Truth, let's hope she's never seen you use them before, she's just an entity you want to refine for your own sake, don't say anything that doesn't concern her..." Evergreen looked serious, the less Robin talked about himself the better, maybe the spirit of planet Jura would reject him this


Robin nodded seriously, even he didn't know what the golden eye of truth meant so he decided to listen to Evergreen, it's better not to talk about it in front of anyone, "Okay, I'll start now." Robin let out a long sigh and then closed his eyes.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Father, we need to talk."


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