Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

<~> Chapter 113

I woke up the next morning when Bella roused from sleep. I wasn't sure what time it was since the room didn't have any windows, but no one had come to wake us yet. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if people got a bit of a late start in the building considering what most of the girls were usually up to all night.

Rather than get up right away I decided to look over my status. It's been a while since I last looked over it, mostly minor improvements here and there. A few skill levels were the biggest change, though I still have 10 Stat points to spend. I put them into Speed, bringing my total stat up to 80 after my class bonus. Speed was a stat that felt more useful to me than Strength was right now, which would have been my second choice.


Name: Lilith [Surname Undefined]
Race: Succubus [Race Hidden - Displayed as Beastkin (Sheep)]
Gender: Female
Class: [Novice Magic Swordsman] Lv. 9
Level: 39

Stat Spread:
Strength: 70
Vitality: 100
Charisma: 10 (212)
Luck: 20 (222)
Finesse: 50
Magic Control: 70
Magic Force: 80 (125)
Speed: 60 (80)
Endurance: 10
Karmic Energy: 2021

Unallocated Stat points: 0


Haggling Lv. 15
Swordsmanship Lv. 38
Illusion Magic Lv. 4
Light Magic Lv. 9
Light Manipulation Lv. 9
Uuna Riding Lv. 13
Linguistics Lv. 10
Ritual Magic Lv. 10
Drawing Lv. 12
Mana Sense Lv. 4
Luck Magic Lv. 1
Enhancement Magic lv. 1

Class Abilities

Merchant Skill - Calculations
Prostitute Passive - Resist Disease
Prostitute Passive - Magic Fingers

Special Passives:

Special drop rate up
Double Down

Innate Abilities:
Karmic Balance
Karma Awareness
Karmic Resonance
Karmic Retribution
Dominating Authority
Karmic Hypnotism
Soultouched Connection Lv. 4
Induce Arousal

Racial Traits:

Infernal Heat Resistance
Infernal Cold Resistance
Sexual Appetite Lv. 5
Succubus Shifting
Soulbound Companions
Lubricating Saliva
Pleasure Sense


[World Traveler - Hidden Title]
[Origin of Succubi - Hidden Title]
[Dungeon Destroyer]
[First Explorer]
[Early Intervention]
[Demon Hunter]


Light Magic:
[Light Orb]
[Light Beam]
[Light Signal]
[Light Scribing]
[Light Burst]

Illusion Magic:
[Zone of Silence]

Luck Magic:
[Melee Hex]
[Coin Flip]
[Die Nudge]

Enchantment Magic:
[Flame Imbue]
[Blade Waltz]
[Focused Perception]

I looked at [Surname Undefined]. It's been like this since I got here, I've been asked a few times if I had a surname and I've repeatedly said no. But if I'm going to build a family, perhaps it's time to think about one. I mulled it over for a while before putting the decision off. I'll think about this more when I have some free time.

Bella was stretching and smiled when she saw me sit up too. "Good morning Lilith. Did you sleep okay?"

"For the most part. I got to bed kind of late but I don't seem to need too much sleep. I'm surprised you're up so early."

Bella scratched the back of her head as her ears turned pink. "I know I tend to sleep in a lot but I got to bed so early last night that I got plenty of sleep."

Morrigan mumbled in her sleep a little. I smiled and looked down at her. "Let's go sit on the couch, I don't want to wake her. She's normally a light sleeper."

Bella nodded and slid out of bed and moved over to the couch on the other side of the room. My eyes trailed down her body. She wore nothing but panties and an oversized shirt, I was wearing just about the same. I followed her over and pulled her into my arms once I got comfortable. She smiled and nuzzled my neck before relaxing against me. I stroked the top of her head and down her back as she leaned against me. The two of us sat like that for a while just enjoying each other's company. I'd felt as though I hadn't had enough time to spend with Bella lately so I was happy for this moment alone.

Before long I heard shifting in the other room that Torien and Silva were in. Eventually, Torien quietly cracked the door and saw the two of us cuddling. I couldn't help but grin when I saw her slightly disheveled looking hair. The big smile she had on her face turned to one of hot embarrassment when she looked at my face. She knew I knew.

She headed to the bathroom with her eyes glued to the floor. Her entire face was red, clear as day despite the dim lanterns in the room. Of course, all of us could see in anything but pitch blackness, colors could still be hard to make out but not with that much contrast.

Bella tilted her head curiously as Torien went into the bathroom without a word. "Hm, do you think Torien is feeling okay? She didn't seem like her usual self this morning."

I giggled a bit making Bella even more confused. "You should ask her Bella. Make sure she doesn't have a fever."

Bella studied my face, she knew she was missing something but wasn't sure what it was. When Torien came back out of the bathroom Bella slid off of me and walked over to her. Torien shrank away but Bella walked right up to her and put her hand on Torien's forehead.

"Are you feeling alright Torien? You look really red this morning... Hmm, you don't seem to have a fever. Can I check you out with magic?"

"I- I'm fine!" Torien slinked away and Bella looked even more confused. Torien turned to me and gave me the stink eye. "Since you two are up, I'm going to wake up Silva. Why don't you wake up my sister?" She hurried back into the adjoining room and closed the door before Bella could reply.

I couldn't help but laugh. Bella looked back at me, still not following what just happened. That just made it even funnier for me so I just covered my eyes and tried not to make too much noise.

"Uh... right. I guess I'll wake up Morrigan then?" Bella sat on the bed next to Morrigan and trailed her fingers along her back. Morrigan was a light sleeper so a little bit of petting quickly roused her from her sleep.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking around the room confused. "I feel more rested than I ever have in my life. This bed is awesome. We should steal it."

I chucked which made Morrigan cock a smile.

Bella's brows furrowed. "Morrigan, will you check on your sister? She looked red this morning and Lilith isn't taking it seriously."

Morrigan grinned and looked over at me. "Ooooh? I better investigate."

The reaction just made Bella even more confused as she watched Morrigan slip into the other room without knocking.

Bella looked like she was going to confront me but she didn't get the chance because Morrigan's voice loudly cut through the quiet. "Hey!"

I headed over and peeked over Bella's shoulder who had opened the door. Torien was turned away, looking like she was pouting, Silva was rubbing her eyes and Morrigan was red as a tomato.

"What happened?" Bella asked.

Morrigan pointed at Silva. "She kissed me!"

"I thought you were your sister, it's hard to see in here." Ah, that's right. Maybe rabbits don't actually have great night vision like the rest of us. I wasn't sure. In fairness, I didn't even know if I could rely on my knowledge of animals from my own world to make assumptions like that, especially since Silva is a demi.

Torien huffed and turned farther away, her jealous pouting only made me smile wider. I was happy for the two of them but boy does it make me want to tease her. I may have a bit of a sadistic streak.

Morrigan looked back and forth between the two of them and sighed. "I thought something may be happening between you two but come on. At least make sure you're kissing the right twin!"

Silva looked like she was going to argue but I cut in. "Hold on to that thought Silva, you don't want to dig yourself deeper." I was almost snickering at the situation, this was so ridiculous.

Silva cleared her through. "Right, yes. Sorry Morrigan... Sorry Torien."

"Wait wait." Bella was gesturing at the two of them. "So you two are like... a thing now? Since when?"

Torien turned red again and looked away but Silva smiled broadly and answered, "Last night."

I almost choked. "Wait? This hasn't been going on for longer?"

Silva tilted her head. "No? Why?"

I rubbed my arm. "I uh, may have briefly seen a bit of you two together last night."

Torien covered her face and turned away from us completely now, Silva on the other hand subtly puffed up in pride.

"What happened to getting to know us better first?" Bella asked, her ears drooping a bit.

For the first time I can remember Silva looked a bit embarrassed. She ran her thumb over the knuckles of her other hand before answering. "Well, Torien and I have been getting along pretty great so far. I wanted to talk to her about things first before I agreed to anything."

Torien still hadn't joined the conversation, far too embarrassed to add anything herself.

Morrigan huffed. "Well, a bit of warning would have been nice. You kissed me out of nowhere! What did the two of you even decide?"

Silva chucked. "We uh, didn't get that far. After I asked her if she wanted to... be with me, things got heated and we didn't talk much at all..."

Morrigan's expression went flat. "So you really did mix the two of us up?"

"I couldn't help it! It's almost pitch black in here and you look pretty similar in the dark!"

I laughed which got me glares from both twins. I raised my hands. "Hey! I didn't say it. I can tell the two of you apart just fine!" I couldn't help but grin. I kinda threw Silva under the bus here but this was just too good.

Morrigan sighed and rubbed her face. "All of us met not that long ago so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you'd better make up with Torien pretty quick though. I'm not the only twin who wouldn't want to be mistaken for my sister if we were lovers.

Silva blushed and looked away.

I shook my head. "Come on girls, let's leave these two alone for a bit while we get dressed. I have something I need to talk to everyone about before we get started today. Silva included."

The three of us got dressed while we waited for the other two to join us. Mimi had been listening in the whole time but was content to just watch the whole thing play out. I'm not sure how much of what was going on she understood but she didn't ask any questions about it and I didn't sense any confusion through our bond. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to make this into some kind of lesson so I just let the idea pass.

Morrigan was in a good mood, laughing and smiling to herself as she got dressed. She caught me watching her so I just grinned back. She looked away, lost in thought for a moment before turning back to me. "I'm really happy for her. I've never seen my sister that embarrassed before and they really have been getting along well so far. She must really like her." She chuckled. "Accidently kissing me must have thrown quite the wrench into things though."

I suddenly had a weird thought. Do wrenches even exist here? Is the system even translating colloquialisms? I shook the thought away when the two love birds came into the main room. Silva looked relaxed again, they probably worked things out. Torien however still looked a bit embarrassed but was fully dressed in her faux-maid outfit. The two side by side made Torien the more feminine-looking of the two which made me laugh a bit internally since she was normally quite the tomboy. If Silva wants to be a servant would I have to dress her up in a maid outfit too? Would she insist on a male version of the outfit? Is there some kind of butler outfit for males? I was a bit morbidly curious, it wasn't something I had even considered but the mental picture made me laugh.

Once everyone was sitting down and looking at me I cast a zone of silence around our group. "Alright, first things first. I need to tell Silva about the last secret I haven't shared until now. I'm sure it'll make things make a bit more sense."

Silva nodded but didn't interject.

"So, I've been beating around the bush about my race. I'm not actually a Beastfolk, I'm something called a Succubus. In fact, I'm the Origin of Succubi, the first of my kind."

Silva's eyes widened in surprise but... maybe I expected more of a reaction? She seemed more shocked when I told her my name for the first time.

I continued, "The reason I know for sure that Mimi is not a demon and technically not even a monster, is because I turned her into a succubus like myself not long after we met."

Silva looked around at our party before stopping on Torien. "Are all of you succubi?"

I shook my head. "No. Bella, Mimi, and myself are. Morrigan and Torien are Pantharians like I had mentioned before."

"What does being a succubus entail?" Silva asked.

"It means that we are people with some shapeshifting abilities and we... get stronger and sustain ourselves through the lust aspect mana we create while having sex."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "To put it another way, you eat by having sex?"

I blushed a little at the bluntness. "Yes."

She glanced at the table. "So that's the reason why you barely ate anything last night?"

I nodded. "Truthfully Bella and I don't really get much from eating other than the enjoyment of it. Mimi..." I glanced over at the mimic sitting on the bed. "she retains a lot of her original abilities so she gets more from eating, well anything really." Mimi smiled and waved in response.

Silva looked back towards me. "So why are you telling me all of this now? I could see why you would keep this close to the chest, being an Origin makes you... vulnerable."

I nodded, happy that she understood where I was at. "It does. The reason I'm telling you now is that I think I'm ready to start expanding my race." I pointed down. "The people in this building are the perfect candidates. They're nice people, they're kind to each other, they look out for each other, and they have lots of sex. I want to talk with Raya and Oceane about picking out people who may benefit from becoming succubi and who would want to be succubi. If I do this they're going to become dependent on sex to survive rather than food, which could also help their situation as well. But the only ones I want to do this to are the people who truly enjoy sex and are loyal to the people here. I talked to Raya for a while last night, to her a lot of the people in this building are like her family. I want the people I transform into succubi to love each other like family too, to benefit from being a succubi, and enjoy being a succubi."

"How much does this transformation change?" Silva was paying close attention now.

Bella spoke up. "Before I was a succubi I was a human... and a boy."

Silva looked shocked and scanned Bella up and down. "N-no way."

I nodded. "When the transformation happens the recipient becomes their 'ideal self.' I'm not sure how much the change is moldable or if it's subconscious. The original version of the ability gave me control over the transformation but it changed when I rejected that aspect of the ability. But the recipient may still have some control over the transformation instead now."

"Subconscious?" Silva asked.

"Er, molded by their inner desires rather than how they feel in the moment. The only two people I've changed so far are Bella and Mimi. Both changes were pretty drastic, though in Mimi's case, it gave her that form as a new 'true form' rather than her previous candlestick form. The two of us aren't able to transform as thoroughly as Mimi can though. At least not yet, one of our racial abilities allows for transformation but it's limited and bound by our mana."

"How is the transformation done?"

I scanned the description text of the ability and noticed that some minor changes have taken place since I last looked. I decide to summarize, "The person who is to be transformed makes an oath 'not to work against me' and are transformed. They become lesser succubi, though that seems to be temporary, and they gain the 'soultouched' status."

Silva suddenly looked guarded. "Does this ability steal souls?"

I shook my head. "No. I was once a demon but because I am the Origin of Succubi and detest demons myself, my race shifted away from being a demon, and is now simply a 'Succubus.' When that happened the ability I once had to take souls turned into [Soultouch] instead. Both versions require that I'm truthful when I discuss any terms involving the transformation but the new version softened and changed to be much more in the recipient's benefit."

Silva looked thoughtful. "If I asked to be transformed... would you allow it?"


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