Lord of the Truth

Chapter 215 A Day To Remember

Three weeks later - Jura City


*boom boom boom boom*

"Mom, look!!" A little boy eagerly pointed towards the enchanting colorful explosions in the sky

"Wow, what attractive colors!"

"The city is more beautiful than ever! Ah, I have never seen a city of this structure and beauty in my life... Maybe it rivals the royal capital!"

"I went to the royal capital once, the capital is a litter bigger in size, but Jura is more beautiful and more luxurious... I can't imagine how much money they spent on a project like this..."

"Do you think the Burtons are short on money? Look around, they even spare nothing for today's party, these decorations and musical bands and the colorful explosions that have reached over twenty thousand explosions so far, all of this is surely worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins! Right, did you see the Fire Legion parade an hour ago?

"The Famous Fire Legion put on a public parade?! Oh, Damn me!! why didn't anyone tell me?!"

*hustle hustle*

The colorful explosions haven't stopped for a moment since the opening festival started 3 hours ago

The explosions were actually arrows attached to them a level 6 fire explosion talisman + a bag filled with various colored sand that fuses very quickly with the explosion, creating this stunning view.

Two more hours later, at dusk, it was finally time for the official announcement of the Duchy of Burton

A huge number of people gathered in the main square looking toward a high platform on which the Burton Family Patriarch and 8 other people were seated

With a quick look, all those who have basic knowledge were left stunned, those eight were all Dukes!

Galan Bradley and Raymond Alton came, of course, and the rest of the Dukes couldn't refuse the invitation even if they wanted to...

After the sale of the Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique of Blaze and the announcement of the name X Burton, the Burton family was simply above A Duke family even If they had a shortage of saints

The only one who didn't show up was Donald Evren, for obvious reasons, and everyone knew he would have come if the Burtons had sent him an invitation!

Under everyone's gaze another person appeared on the high stage, when he appeared, all the Dukes rose from their places and gave a deep bow.

Even the common people who did not know who this person was, just his arrogance that was rightfully integrated into his bones and his aura that they felt without him trying to show off were enough to subdue everyone...

And before anyone realized what was happening, most of them found themselves on their knees.

A few seconds later Brian Burton introduced and exclaimed, "We salute the wise Albert and we are honored to have him in our small town."


Those who did not kneel yet followed their fellows and got down on their knees... This was the first time that a Sage has appeared in public in hundreds of years!!

Without further ado, the sage gestured to a few knights to come up the platform, carrying a huge scroll, evidently from the hide of a beast.

Then they reached the edge of the platform that faced the crowd and unfolded the scroll

Everyone was more surprised when they saw this huge scroll fully extended, it was tens of meters in all directions and it was clearly a one piece of beast hide and not sewn, the skin looks very solid and can even withstand the attacks of saints..?

'What kind of beast could reach this size and have such power?!' That was the only thing going on in everyone's headا

But everyone's questions were interrupted by a shout from the Fire Legion that was standing nearby, "Long live the Burton Duchy!"

"Long live the Burton Duchy!!"

Only now did most of them realize that this huge scroll contained a symbol resembling the 3-clawed paw of a huge beast in the middle, with words like *Duchy of Bradley* or * Duchy of Alton* around the huge paw... This was the specific map of the new Duchy of Burton!

While everyone was contemplating the absurd size of the Duchy of Burton, they found that the Dukes on the square straightened their backs once again...

Sage Albert left as he came, without saying a word.

"Hahahaha today is a happy day, give out the drinks and food, all our guests please eat whatever you want! Everything in this City is free today! hahahaha" Duke Brian Burton opened his arms and announced


"Long live the Burton family!"

"Long live the drin- ..ahem, long live the Burtons!!"

*boom boom boom boom*

Colorful explosions came back in action over the city, turning the night into a bright day

"Haah~ What a day, I don't think the kingdom will witness a similar celebration before at least another five hundred years," said one of the dreamy girls while looking at the sky

"Huh? The night isn't over yet, there is still Robin Burton and Mila Bradley's wedding, it will start in minutes"

"... Haaaah?! let's go!!"


After about three hours - inside the administrative area of the Burton family

"I didn't expect you to be at the duchy announce today, you even attended my wedding... Thank you for that, and thank you for the gifts... It's nice..." said Robin, leaning against the room door, most of his body covered in shadows.

"Haha, no need to mention such simple things, the Black Sun doesn't announce a new duchy every day, and it doesn't witness the wedding of two of its best geniuses every night!" replied Sage Albert while looking through the room window and then looked back at Robin. "You look nice and polite hehe,"

"Tsk~ Mila said I have to wear this crap or she won't come to the wedding." Robin walked over to a chair and his features were finally visible, with a shaved beard and mustache and brushed his hair back, all dressed in white... This was the traditional look for weddings in the Kingdom of the Black Sun.

"Hmm, Mila is a good girl and she deserved the legendary wedding she got, it's good that you listened to her words, but you looked pored as hell kid, I pet she will punish you for that later" Sage Albert nodded with a laughing face as if to hold himself from laughing as much as possible,

" don't even make me remember it, arghhh! these things we had to do in the marriage ceremony, it was silly and stupid!! I just wanted to get it over with.. how are those silly things supposed to get two persons married?! why not just announce that she is my wife?  I felt it is like preparing the two for a long life of humiliation!" Robin spoke while pouring a drink for himself with an angry face

" Don't say that in front of your wife, they love those things haha," then continued, "Look at the bright side, it's over now, Mila Bradley is a perfect start to your harem, you know who's good too? My great-granddaughter!"

"Forget it, I still have a 160-year-old virgin waiting for me, I still need to see if I can satisfy her first!" Robin laughed out loud and shook his head


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