Lord of the Truth

Chapter 836: Tactical retreat

The stricken city of Jura-- Planet Jura


*Step* *Step*

*Deep Inhale*

"Cough cough... Heavy air filled with negative energy, it seems we've reached Jura city as planned." Robin smiled as he looked at the dilapidated metal warehouse around him

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Behind him, the space of the portal began to churn and more of his generals emerged one after the other, then the rest of the Martial Emperors began to emerge

Alexander took a few steps to quickly approach Robin, "Your Excellency, now would you please tell me the reason for our return? I won't tell anyone, but at least I don't want to be surprised like the rest of the soldiers, or else my prestige among them will decrease..."

After Robin announced that everyone would move back to Jura, everyone was stunned and showered him with questions, it was not normal for such a sudden change to happen in the middle of a massive planetary battle like the one taking place in Nihari, but Robin just smiled and hurried them to leave.

"Don't worry, since this space portal is still standing, it means that the boys did a good job." Robin continued his steps forward until he got out of the metal warehouse and started walking along the dilapidated inner city road, many memories started hitting his head like a sledgehammer...

"What do you mean the portal is still standing?...Your Excellency, why exactly did we come to Jura City and not land near the Imperial Capital directly? I thought you wanted to hide the army here, is something happening?!" Alexander's heart started beating violently, the rest of the generals behind him followed them with furrowed eyebrows as well, waiting for any word from Robin.

Robin was indeed about to speak when they were interrupted by the sounds of an explosion coming from not too far away.

*Boom* *Craaaack*


"What was that?" Alexander quickly passed Robin and flew away, he quickly determined the direction of these sounds... There were at least twenty thousand people now in front of the city walls trying to enter, but the city wall was moving strangely to prevent them!

"There is a battle in front of the city!!" Alexander shouted loudly and flew towards the battle without thinking *swoosh*

"Battle?!" The rest of the generals were shocked by this information and quickly followed Alexander, who would dare to attack Jura City, the most sacred spot on the planet?!

As for Robin, he spread his soul sense without moving a muscle, whatever is happening, as long as the generals headed there with a number of Martial Emperors behind them, what couldn't be solved?


But he quickly took a step back when he sensed the person standing above the city gate, it was Richard!

"Your Excellency, is there something wrong?" One of the Burton family Martial Emperors who just got out of the portal walked towards Robin when he saw him shocked.

"No... no no, nothing, I'm fine..." Robin took a few steps to the side until he leaned against the wall of what had once been his palace.

Richard... Ever since Robin learned that there was an attack on the planet Jura, he has been afraid for Richard, not because he might be killed, as he is the person who knows his strength best, but he was afraid for his mental health and what he would do as he saw his world collapse... again.

A while ago, he received a report from Caesar that he noticed two different personalities in Richard as they traveled together, a calm and patient personality but heartless and ideal for conspiracy and tends towards suicide,

As for the second personality, it loves war and killing and rushes towards bloodshed, but it is also the reason that drives Richard to stay alive because this personality places the protection of family and homeland in a very high place.

When Robin heard about his son's split personality, a few tears escaped his eyes, but he was not surprised, what Richard went through can cause that and more. All he ordered after reading Caesar's report was to lavish him with more of the Empire's goods and provide him with a comfortable life from now on, he did not know that this comfortable life would not even last a few days...

Currently, he doesn't know how to feel when he sees his son defending the last space gate, the last stronghold of the True Beginning Empire on the planet, with such ferocity... Should he feel proud and happy or ashamed and negligent?!

In any case... Most likely, his relationship with his son, which had begun to improve relatively, no longer exists now. Most likely, he will disown him when he sees him because he is an irresponsible father.

Robin took a few more steps back until he reached the palace gate, then opened it and entered quickly and spoke hesitantly, "I will spend the night here today. I don't want anyone to bother me. And spread my following orders to everyone: Set up camps around the walls of Jura City and follow Supreme General Caesar's instructions, that's all."

Then with quick steps, he disappeared inside the palace that was filled with dust and cobwebs before his son saw him...

"..." The Martial Emperor shrugged his shoulders, not understanding anything, but he returned anyway and informed everyone of His Excellency's orders.

In front of the Jura City Wall---

"Damn, are these the demi-humans we were fighting in Nihari? There are warships too!"

"Planet Jura has been invaded too? Is that why we came back?!"

"Kill them all!!"

"Who is that white-haired gentleman? He's fighting several Martial Emperors all by


"Let's ask questions later, now help the white-haired gentleman and wipe out the enemies!!"

"Husss, enemy reinforcements have arrived, retreat!!"

No understanding, no exchange of information, there was no need to even exchange glances... When Alexander and his companions saw Richard surrounded by several Martial Emperors from the Great Serpent Empire's army, they took out their weapons and attacked directly, each one of them pulling a Martial Emperor to the side and killing him within a few minutes.

As for the Martial Emperors who had no opponent, they went to eliminate the group of soldiers and traitors in front of the wall. None of them stopped for a moment to ask why there were humans fighting side by side with the invaders. As long as they were standing with them, they shall die like them!!

Under the attack of the huge city wall and several Martial Emperors, the Great Serpent soldiers and traitors were unable to continue fighting and fled to every corner and side. Even the warships turned and fled!

But after Robin's instructions, it didn't take long before more and more Martial Emperors and soldiers of the True Beginning Empire began to emerge. Everyone who knew what was happening would be shocked for a moment before he took out his weapon and rushed to chase the fugitives without having to say a word. This proves the length of mental readiness of this


After about an hour of chasing and fighting, Alexander approached the white-haired gentleman, placed his right hand on his heart, and bowed slightly, "Thank you, respected one, for defending Jura City. If it weren't for you, I can't imagine what would have happened." "I don't need your gratitude for defending my home..." The gentleman replied in a rough voice, then jumped down and started walking into the city with his hands behind his back, "But I need to meet someone who thinks he can hide from me inside his palace." "Hmm?" Alexander raised his head and wanted to ask that gentleman to stop, and tell him that the city was a forbidden place except for certain people, but something inside him told him that he had no right to say such a thing.

He simply stood there and stared at the back of that gentleman who was walking away in front of him... Although he didn't dare to say that he knew everything that was going on in the True Beginning Empire, he was still the third person in the order of power after Robin and Caesar and knew all the pillars of the empire's army. How could he not know this gentleman?

... His rough tone and his flowing white hair suggested that he was old, but his physical build

and taut skin suggested that he was young, "defending his home, a living city wall, the aura of a mid-level Martial Emperor... Was this His Excellency's son, His Highness Richard?!"


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