Lord of the Truth

Chapter 214 Wedding Gifts

"Why are you so stupid when you are supposed to be a genius? Even if I'm sure you will die tomorrow, I will still agree to marry you today!" Mila put her hand on her chest and announced

"Mila..." Robin said in a low voice, the statement was very strong but sweet at the same time...

"Hehe It is not like I will sacrifice for love or anything, the person who discovered the Heavenly Path of Truth, the person who turned his family from crumbling into the biggest duchy in the kingdom and probably the richest family in the continent, the person who made a God trust him and demand favor from him.. the person I love.. wouldn't die in a mission like this!

...I will consider your mission as a long journey to broaden your horizons, but don't make it a chance to be late if you don't absolutely have to!!" Mila took my step towards him and bent down so that their faces were only a few centimeters apart

Robin couldn't hold himself any longer, so he quickly reached out and grabbed her hair to bring her closer to him, then placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

After a few seconds, he finally let go of her with a smile, but Mila looked down and then looked back at him again, "Why is your little general so excited? We are not married yet darling hehe."

"Hahahaha, he is just so happy to see you, let's go, I want to visit your father right now!" Robin stopped suddenly and took a few steps towards the door

"Uh, maybe you should wait a bit before you get out of here," Mila said shyly pointing at his lower half

"Hm? ooh! " Robin quickly sat down again, "...Do you have tea or coffee here…?"


"Haha, you finally decided on the date of the wedding ceremony?" Galan stood and laughed out loud

"Yes, the wedding will be in the new city of Jura in three weeks from now, if you agree, of course, my father-in-law," said Robin.

"3 weeks... 3 weeks.." Galan sat up and rubbed his lips, "The time frame is very tight, we need at least two months to make a good event and send invitations to a good number of saints and-..."

"Father!! Did you forget that the opening ceremony of the new Jura City and the announcement of the Duchy of Burton will be in 3 weeks? The arrangements are already in place and all the big families will send envoys that day to bless the Burton family, all we have to do is announce that our wedding will be that day too ." Mila interrupted him and said,

"Ah, I totally forgot the date of that Burton family party. Excuse me, Little Robin, my head has a thousand things chasing each other Ahaha." Jalan looked at Robin with a sorry look

"Don't mention it, I too forgot about the specific day and your daughter was the one who chose the date." Robin raised his shoulder

"Ahahaha, this is one of the benefits of women, huh?" Galan laughed out loud

Robin laughed out loud and adjusted his seat, "You are absolutely right, they have a remarkable memory for those little things, once I was-..."

"You two, come back to the topic!!" Mila hit her foot on the ground

"cough cough... this day would be really perfect but, what about wedding gifts and all those other formalities? I really think we should wait for a little longed" Galan spoke in a low and rather shy voice, The last war nearly wiped out the Bradley family treasury

"What are you talking about, father-in-law?" Robin interjects, "You have already delivered your wedding gifts by sending many knights and five saints to help us in the time of need. Had it not been for Saint Edward, we would not have revived our family's army so quickly, and had it not been for Mila, the Rune Academy would not have grown and developed so quickly."

"These are simple favors between any two families with a good relation, how is it appropriate as a wedding gift for my eldest daughter to marry *your Excellency*? Haha, no no I have to arrange something good." Galan laughed and shook his head.

"I will not accept anything else from you, please close this subject for good! Actually, we are the ones who haven't handed you the wedding gifts yet, and... there you go!" said Robin emphatically and then took out three metal tablets from his pocket.

Galan's eyes started shining the moment Robin those famous metal tablets

In the past, he would break it on the head of its owner, but now he looked like a child who saw the most beautiful toy, "What is this? Huh? What is this..?!"

"You know, I recently started selling the Minor Heavenly Law Cultivation Technique of Blaze and heard that the Bradleys hadn't bought it yet, so I brought you this copy of the first and second stages of the Technique." Robin put the first tablet on the table in front of Galan

Seeing the tablet showed a big smile from ear to ear on Galan's face, of course, he wanted this technique!

But it was simply out of reach at the moment, he needs almost 9 million gold coins to even think about it, and this is no longer available after the war, and probably won't be available for a very long time, until he starts reaping something from his new lands at least...

When he was about to thank Robin, he found that Robin continued, "The Techniques of the Heavenly Laws in this world are full of flaws and mistakes, and whoever learns them leaves permanent traces in his foundations that cannot be erased with normal means, and this may cause him to stop his future potential..." At this point he placed one of the tablets on the table in front of Galan, "This is a foundation modification technique, whoever uses it can access the issues in his previous solid cultivation and modify it."

"What-..?!" Galan grabbed the tablet with her hand almost trembling, of course he knew the value of a technique like this!

Even those who don't know the right way to cultivate their laws still have some regrets considering their previous cultivation!

But the question still hit his head and asked, "How do we identify the problems in the previous training...?"

"Good question," Robin puts the third tablet on the table, "This one contains the perfect technique for the first and second stages of the Fire shards Minor Heavenly Law. You can use it as a reference to modify the previous solid cultivation of those who are using this Law."

"P..- Perfect... Technique?! ..Perfect…." Galan simply couldn't help himself!!

Mila looked with the side of her eyes at Robin, "You came to give me a farewell speech, but you have already prepared such well-thought wedding gifts?"

"Let us say that I had confidence in my personal charm hahaha… Ouch!!" Robin laughed out loud but was stopped by a punch in the shoulder, when he looked next to him he found a big smile on Mila's face...

"SIgh~ you are embarrassing me, Robin," Galan shook his head after about two minutes of going through the content of the tablets in his mind and put the three tablets on the table, before speaking again, "If we speak only in the language of gold, these three tablets can't be purchased with gold, not even hundreds of millions of gold coins can buy that Modification technique, let alone the rest..."

"You are doing it again my father-in-law, these are simple things for me that can't even amount in my eyes to be proper gifts to my Mila, If I had time I would have prepared even better things for her, so please don't take it like that, I just hope that after today, our families will be closer than before."

"No, no, it's not enough, listen... I have two other daughters who are younger than Mila, they are not quite as talented, but they are very beautiful too, I can give-"

"Father!!" Mila stood and cried out loud

"what? Don't you want good for your sisters?" Galan asked with an innocent face.

"Hmm... maybe I should leave now to prepare for the wedding, goodbye!" Then Robin stood up and quickly left, afraid that he would be there when Mila smashes the room on Galan's head.


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