Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

<~> Chapter 112

I still wasn't all that tired so I went down to the common room with Raya to meet some of the other girls that lived and worked here. Everyone seemed to have lots of free time right now since there were hardly any customers. The fact that they had any at all with everything going on was a bit surprising but I suppose some people have strange priorities. Not that I'm one to talk I suppose.

I looked around, this place had a bit of a theme to it I noticed. All of the girls were either beastfolk or Demi-beastfolk. Many of the girls were so far on the beastfolk spectrum there wasn't a hint of human-like features on them at all, other than their humanoid proportions. They all mingled with each other, I was happy to see that there wasn't any apparent animosity between the different species of beastfolk here. There were even a couple of micegirls joking and laughing with a few of the catgirls, completely at odds with some of the things I had experienced before. There were lots of different types of beastfolk here, various cats and canines, scaled snake girls covered in shimmering oil, muscular equine girls, a few with only the ears and tail but a fair number of them were nearly more horse than human with the height to match. There was even a spotted hyena girl on the other side of the room that made me wonder if a particular trait had been inherited from what I knew about them. Unfortunately, she was a bit far away and I didn't really want to go perv on what may or may not be in her pants.

Raya elbowed me in the side a bit. "Soooo, do you have a type? You seem to be ogling everyone, even some of the more dangerous looking predators."

I smirked. "I like all kinds but right now a pretty fox has got my attention."

She flushed pink, which I took as a win considering how outgoing she normally was.

"How about you?" I asked. "You implied you liked women too, do you have a particular type of girl you like?"

"Hmm..." Raya looked up in thought while her long silky tail swished back and forth. "I'm not really sure. Personality? I like girls who are nice and sweet, even shy. I think I scare those types of girls away with how outgoing I am though. There's also some appeal to confident girls, especially if they wanna act like a guy towards me. That's pretty rare though and it's more of a special treat than a type."

"What about race? Do you mainly like beastfolk? humans?"

She shrugged. "Maybe it's because I've worked here for so long but I don't really think about that kind of thing. If I had a problem laying with humans I probably wouldn't make any money. But I can't stand the ones that only want to come here to be serviced by 'lesser creatures.' It's like they only want to come here to suck their own dick for being so superior. Why do you pay us to suck your dick when you've got that covered?" She snickered at her own joke, making me laugh with her.

I shook my head. "I can't stand all of that. The people who buy into the Tamin church's bullshit and even the beastfolk who have problems with other beastfolk. We're already squabbling with the other races, why do catkin and micekin need to fight too?"

"Ehh... I get what you're saying but a lot of beastfolk don't really consider other species as being from the same race, the way that humans do anyway. A lot of the areas where beastfolk come from are pretty tribal, sometimes they consider a different species an even bigger threat than any third party that's trying to get involved. I wish micekin and catkin got along too but recent migrants from Zarcuda have a completely different outlook on it."

I grimaced. "That's unfortunate."

"Maybe, but at least in our little corner of the world, things are a bit different." She smiled and gestured at one of the catkin and mousekin that were flirting with each other pretty close to us. This brothel has a bit of a menagerie going."

"Is everyone here a beastfolk or a demi of some kind?" I asked.

"Yeah, though it's not like Madame Oceane would turn away a human if they really wanted to work here. There are other brothels in the city Oceane has good connections with where they would make better money. This place is able to charge good prices because we have a bit of a theme going but usually beastfolk make a lot less money compared to humans most places. People who come here are looking for beastfolk and demi-folk so a human that would be popular somewhere else wouldn't be as popular here. We have had some human girls hang around here for a while, ''til they got used to the work before going somewhere else. Usually, it's because they're more comfortable around beastfolk for whatever reason. Adopted, previous friends, or even an inter-race couple that gave birth to a full human, that does happen sometimes. Still, they usually do move on eventually, it just makes more sense for them to work somewhere else most of the time.

A tall human man came through the doors of the brothel with a big grin on his face. Something about him gave me a bad vibe and his low karma didn't exactly help. It wasn't negative, which led me to believe he wasn't actually harming people but he also didn't seem like the kind of person I'd like to be around either. Unfortunate for me as after scanning the room his eyes locked right onto mine.

The man confidently walked over towards me and Raya. I could already see the bulge of his cock through his thin pants. I don't dislike men but the sight was a turn-off all the same. This guy's confidence was way into arrogant territory, one of the few things that really bugged the shit out of me.

He stopped in front of me and his gross eyes traveled up and down my body. "I've never had a sheepkin before and your breasts are huge! You're just my type, I'll have you for the night."

I looked at him flatly. "Sorry, I'm actually a customer, not one of the girls. You'll have to ask someone else for the night."

His face twisted in disgust. "Egh, you're one of those girls who lay with other girls? What would you even do without a proper cock? Rub your snatches together? Disgusting."

It was like every word that came out of his mouth made me even more grossed out by the guy.

He huffed and looked at Raya. "Fine, I'll take you for the night instead."

Raya looked apologetic. "Sorry mister, I'm booked up by her for the night. I got healed earlier today so I'm not ready for someone of your... size." She made a point to pointedly look at the man's crotch as if to compliment him. I wasn't sure how much of it was an act but it worked.

The man puffed up with pride and almost became a completely different person. "Of course! Wouldn't want you to be with a partner too vigorous for you, like myself, before you could handle it! I guess you'll just have to make do with this... lady instead." He sauntered away towards another group of girls to bother.

I looked over to Raya and smiled. "Thanks for getting rid of him."

She smiled back. "Well, it wasn't a total lie. It's a better idea to get some rest for a day or so after getting healed. Bella seems to be a great healer but it's just for safety's sake. There are plenty of girls who actually work here, I'm sure he'll find someone to entertain himself with."

I laughed. "I hardly look like someone who's... on the menu." I looked down at my slightly dirty adventuring clothes. I still hadn't changed out of them since coming here.

"Well, you're pretty enough for it. The horns give you an exotic look, I never knew female sheepkin could grow them." One of her fingers trailed the ribbed texture along my horns. The touch felt rather odd, I could feel the pressure but not the touch itself.

"Some of us can, though I suppose it's not all that common."

I had been prepared for this story, it was obvious it would come up eventually. I was banking on there being so much different weird stuff in the world that no one would really question it. I don't know though, maybe the kind of sheep my body is based on can grow horns for all I knew about them. Not that I'm really a sheep in the first place.

I stifled a yawn. "I think I'm ready to go to bed. Are you going to be around tomorrow?"

She hesitated. "Maybe but I kinda was planning on going back out to scavenge up some more food... I don't know if I should be telling you this but our supplies are seriously low."

"It's dangerous out there, you're not going back out alone again are you?" I asked.

She looked away and rubbed her arm. "Like I said, we don't have much of a choice. We need to find something."

"...Well, how about me and my friends go with you tomorrow? Bella might have to stay behind to rest but most of us can head out and scavenge with you. You can show us around the city a little at the same time, it would be safer than going alone."

She sighed. "I... maybe that's a good idea. I don't want to keep imposing on you but I don't know what else to do. The city is dangerous right now and being a whore makes things a bit more... complicated. Let me make it up to you at least?" She leaned in with a seductive smile.

I chuckled. "Sure, not tonight though. Maybe if everything goes well we can have a big orgy." I laughed but the vixen bit her lip in response, clearly the joke held a bit of merit for her.

I stood up, not wanting to dwell on that right now. "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. We can head out with you as soon as Bella takes care of the healing. I'm not sure how long it will take or if she'll be in any condition to come with us after, but if worst comes to worst, we'll split into two groups."

Raya smiled. "Sounds good, see you tomorrow morning."

I climbed up the stairs lost in thought. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day. From the sound of it, the food resources are spread pretty thin here. If the Ruby Vixen is going to survive they're going to have to do something. That's why Raya's been out there looking around. I wonder if any of the other girls around here are going out scavenging for food, it would probably be dangerous for any of them.

And then there are succubi. I was already thinking about converting Raya and maybe even some of the others if they wanted it. The transformation might alleviate some of these food problems overnight. Even if only a half or a third decided to transform it would stretch what they had left by a lot. And the girls who would turn to succubi would have plenty of sustenance available to them here at a brothel, any that transformed wouldn't have to worry about food ever again. I had a bit of a hang-up here though. I wouldn't want to transform anyone who didn't legitimately enjoy working here.

Things suddenly clicked into place for me. It's not enough for the people I transform to gain an advantage from it, they have to really want it too. The reason why the thought of transforming Raya seemed to be so much more palatable to me was that she enjoyed her life here, enjoyed the sex, loved the other people who lived and worked here. This wasn't just her job, it was her family. Enough to risk going out into the dangerous city to feed her friends and family.

I'll need to talk to my friends tomorrow morning. It's time to put the offer on the table for Raya and Madame Oceane. From there they can bring me anyone else who would both truly enjoy being a succubus and would benefit from it. It might be the whole brothel, it might be none of them, and that would be okay. This is how I will spread my race.

I opened the door to our room and silently shut it behind me. Everyone should be asleep by now and I didn't want to wake any of them. I crept through the room intending to slip into bed when a noise caught my ear. The door to the room Torien and Silva were sharing was left ajar and I could faintly see the two girls sitting on the bed through the crack. My curiosity was piqued so I decided to have a peek at them.

The two girls were topless. Silva was pressing Torien's back against the headboard while the smaller catgirl sat in her lap. It was quite obvious that this was consensual by the way that Torien was leaning up into Silva as they kissed and her hand explored Silva's toned ass. When they broke the kiss Silva gently traced her thumb across Torien's lips and stared down into the smaller woman's eyes. Torien looked embarrassed and out of breath, but happy.

I slinked away before I got caught peeping at them and slid into bed. I thought back to the interactions between them and realized there had been signs all along. Torien had been quite enamored by the demi-rabbitkin girl the entire time, I just hadn't considered this to be an outcome based on how chaste Torien usually acted and what she said about never finding someone attractive before. She looked quite attracted to Silva to me just a few moments ago.

I snuggled into bed behind Mimi and let one of my hands rest comfortably against her stomach. Mimi happily leaned into me and played little spoon. I kissed the back of Mimi's head before relaxing against her. I couldn't wait to tease Torien about this tomorrow.


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