Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 29: Another Saint.

Case 29: Another Saint.

knock knock

''Come in.'' A voice comes from behind the door.

Opening the door, I can see a middle-aged man, sitting at a desk filled with documents and books. The man has black and white two-tone hair neatly slicked back, black eyes, and a pair of glasses on his face.

The whole room is nothing but bookshelves, actually, bro got the whole library in his office.

''I see, so you have arrived. Welcome, Princess Sylvia, and the ladies as well.'' He nods at us, who has gone inside the room. ''And Your Yighness too, if you don't mind my shabby place.''

''Hey there, mister headmaster? What should I call you?'' I greet, making four chairs out of mana for us to sit in because this goofball doesn't have any chairs in his office, duh.

The headmaster's eyes widen a bit. ''...That was impressive, Princess Sylvia. And my name is Stephen Hawking, please call me Stephen.''

Say what?? Stephen Hawking?? Is this a coincidence?

No, I don't think so, either this guy learned about that name from a Saint, or... He is a Saint himself. Interesting.

I heard that the last Saint went into hiding after he defeated the demon king... Maybe he's just raising kids now? That's possible.

Well, either way, let's ask the goddess later.

''Alright then, Stephen, honestly, as you might have already known... We're not exactly weaker than the professors here, nor do we need any teachings from them.''

''But... We are curious about how the students and professors here perform in battles, you never know, we might learn something new from them.''

''So, can you recommend us some activities that showcase their talents? We'd love to join and observe.'' I blurt out, lying as I breathe.

Stephen ponders for a bit, then he opens his mouth: ''I see you are telling the truth, seeing your previous performance, I'd imagine the ladies here are also extraordinary as well.''

Yup, they're my proud girlfriends, I love them.

''If so, I would recommend following the curriculum of the A class, they are the most talented students we have, and their activities are diverse as well.'' Stephen continues.

''I see, but isn't there an A class for each year?'' I ask.

''That's right, Princess, you can choose whichever year you want to enter, I personally would recommend the second year's A class, they are by far the most talented, and... Interesting, as well.''

''Hmm... That sounds good, what do you guys think?'' I turn to my girlfriends, actually, what the hell is Christina doing here?

''Fine by me.''

''That is fine.''

''Alright, we'll join the second year's A class then.''

''Understood, Princess, I will have the staff arrange three additional seats for you.'' Stephen says.

''Wait, make it four.'' Christina interrupts. ''You know I have nothing to learn here anymore, right? Might as well join Sylvia here for some fun. I only have two more semesters before graduating anyway.'' She grins.

So that was why you were here. But I respect that, nothing wrong with wanting more fun.

''I see, I'll make it four, then. The list will not be updated right away, but you can talk to the professors in charge of each class to join, for now. With Her Highness there, there shouldn't be a problem.''

''Thanks, Stephen, we'll just go to the class, then, if no one has anything more to say.'' I stand up.

''Yes, please leave the work for me and enjoy your stay here as much as possible.''


Left alone in the office, Stephen reaches his hand to massage his temples.

''...I've never thought his daughter would be even bolder than him.''

At the time when he was still active as a Saint, Louis Everwood was his magic teacher, his sworn brother, and his comrade, fighting against the demon king together. That was roughly 50 years ago. Since then, he himself has changed his name to a famous scientist's back on Earth - Stephen Hawking, and started to teach children as his new job. Meanwhile, Louis came back to Everwood to inherit the elven throne. 

Lighting up a cigarette in his mouth, he inhales deeply, and puffs out smoke with his nose.

''The daughter is even more of a monster than he is...''


Well, upon asking the goddess, she told me that Stephen is indeed a Saint, just, retired. But she was pretty sure that he would pop out again when the demon king resurrected, he was kinda known for his sense of justice and love for peace. 

Normally when a Saint survives their fight against the demon king and successfully kills him, they would have no more obligation to continue fighting the next one, but there are those like Stephen who still come out every now and then to support the current Saint, that's very nice to hear.

That I did expect, but the redhead walking together with us right now I didn't. But well, I can't complain, we still need someone to guide us anyway.

While we're walking behind Christina, I hear the bell ring, which means we're late, on day one. 

''We're late, it looks like.'' Liana says.

''Well, can't really do anything about that, let's just go slowly then, late is still late.'' I reply.

''I'm sure it will be alright, the professors can't really do anything to you guys anyway.'' Christina add. ''But, I've been curious, how strong are you guys actually?'' She continues, slowing down to walk beside us.

''Ah... I'm an Archmage.''

Christina freezes at her place, leaving us walking ahead, we then turn around and look at her.

''...No joke?''


''You're insane.''

''Maybe.'' I shrug.

Somehow her cheeks are starting to become redder, and her eyes looking at me are getting more and more violent... What the hell is going on here? And that smile... Is dangerous.

''Well, getting better yet?'' I ask.

''Ah! I'm fine, I'm fine. How about you two?'' Christina walks faster, catching up with us again.

''3-star Advance''

''5-star Advance''

''...You're all insane.''

Walking through the hallway on the third floor of a 3 stories building, we arrive at the room that has the sign '2-A' on it. This should be my classroom.

I can already hear someone talking inside, maybe the professor teaching.

Opening the door, I can see the professor, a woman presumably in her thirties writing something on the chalkboard, she then stops and turns to us.

''...Elves? And the princess...?'' She mutters.

Looking around the class, a number of questions popped up in my mind.

Firstly, why is there a guy doing handstand push-ups on the table at the end of the class? Do it at the park.

Secondly, why are these two lizard people kissing near the window? Do it in your room.

Thirdly, there's one human dude and one more dude who has wings, and they're both sleeping? Sleep in your room.

Next, two dwarves are facing each other, examining a sword, completely ignoring the professor, why bother coming to school?

And lastly, there's one cat girl who's seriously doing hot pot amidst all this chaos, huh??

This is too much 'interesting', Stephen.


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