Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 146 - 143 Exclusive Copyright

Chapter 146: Chapter 143 Exclusive Copyright

At the train station.

There weren’t many people at the ticket check. Passengers sitting in chairs cast curious glances as Bi Fang came by with a camel.


A call, and the normally docile camel became restless, seemingly wanting to break free from Bi Fang’s control.

Bi Fang looked at the middle-aged man at the entrance of the station and understood. He smiled faintly, patted the camel’s neck, and let it go free.

Without a doubt, the camel’s owner had arrived.

During the live stream, Bi Fang had told his online friends to call the police, and surprisingly, it worked. The camel’s owner found them on his own, saving Bi Fang the trouble of searching.

Not far away, man and camel hugged tightly, and after a long while, the middle-aged man came over to thank Bi Fang.

The man introduced himself as Bater, saying the camel was a legacy from his father, with whom he had grown up since childhood. A month ago, when he was about to move, he planned to cross the desert with the camels. Unfortunately, they encountered a sandstorm and lost three out of thirty-seven camels.

Bater was convinced that the camels, which he regarded as family, would return on their own.

As expected, two of them had made it back home, but the last and most important one was yet to return.

Everyone at home was frantic.

Reporting to the police was futile; no one had spotted the missing camel. Bater was about to give up, but then he received a call from the police, asking him to watch a live stream to identify if the camel in it was his. That’s how he found Naren.

Last night, when Bater saw Bi Fang arrive in Deji Village, he guessed that Bi Fang might head to the town’s train station along the railway, and came to wait early in the morning.

Indeed, his persistence paid off, as he finally got what he was waiting for.

“After Naren left, my little daughter kept crying, thinking I had abandoned Naren on purpose. It’s the last memento my father left me. It grew up with me and my children. I’m truly grateful.”

“If anyone should be grateful, it’s me who should thank Naren,” said Bi Fang, smiling as he stroked the camel’s head. “Lost camels rarely come back willingly. You must treat them like family on regular days.”

“Of course, I treasure every camel as a precious gift from Immortal God,” Bater laughed heartily.

All along the way, Bi Fang had really grown fond of the gentle and lovable camel; parting with it was indeed difficult.

If not for its close relationship with its owner, he would have wanted to take it back and keep it himself. With his current financial capacity, it was feasible to raise a camel.

“In that case, I’ll be taking my leave,” said Bi Fang, waving goodbye as he prepared to leave.

But how could Bater simply let Bi Fang go? His gratitude was not just lip service but deeply heartfelt, insisting on having a meal with Bi Fang.

Unable to resist further, Bi Fang agreed, and they ate heartily together, especially after Bi Fang’s digestive function was enhanced.

Bi Fang’s appetite had increased substantially, and with his injury requiring a lot of nutrients, he alone consumed the equivalent of nearly three full-grown adults, to Bater’s astonishment.

The meal took quite a while, and afterward, Bater even pulled out a beautifully patterned dagger inlaid with silver and gave it to Bi Fang, hoping it would bring him good luck and safety.

Bi Fang didn’t refuse and accepted the gift.

It was only after three in the afternoon that he managed to leave and went to the provincial hospital for further treatment of his wound.

The only bad news was that his injury was severe. Even though his bones were intact, he required more than a month of rest to prevent any lingering effects.

Bi Fang had no choice but to painfully use the System’s acceleration healing function.

It cost ten Points a day and increased the healing speed by five times, with no aftereffects.

As for the new, more expensive, and more effective intensive healing, Bi Fang was reluctant to use it. After all, he only had just over a thousand Points, and each one used was one less.

Moreover, he hadn’t yet edited the footage for B Island, and many fans in the group were already urging him to do so.

Bi Fang’s live streaming quality was unique among all streamers, presenting a picture more clear, exquisite, and thrilling than even BBD’s documentaries. These people were not satisfied with watching it just once, constantly clamoring for the edited version.

However, the assistant arranged by Wang Yongbo, Liu Qian, interrupted this process.

“Mr. Bi, are you going to upload this video to B Island this time?”

“Yes, what’s the matter?”

“It’s like this, there are currently seven video websites that want to buy the exclusive broadcasting rights to your video, but since they couldn’t find you, they asked us to pass on the message.”

“Exclusive broadcasting rights?”


“What are the terms?”

Liu Qian sent over a document.

Bi Fang glanced through it, directly ignoring the smaller websites. Not only was their influence insufficient, but their offers were also not generous enough, a common issue with smaller companies.

But that’s normal, video platforms are complex businesses. To succeed, a company must balance the breadth and appeal of their content, and even if a company is willing to take a risk and spend a lot of money to buy his exclusive rights, it’s very dangerous for cash flow if they can’t recoup the investment quickly.

Bi Fang flipped through and circled two key proposals.

The best offer was from Ai Qi Yi, with the highest bid at one million per episode, and the commitment was for twelve episodes per season. If calculated normally, he could earn twelve million.

B Island offered two schemes. One was a fixed price, eight hundred thousand per episode, with the commitment also for twelve episodes per season, two hundred thousand less than Ai Qi Yi.

The other was a revenue sharing model. To promote their platform, B Island had set aside a large sum of money to purchase exclusive rights to excellent web dramas, and they had very generous profit-sharing rules. Additionally, the internal management rated Bi Fang’s videos as A-grade, the highest video standard.

According to the rules, for an A-grade web drama, as long as an individual account watches for more than 6 minutes per episode, it would count as a valid click. For every valid click, he would receive 0.4 yuan in revenue sharing.

That means, for each episode of Bi Fang’s videos, as long as he guaranteed a million valid clicks per episode, he could earn about four hundred thousand in revenue sharing income!

The same amount, forty Wilderness Points.

With Bi Fang’s current number of fans, this viewership number was not difficult to achieve.

Not every young person likes to watch live streams. Or rather, they only make up a relatively small part. The mainstream audience prefers to watch videos.

However, Bi Fang hadn’t really considered this scenario, or rather, he hadn’t expected the terms to be so generous.

Video platforms indeed allocate a large sum of special funds to purchase the rights for hot drama series and variety shows, or exclusive broadcasting rights, and then bundle them with memberships to increase the site’s competitiveness.

Rights are the moat of video platforms. Many sites burn money, primarily on this front.

But he hadn’t expected to be able to receive such treatment already!

If he became globally famous, like Bear Grylls in his previous life, such treatment wouldn’t be surprising.

But he had only held four live streams in total, really ventured out only three times, and B Island’s officials had already looked so favorably upon him, directly rating him as A-grade.

It was somewhat unbelievable.

Generally, the grading of web dramas into ABCD levels within a website all have standards, many restrictions, and is very stringent—only certain particularly excellent dramas can possibly achieve such ratings.

And to get graded, one must first sign an exclusive broadcasting agreement with the platform.

Therefore, exclusive broadcasting is no longer a one-time buyout; rather, revenue is shared based on the actual popularity of the video.

This model is more secure for both the website and the creators, and it can reduce risk.

Bi Fang twirled his ballpoint pen, pondering for a long time.

Is it probably because B Island’s higher-ups have recently decided to splurge, and just so happened to take a fancy to his Wilderness Survivalist, thinking it could be turned into a special column, hence this offer?

After thinking it over for a long time, Bi Fang made his decision.

“Sign with B Island, and go with their revenue-sharing plan.”


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