Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 30: Wacky classmates.

Case 30: Wacky classmates.

It seems like we finally got the attention of the students.

Well, except the sleeping ones. But besides these anomalies, there are still like, four or five normal-looking ones, that's good, right...?

''Hi there, everyone, how are you doing?'' I say, smiling.

''Um... who are you? And why is the princess here...'' The professor asks, her face confused.

''They are transfer students, professor. They will be attending this class from now on, that includes me as well.'' Christina steps into the class. ''The details you can inquire the headmaster, he said that we can just join right now.'' She continues.

''I-I see? Then, please take your seats.'' The poor professor is still confused, but she obeys anyway.

Except for the two lizard people, two dwarves, and two sleeping dudes, everyone else is staring at us quite hard. 

But anyway, let's sit down first.

There are not a lot of students in this class, only eleven if I didn't trip and count right. And the class itself is pretty spacious as well, with a lot of empty tables, the total number of tables is 25 I believe, 5 rows and 5 columns.

So we walk to the end of the class, where there are still 4 empty tables, the other one is occupied by the push-up dude who's now sitting near the window, protagonist? He's smiling as well, his eyes are burning with enthusiasm, yup, this is the protagonist.

So in order, from the window, is the push-up dude, me, Emy, Christina, and finally Liana.

The professor continues to teach, based on what she's saying right now, and the writings on the board, this is probably a mana control class.

I learned all of this though, so let's do something else.

I turn to the protagonist, who is doing another set of push-ups again. I wait until he finished the set. ''Hey, is this class always like this?''

The dude sits down and says: ''Yeah, most of us don't understand all of that, instead, we just knew how to do it instinctively, so nobody really pays attention to this class.''

''Huh~ So that's what it is. What's your name?''

''Nick, nice to meet you.''

''Nice to meet you too, Nick, I'm Sylvia.''

''Alright, Sylvia.''

''So, what's the next class?''

''Ah, probably close combat class, they teach mostly martial arts and weapon arts.''

''Eh~ I'm bad at moving my body.'' I say, frowning.

''Well, you can watch from the sideline if you're a mage, so don't worry.''

''Oh, that's much better.'' My face brightens again.

This time I stand up and walk behind Christina, who's already dozing off, bringing my face close to her shoulder. 

''Hey, Christina.''

''!!'' Christina shudders, apparently surprised by my presence, and turns her head abruptly towards me.

Now our distance is scarily close, our nose almost touching.

I give her a bright smile. ''Christina, the next class is close combat, you use a spear, right?''

Christina seems stunned for a moment, then she snaps out and leans back a little bit. ''Y-Yeah.''

I move my head towards hers again, this time going close to her right ear, in the process, my long left ear bruises past her cheek.

''I will be watching over you, please do your best.'' I whisper.

Leaving the stunned Christina, I stand up. ''Of course, you two as well, I'm sure you guys will do well.'' I'm looking forward to seeing my girlfriends steamroll everybody.

After that, I walk back to my seat.

Teasing Christina is quite fun.

Thirty minutes later, the mana control class ended. Now we need to move to the gym. This time they seem to take it pretty seriously.

Then, almost everybody goes to the lockers nearby to get their weapon, including Christina, so most of them are melee weapon users. Oh, Nick is using a dual sword, as expected of the protagonist. Emy and Liana don't need to go anywhere to get their weapon, because I'm storing all of them inside my space bag.

The dwarves disappear completely, maybe they're not for combat.

Regardless, the gym is not that far away, I think I can fly here from the classroom in like, 10 seconds.

And it is huge, there's a sparring section, a weight section, a calisthenics section, and a running section as well, all inside a dome.

We're now sitting in the empty area surrounded by the O-shaped running track, the professor this time is a big muscular man with rough features.

''Alright! It looks like we have some new faces here today.'' The professor says pretty loudly. ''I already knew the princess's strength, but who are you three elves? Introduce yourself.''

''I'm a mage, so I'm going to watch.'' I speak up. I don't really wanna do exercise here, I'm doing it every night already.

''...Tch, mages again, fine.'' 

What is that attitude? Do I need to shove my 3-meter big telekinesis punch up your ass to teach you not to disrespect mages ever again?

''You two?'' He turns to my girlfriends this time.



''Ho~ Interesting, we will spend today's time to test you two, then. But first, three laps around this field! All of you need to do it, I don't care if you're a mage or not.''


''...Hah... Hah...'' 

I'm dying. Why is the track so long? I was thinking that maybe all the exercises I did at night were going to help me with physical activities, but apparently not running, I'm dying.

And don't stare at my breasts while running, you bozos.

Why am I doing thi- Hey! Those guys are cheating, they're flying with their wings?! 

It's the bird guy and another girl, those are dragon wings, right?

Fuck this, I'm going to cheat too.

So I use telekinesis to fly my way through the remaining 2 laps, completing the task.

I'm now sitting near the sparring area, as per the instruction of the professor.

Talking about the professor, he is complaining something to me, but I just use telekinesis to shut his mouth. I don't want to hear it.

In the end, most of the people are fine, except for one human girl and one lizard girl, both of them are mages. I feel you, my comrades.

Now both of them are walking towards me.

''Hey, um, you're so good at using telekinesis.'' The lizard girl says.


''What's your level?'' The human girl asks.

Hmm, what to do... Welp, let's pretend to be weak, I wanna feel like a manga protagonist for once.

''Ah, I'm 1-star Advance, telekinesis is my strongest magic.'' I reply, lying as I breathe.

''Wow, that makes sense, you're strong.'' The human girl exclaims.

''Sylvia.'' I point to myself.

''Ah, I'm Mia.'' The human girl responds.


''Julia.'' The lizard girl says.

''Alright, well, for now, let's watch them train.'' I nod, turning to the other classmates, who are now stretching.

''Alright! We will now test these new students. Anyone wants to go up?'' The professor yells.

''Me! I'll go first.'' A guy who looks like a delinquent with red hair raises his hand, licking his lips.

The hell is this dude.

''Okay! Derrick. And which of you two are going first?'' The professor turns to Emy and Liana.

''Let me go first.'' Liana said, frowning at the guy.

Stepping onto the concrete stage, Derrick opens his mouth.

''Hey girl, put that scary scythe down and go out with me, huh? It's not very lady-like, yknow?'' He sneers.

''Shut up and come at me, trash.'' Liana's face is now very scary, still beautiful, but scary.

''Hahahah! Fine, I'll humiliate you, and then make you submit to me!'' He grabs his knuckles coated in red mana and charges at Liana.

The dude is going for a right hook, which Liana promptly blocks with the handle of her scythe, completely unfazed.

His surprised face doesn't last very long, as Liana kicks him in his crotch right after, immediately rendering the guy unconscious. She then does one more kick to send him out of the arena.

Well, that was underwhelming.

But everyone seems to be in shock, heh, that's my girlfriend right there.

''Next.'' Liana says coldly.

''Let me try!''  This time the protagonist walks up.

He brandishes his dual sword and gets into his stance. His swords glow yellow.

''Come.'' Liana signals with her hand.

Nick charges at Liana, using his right sword to slash vertically from the top, which Liana blocks with the handle of the scythe, then Nick uses the remaining sword to try and do a horizontal cut to her side.

But before he can do that, Liana strengthens her mana and pushes the sword on top away, again uses the handle to block the other sword from the side, and delivers a kick to his stomach, sending him away.

''Y-You're so strong.'' He mutters, clutching his stomach.

''Continue?'' Liana asks.


The guy charges again, but ultimately he isn't able to do anything to Liana. Every hit is blocked by the handle, he has no way to attack her. Eventually-

''...I lost.'' Nick raises her hands, clutching his tattered stomach.

''Well, that's enough, isn't it?'' Liana turns to the professor, who was staring intently at her match.

''...Impressive! Yes, that's enough. What's your name?''


''Alright, Raeliana, I remembered you name. You can go back now, the other girl go up!''

Liana walks to where we are sitting. I can see people's eyes looking at her have changed now.

She then flops down next to me and leans onto my shoulder.

''You did great.'' I say, stroking her head.

Mia is blushing while Julia has a look of understanding.

But what do they do about the injured guys? Do they just leave them there?

I look around to see the cat girl, the same orange one I saw at the entrance, using some kind of magic that glows yellow onto the two injured dudes. That's... Divine magic, so she was a cat priest, huh.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Emy is facing off against the dragon girl.

The dragon girl is a mage, but she's also a dragon, so her physical strength is no joke. I'm assuming she's still young, that's why she's losing to Emy, although the tactic of going close combat while firing magic at the same time seems pretty cool, Emy is still able to counter all of the magic and attack her back.

It's just the difference in level, Emy's much more composed and refined in her skills than the girl. Eventually, the girl runs out of mana and forfeits.

Oh, this time is Christina, this will be interesting.

Emy charges forward Christina at her full speed, seems like she decided to go all out. She slashes Christina horizontally from the left to right, which Christina jumps back to dodge. Then Christina utilizes the range advantage of the spear and continuously thrusts the red tip coated with her mana toward Emy.

Emy dodges about half of them, the other half parries with her sword. Christina then falls back, probably running out of stamina, Emy uses this chance to close the distance again, pressing Christina with her slashes and stabs.

Christina barely manages to block most of them, leaving her with small scratches all over her body.

After some more exchanges, Christina forfeits.

''I lost.'' She raises her hands dejectedly.

I feel like the respect for us, well, my girlfriends is rising very fast.

The professor is obviously stunned. After a whole minute to reboot his window, He snaps back.

''Amazing! To think there's someone who can beat the princess. What's your name?''


''Good! Emilia, I'll remember that name!''

Christina and Emy come back to us after the cat girl heals their injuries, although Christina lost, she managed to get some hits on Emy.

''Good job, Emy.'' I say to Emy with a smile.

But Christina seems very dejected, maybe I should comfort her.

I walk closer to Christina, then pull her into a hug, her head buried in my breasts. Then I whisper to her:

''You did very well too, darling.''

Christina's breathing is getting rougher, she even puts her arms around me to hug me tighter as well. Looks like she loves this.

The rest of the class is just other guys sparring against each other, they're not bad, definitely have potential.

The other remaining classes are some theories again, which I already know, so we run away and go to a cafe to relax.

So that is the first day of our school, not bad.

The day after that, when we are about to go to school again, my nanny Isabella comes to us with information about a noble—a Marquis buying elf slaves.

Time for some killing.


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