Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 87 Hellish Days - Beatdown Ll

While Rio was busy cursing his system, he felt a little sting on his neck, causing him to instinctively reach for the source of the discomfort. To his horror, his fingertips brushed against the cold edge of a sword pointed directly at his throat. His eyes widened with fear as he glanced downward, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Never let your eyes off your opponent." Esme spoke as she shook her hand a little. 

The sharpness of her voice sent a shiver down Rio's spine. He could feel a droplet of blood trickling down his neck, evidence of the sword's graze. Even though it was a wooden sword, with her speed it was enough to cut him. 

Reacting on pure instinct, Rio hastily backed away from the threatening sword, his heart racing with a mix of fear and adrenaline. In his retreat, his foot caught on his own wooden sword, forgotten on the ground, causing him to lose his balance and fall on his rear with an undignified thud. 

The frustration and pain boiled within Rio, causing him to utter a curse under his breath.


Amelia who watched her brother getting beaten again was happy for her win, when she saw him back away, only to fall on his butt again. It reminded her of her own past memories as she thought 'that oughta hurt.'

Esme's voice echoed in the air once again, her tone stern "Always watch your surroundings."

Rio's thoughts churned with a mixture of anger and annoyance. He couldn't help but think sarcastically, his internal monologue laced with frustration.

 'A little late, bitch.' He thought as he massaged his back, it really fucking hurts. 

[Language host. You're a 10 year old, remember.]

Hearing his system's reminder about manners, fueled Rio's anger further, as he cursed again -'This useless…add her name in my list.'

[She's already in it.]

'Then add it again.'

[Host, system logs aren't your personal diary of revenge. They're there if you want to keep the plot written and saved, so you don't forget something over time.]

'It's my choice. Imma use it as my diary. Now add her name, this beating is a debt I should pay back someday.'


'Enough being fair. I'm a villain, so let's play dirty now.'

[And shameless too]

As he thought that, his angry eyes turned pitiful and with an expression of defeat and self pity he said - 

"Esme, I'm your master right." watching as Esme nodded her head, he continued pleading in his voice "You're my shadow. Can't you go easy on me. Look mother or Myra aren't here, no one will know. Just for today, Please."

Esme looked up and down at her pitiful master, and agreed. "Fine, but you better train extra tomorrow."

Hearing her words a smile came to Rio's face and he said energetically -"Of course. Tomorrow it is, bye Esme." Saying this Rio turned around, his mind filled with the desperate hope of escaping this wretched place. He wanted nothing more than to leave before anyone could stop him for further torment. But his brief moment of relief was abruptly shattered as he sensed something peculiar happening around him. A wave of unease washed over him as he realized his feet were no longer touching the ground. His heart raced with fear as he looked down, only to be met with the shocking sight of himself suspended in mid-air.

Esme's voice cut through the silence, her words piercing his fragile little heart. "Never trust your opponent, and show him your back."

Rio, guessing what will be coming next, pleaded in fear -"Esme, let me down. This is too much right. You want training, then let's train on the ground. I'm good, I promise. One more try right 'again'."

However, his pleas fell on deaf ears as Esme continued her lesson " Or it'll result in your fall."

Then with a swift motion, Esme withdrew her mana, severing the invisible force that held Rio afloat. The sudden loss of support sent Rio hurtling towards the unforgiving ground, his body crashing down with a resounding thud. The impact was bone-jarring, knocking the wind out of him and sending waves of pain coursing through his battered form.

Amelia turned around at the sound of the impact, she couldn't bear to witness her brother's painful descent. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut, unable to confront the sight of his suffering. Her heart heavy with worry, but there was nothing she could do. 

Meanwhile, Rio lay on the ground, disoriented and in agony, his back likely bearing the brunt of the fall. His mind raced as he contemplated the extent of his injuries. Thoughts of a broken back and a life confined to a bed plagued his mind, but he clung to a sliver of solace, a small consolation amidst the searing pain, imagining an end to these grueling training sessions. "At least I won't have to endure these training sessions anymore."

But even that fragile sense of relief was short-lived, his fleeting hope shattered as Esme approached him, a healing potion in hand. She poured it down his throat, its magical properties working to mend his wounds and alleviate his pain. Rio felt a surge of both relief and frustration wash over him.

'Who the fuck made these potions. They're used to heal, not torture someone.'

Esme's words stung with teasing delight, echoed in his ears like a haunting reminder. "Same time tomorrow, Master."

Accompanied by her sister Erza and Amelia, Esme departed from the training grounds.

 Rio was left lying there on the training grounds, he looked like a dead body, slowly getting revived as potion worked its effects. 

His body slowly recovering from the ordeal. The pain subsided, replaced by a dull ache that served as a constant reminder of the grueling injuries he endured. It felt like a form of hell, being pushed to his limits day after day, his body and spirit tested to the brink.

[Host please stand up, if you get late for dinner. You'll miss Artemis's class.]


[Yes host]

"Add yourself to the list. I'mma fuck you up for being useless."

[Trainings are to help you get stronger host. This is for your own good.]

"Fuck off Tony Robbins*¹."

Rio mustered what strength he could, dragging himself up from the ground, his movements sluggish and pained, resembling those of a zombie. As he made his way towards the showers, his mind clouded with a mix of frustration and resignation, he muttered under his breath.

"This is hell."

With a heavy heart and weary body, Rio stepped into the showers, hoping that the cold water would wash away not only the sweat and grime but also the lingering sense of hopelessness. 

As Agnus observed Rio making his way out of the training grounds, his body fatigued and his steps heavy, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. He turned around to face his wife, a concerned expression etched on his face, he voiced his worries about the intensity of Rio's training. "Isn't it too much, Artemis? He's still just a child," Agnus said, his voice filled with a mix of concern and fatherly protectiveness.

"He's still standing, isn't he?"Artemis responded, her voice steady yet laced with a touch of sadness, "I know it hurts to see him struggle, Agnus. It pains me too. But as his parents it's our job to prepare him, to make him stronger so that no one could ever hurt him."

Her words were firm, but her heart ached as she watched Rio push himself to the limits. She recalled his screams and observed the toll it had taken on his tired body. However, deep down, she knew that this rigorous training was necessary to prepare him for the challenges he would face. Ever since she heard that her whole family would be ruined in the future, her heart had been shaken, she vowed that she would never let anything happen to anyone close to her as long as she lives. Artemis had made a difficult decision, stealing her heart away to train Rio to become the strongest he could be. 

Agnus didn't know why Artemis was so focused on training him, as she promised Rio to not tell anyone about his blessing. But since he knew his wife so well he could see that nothing he could say would change her mind. He only thought she was still worried because of that curse incident and those traitors, that's why she wanted Rio's safety. 


*¹ – Tony Robbins is a world famous motivational speaker. Indian readers, if you don't understand, then just think of him as a Hollywood version of Sandeep Maheshwari. 


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