Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 147 - 144: Don’t you think it’s such a pity?

Chapter 147: Chapter 144: Don’t you think it’s such a pity?

Bi Fang decided to sign a revenue-sharing contract with B Island.

He studied both companies carefully and found they were much the same as those in his original world, though it seemed B Island was somewhat richer?

The market value of the two video websites was similar, but the implications of their similarities were quite different.

B Island was on the rise, only recently reaching its current level, while Ai Qi Yi was continuously falling to such an extent that they couldn’t even be compared.

This indicated the market was more optimistic about B Island; it had deep waters, but B Island had grasped the future.

Moreover, what differentiated B Island from mainstream video platforms was that it was a video platform that developed based on a community, and its community attributes gave B Island higher user stickiness and loyalty, and its content was also more popular among young people.

It just so happened to overlap with Bi Fang’s fanbase characteristics; young people had vigorous energy, pursued excitement more, and also had a stronger desire for knowledge.

From a benefit standpoint, there was no doubt B Island was the choice to make; as long as more people watched, influence would grow, and Wilderness Points would not be few.

Choosing revenue-sharing, earnings might be less at the beginning, but they would definitely exceed a flat rate of eight hundred thousand per episode in the long run, and just one or two more live broadcasts would raise the scores, in this way, the Points he earned wouldn’t be few, and as long as B Island didn’t go bankrupt, they would keep flowing continuously.

So Bi Fang didn’t upload videos immediately, but instead took some time to sign the contract.

It had to be said that Wolf Fang’s services were really thorough; knowing he was busy, they specially assigned the assistant Liu Qian to take care of various affairs for him, even directly using their own company’s legal team during the contract signing, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Bi Fang felt more and more that his initial choice to sacrifice some fans and not stay in the big pit that was Shark was the right one.

In such a treacherous environment, it would be a miracle to be able to live stream in peace.

After finishing the affairs, Bi Fang announced the news in the fan group.

“Tonight at 8 PM, my fourth edited video will still premiere on B Island, everyone can pay attention.”

“Alright, alright, definitely supporting!”

“I’ll send the first barrage comment!”

Everyone was excited, Master Fang’s live streams were truly not enough to watch.

Are we not going for second and third viewings?

“Speaking of which, why hasn’t Master Fang held a lottery recently? I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time…”

“Another person who thinks they’re a ‘Lucky Emperor’ has appeared.”

“Protected animals, even scientists can’t get them, how could they possibly be given to you?”

“Right, and what’s there for you in the desert? Sand? Or groundwater?

“I can! I’d find even the sand Master Fang carries fragrant.

“Bootlickers don’t get a house!”

Bi Fang no longer watched the ridiculous discussions of his fans online and went on the internet to buy a ticket back to Magic Capital.

just as he got off the plane, Bi Fang spotted a young man wearing gold-nmmed glasses holding a sign to greet him.

Someone to pick up at the airport?

Bi Fang approached, somewhat hesitant, “You are?

“Oh, Mr. Bi, I am the secretary, Jiang Li, of Mr. Lin Changlin. You can call me

Xiao Jiang,” Jiang Li extended his hand, his face full of smiles.

Bi Fang shook hands with the man, even more curious, as he had not mentioned his flight to anyone.

“How did Lin Chang know I’m here?”

“We didn’t find out, someone else notified us and asked us to pickyou up to discuss some matters in person,” Jiang Li replied.

Bi Fang tilted his head, quite interested, “Who?”

Jiang Li smiled, stepping aside and opening the car door, “Mr. Bi, let’s get in the car and talk.”

Bi Fang noticed people nearby pointing at him, as if recognizing him, and he didn’t want to linger, so he directly got into the car.

He wasn’t afraid of being deceived; what kind of trickster drives a Maybach?

“Mr. Bi, do you remember those people we ran into in the desert?

“They had an accident?” Bi Fang frowned.

“Yes, after you left, their car had a fuel leak that ignited a big fire on the spot. Thankfully, rescue efforts were timely; only two people were critically burned, and the leader, Du Chuan, became a vegetable and hasn’t woken up yet. The others also suffered injuries of varying degrees and are in the hospital.”

Bi Fang was astonished. He didn’t expect such a thing to happen after his departure?

If such an incident had occurred, it made no sense that there was no sound

about it in his fan group.

Shouldn’t the internet have exploded?

“Why is there no news about this incident online?

“Because the responsibility for the incident lies on them. Afterwards, we contacted the police for an investigation at the scene. According to the investigation, the car was rented and not quality assured, not having undergone check-ups for a long time, which directly caused the fuel tank to leak under extreme day-night temperature differences.

“As for the cause of the fire, it was Du Chuan carelessly throwing a cigarette butt. It had nothing to do with you. And if it hadn’t been for you getting them out of the car, the fire would have truly combusted internally, and it’s likely none would have survived. Most importantly, this incident has been given a characterization by certain people above.”

“Is someone helping us?”

Jiang Li turned a comer and continued, “That’s right. The president of the National Geographic Society has a brother who’s a leader in the propaganda department, with a very high rank.”

Bi Fang suddenly realized, so that’s how it was.

indeed, good deeds do get rewarded. He had saved someone, and the payoff came immediately. Otherwise, even if no one had died, getting caught up m the situation would have been a real hassle.

It must have been Wu Mingtao and his friends who had exerted their influence. By the way, he had promised last time to write a column for them, he wondered if they had written it yet since he hadn’t read it. He would subscribe and take a look when he got back.

“Is he the person I’m meeting this time?”


There was a traffic jam on the road, and the sound of horns from the cars ahead merged into one, like a boiling kettle.

The map was imprinted in Jiang Li’s mind. With a turn of the steering wheel, he took a shortcut, winding through a few streets, then emerged onto a wide, smooth avenue.

Through the car window, Bi Fang observed people in suits and leather shoes coming and going, each walking with an air of confidence, as though they were living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Looking up, he could only see the serrated skyline and a straight stretch of sky. The surrounding skyscrapers grew towards the sky like a dense bamboo forest, as if one day they might reach and merge with the sky itself.

Indeed, he still couldn’t get used to it.

Bi Fang heaved a sigh. At that moment, Jiang Li also stopped the car to begin the security check.

Once the check was over, the two of them were allowed to enter.

Ten minutes later, they arrived.

As soon as he got out of the car, Bi Fang noticed that Lin Chang and Yao Jun were already waiting for him.

Upon seeing Bi Fang, Yao Jun greeted him with a bear hug, “Man, you’re finally back!”

“Why are you guys here too?”

“Aren’t we here to discuss club business with you? We’ve completed all the necessary procedures and now we’re just waiting for you to pick the place and arrange the decoration. Hold on, you weren’t just talking for fun last time, were you?”

“Of course not.” Bi Fang was speechless, how could they be more proactive than him? He had just suggested an idea, and they had taken care of everything?

“Good, then go on in. The real bigwig is inside, the kind my father would be scared of,” Yao Jun said, patting Bi Fang’s shoulder, pointing towards the building.

Bi Fang looked at the bulging waists of the guards at the door and felt a twinge of nervousness, “What’s going on exactly? Do you guys know?”

Unfortunately, Lin Chang and Yao Jun both shook their heads. They didn’t know either. The only thing they were sure of was that it was nothing bad.

“Alright then, I’m going inside,” Bi Fang waved his hand.

“Okay, after you come out, let’s go eat together to celebrate your return!”

“No problem!”

When Bi Fang approached the entrance, the guard immediately stopped him. After confirming his identity, they conducted a body search.

Watching the searched Bi Fang disappear, Yao Jun and Lin Chang leaned against the car and chatted.

“Strange, a provincial bigwig personally meeting him, the face he’s being given is fucking huge!”

Lin Chang shook his head, finding it exaggerated, “That’s not entirely true. He was just in the Magic Capital for other matters and took the opportunity to meet. Saying it was a personal meeting is a bit much.

“Nicely put with the ‘just’. Worthy of being the son of the Lin family, not the same as us ordinary folks. I admire you,” Yao Jun said, bowing with his hands clasped.

“Get lost, stop teasing me!”

“By the way, those people’s family members were causing such a ruckus before, how did you suppress it?”

“I didn’t suppress anything. I just made them understand that for every hour they caused trouble, their dear sons would have to stay in for an additional year. If they dared to make a fuss for a day, it would be life imprisonment,” Lin Chang said casually, lighting a cigarette. “The next day, they vanished without a trace, didn’t even visit the hospital.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, that’s brilliant, really brilliant!”

Half an hour later, the door opened again.

Seeing this, Yao Jun and Lin Chang hurried over to inquire about the situation. “How did it go? What’s the good news, tell us?”

Bi Fang looked at their expectant faces and was silent for a long time, giving off a somber vibe that made their hearts sink.

Unable to hold back, Yao Jun asked, “What, did they criticize you?”

Bi Fang let out a sigh, his downcast mood appearing genuine, “Yes, there s been trouble, big trouble! They told me to keep a lower profile in the future.” The two were shocked. What did this mean? Were they censuring him?

At that moment, Bi Fang took out a small booklet from his pocket and handed it over. The two quickly grabbed it, and upon seeing the contents…

“Is this what you call keeping a low profile?” Yao Jun really wanted to hit someone.

“Yeah, I received this red booklet at twenty-five. They told me to keep a low profile, to not be too conspicuous.”

“To walk in silken robes at night, what a pity.”


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