Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 88 Dinner And Departure

After enduring a grueling training session, Rio mustered the last remnants of his energy to drag his weary body towards the shower. The cool droplets of water cascaded down, providing a soothing feeling for his tired muscles. The water revitalized his spirit, washing away the sweat and exhaustion of the training session.

Once his shower was complete, Rio emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed but still drained. He made his way to his bed, collapsing onto the soft mattress. The fatigue quickly overcame him, and he succumbed to a much-needed sleep.

However, his peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted as Amelia and Esme entered his room, gently calling out to him. Their voices pierced through his dreams, slowly pulling him back into consciousness. Rio groggily opened his eyes, his vision blurry as he adjusted to the light.

Amelia's face beamed with a mixture of care and concern. "Brother, it's time for dinner! You can sleep after eating. Let's go."

Esme, standing beside Amelia, nodded in agreement. "Of course master, Duke and lady are already waiting. Not to mention if you're late now then your class with your mother will be late too."

Hearing about another class and training Rio just sighed and closed his eyes again, it was too much. But knowing if he didn't wake up nicely now, then either Myra or Artemis would come, and he'll get either a kick or a splash of water. Rubbing his eyes and stretching his weary limbs, Rio mustered his remaining strength to sit up and swing his legs over the edge of the bed. He yawned, feeling the weight of fatigue still lingering within him. "You girls can wait, just let me wash my face." 

Putting force on his feet, Rio managed to stand up on wobbly legs, his body protesting against further movement. But he slowly made his way towards his bathroom. Amelia and Esme waited patiently as Rio took his time freshening up, together they all made their way towards the dining room. Even the forever hungry and energetic Amelia was walking slowly today, so Rio doesn't have to force himself to walk alongside her. Since the walk was taking a little longer due to a certain someone's turtle speed, Amelia started chatting about how her day went. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she remembered something and animatedly shared it. "Brother, you won't believe what happened today!" Amelia exclaimed, her voice filled with both delight and a hint of mischief. "Guess what, I managed to bunk the etiquette class again! I went to mama's study room just before my class started and never came out. Since no one came to look for me there, I kept playing there. But since I forgot to bring some games with me, I fell asleep there and forgot to come out." Amelia sighed as she shook her head and slapped her head, thinking about how stupid she was. 

Rio's tired expression softened as he listened to her animated storytelling. "What happened next? Did mother catch you?" 

"Of course not. But it was a close call. Myra came in with some documents waking me up. I was so scared that she'll tell mother. But luckily then father came and he told her not to. I was so relieved. I was lucky today. Hehehe." Amelia said her innocent eyes beaming with happiness. 

Rio chuckled, his fatigue momentarily forgotten as he found amusement in her antics. Ever since he found out that this cute peach is his little sister, she's been his light in this new world. 

Amelia's face brightened as she watched him smile, but then she remembered something and suddenly turned around in a hurry, Esme was still following them closely behind. She had spoken everything, thinking it would cheer up her brother, but if Esme told this to her mother then she'd be punished, but to her relief, Esme signaled with her hands that her lips were sealed, silently conveying her secret was safe with her. Amelia finally took a calm breath and excitedly started walking again chattering about something else. 

As Rio and Amelia entered the dining room, the warm aroma of delicious food filled the air. Once the siblings were inside, she gently closed the door, ensuring their privacy. All the maids and guards were also standing outside, waiting for any call to go in. The dinner room served as a cocoon for the family to enjoy each other's company peacefully and keep the outside world at bay. 

Agnus was sitting in his majestic chair of the family head exuding the air of authority, while Artemis was sitting beside him, the perfect contrast to his stern behavior showcasing her elegance and grace as she kept serving dishes to different plates, making sure to arrange them with precision and care, knowing how Amelia couldn't wait to eat something and Rio who would've been tired. 

Amelia wasted no time, as she ran in a hurry and sat beside Agnus. Rio followed suit, settling down beside his sister, a mixture of exhaustion and hunger evident on his face. Artemis, ever attentive to her children, waved her hands as the plates she prepared settled in front of them -"Let's eat.

As the family savored the food, a comfortable silence enveloped the room. The clinking of cutlery and occasional murmurs of appreciation for the food filled the air. It was in these moments, surrounded by loved ones, that Rio found solace and a sense of belonging. 

The dining room buzzed with activity as the maids swiftly cleared the table, removing the remnants of the sumptuous meal that had nourished the family. Agnus gently lifted Amelia into his arms, eliciting squeals of delight from the young girl. He promised to tell her a bedtime story today, making her eyes shine with anticipation.

Meanwhile, Rio, still recovering from the physical and mental exhaustion of his training, took cautious steps towards the exit. His eyes darted around the room, assessing whether the coast was clear for his silent departure. However, before he could make his escape, a familiar hand landed on his shoulder, causing him to freeze.

Turning around, Rio found himself face to face with his mother, Artemis. She wore a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with affection as she playfully chided him for trying to evade her. His heart sank momentarily, realizing that his hope for an early rest had been dashed.

"My dear son, are you forgetting something?" Artemis teased, feigning hurt. "Or is it that my little Rio no longer wishes to spend time with his mother?"

Rio's emotions swirled within him, a mix of amusement and resignation. He wanted to laugh at her playful act and cry at his failed escape plan. His tired body ached, and all he longed for was a moment of rest, he wanted to just crash on that soft spongy mattress and sleep. 

"Mother, I... I was just... I'm really tired today," Rio pleaded, his voice laced with weariness. "Can we continue the training tomorrow? Please?"

Artemis's eyes sparkled mischievously as she feigned surprise, her lips curling into a playful smile. "Oh, my, are you trying to escape from your training?" she teased, her tone dripping with amusement.

Rio's face flushed with embarrassment, his heart sinking at his failed attempt to slip away unnoticed. He knew his mother saw through his feeble ruse, and he could do nothing but squirm under her playful gaze. Her teasing continued, as if savoring the moment. "But I can't allow it." she jested, her laughter dancing in the air, 

A mix of frustration and amusement swirled within Rio as he watched his mother revel in his predicament. Despite his tiredness, he couldn't help but crack a small smile at her playful behavior. He knew that underneath her jesting, her love for him burned bright.

Finally, Artemis relented, her smile turned into laughter watching his deadpan expression. She placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch gentle and reassuring. "Alright, don't look at me like that. I'll allow you to take a rest today."

Hearing her agree to that so easily Rio couldn't believe his ears, tho it hasn't been much but he had come to know her a little and could see there was still something more, and just to prove him right she continued -"But remember, tomorrow we'll all leave for the capital city to go there for Rebecca's birthday."

"There are still 3 days till the celebration though. Why're we going early?" Rio asked as he remembered about Rebecca's birthday. 

"Yes, but that's for others. We're family so we should go first. Besides, your aunt's been urging me to come help her with little stuff." Rio nodded his head hearing that and started thinking about how he should act there. Artemis finally couldn't resist her one final tease and said "Maybe you should say thanks to Rebecca for saving you from your training tomorrow when you meet her."

Rio just shook his head hearing that, knowing full well of her habits, her jokes and teasing used to work on him when he first came here, but now he had somewhat gotten accustomed to it. "Good night mother." He said and turned around to leave. Internally, he couldn't help but think, 'So it is finally time. To play my part in my first event. The first scene, described in flashback scenes of Rebecca. Questions flooded his mind about how him changing her future would affect that guy? How will his involvement alter the event? Can he prevent them from meeting? Or can he stop the protagonist from falling in love with her? As per system, Rebecca is the first major heroine, so her events should be hard to change, so after his interference how will luck come to save her chosen son?' 

But he shook his head as he knew they would all be answered soon. Tomorrow is when he'll meet his destined fiancee, it'll be the first time he will see her face to face, and he had no idea how to act around her. 

"We've reached your room master." His thoughts were broken as Esme's voice reached his ears. He glanced around, realizing that he had indeed reached his room without even realizing it. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he contemplated the familiarity of this place. The large hallways which used to scare him once that he'll get lost in them, now became etched in his head that he could instinctively walk in them without even focusing. 

As Esme opened the door to his room, Rio stepped inside, his gaze sweeping over the familiar surroundings. He walked towards his bed, the weariness of the day weighing heavily on his shoulders. With a sigh, he let himself collapse onto the soft mattress. As his tired body sank into the mattress, he closed his eyes, the events of the day, the training, the conversations, swirled in his mind and lastly only one thought was left in his head as he let himself be dragged into sleep once more. 

"Whatever happens will happen, unless I change my mind."


A/N - So we move towards the first event of flashbacks from the future soon. Any thoughts on what it's about? Drop a review & join my discord if you haven't yet. 


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