Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 82 Hellish Days - Stamina Training L

Nearly 3 weeks have passed since Rio lied to Artemis about that fateful future, and from when he received Skuld's blessing. That day Rio had complained about some of his classes to Artemis, and Artemis being the dutiful lovely mother that she is -heard his pleas. 

Nowadays Rio doesn't complain about his classes, hell he doesn't complain about anything. There are only regrets eating his heart and one thought roaring in his head -'Telling her that I know the future and hinting at what happens was a bad move. A very, very, very bad move.'

Ever since Rio had told Artemis about how in the future their family would face some troubles and how it'll lead to their downfall, she had let go of all her restraints and become crazy. 

She's been training him and Amelia like they're gladiators, about to go fight in arenas. She even forgot that they're both kids and is full fledged on making them stronger. While Amelia is busy all day in her normal theory classes, Rio on the other hand is getting everything all at once. 

Artemis, who couldn't ask him about what troubles lay ahead, seemed determined to prepare him for basically everything, and in her fervor, she added an overwhelming number of training methods and exercises to his already packed schedule. The once-limited theory and noble classes had multiplied, filling his days to the brim. Rio couldn't help but marvel at how he managed to fit everything into the span of 24 hours.

With each passing day, Rio grew more convinced that telling Artemis about the future had been an enormous mistake. Her fierce protectiveness had spiraled into an obsession to train him beyond his limits.

He yearned for the motherly figure he once knew, the gentle presence that would comfort and tease him. He missed the times when she was cool and funny, or when she would bully him like a kid, he missed when he could just lie down and sleep peacefully in her laps, but that was all gone. Now, all he saw was a mama bear turned berserk, hellbent on making him stronger. 

Rio questioned whether he would ever be able to escape this relentless cycle of training. His soul shivers every time he remembers that there are still 8 years until the plot starts and he'll have to live like this. He even doubted that instead of the protagonist it's this training that will end him first. 

From the moment he opens his eyes to the moment he's so dead tired that someone has to drag his body to his bed at night, his whole day is just one big training schedule. He wonders now if reincarnating as a nobel was a good thing or not. 


Let me explain how it goes like -

– As Rio groggily opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Myra standing over him, her expression stern and unwavering. She pulled his soft bed sheet that covered half his face, and with a swift motion of an assassin, she kicked his butt, making him roll over and fall down the bed. His body ached in protest from the brutal training he had endured yesterday. He tried to sit up, but the fatigue weighed him down, making even the simplest of movements a struggle. Looking at Myra's strict expression, the realization hit him like a ton of bricks, that this was his new reality.

—----- It was now 5am. Time when even the sun hasn't come out, he was forced to be ready and start his physical training with Luke, one of Agnus's personal guards. He's all brawn no brain kind of guy, a musclehead - which makes him the perfect instructor for his stamina training.

 After doing some warm up exercises, he had to start running around the gardens until his legs gave up and he fell face first. Then there was some other different stuff everyday like weightlifting, dragging some heavy stuff across the ground, jumping across the hills or running through the forest and whatnot. Anything that can increase his stamina or endurance, he'll have to do it. Since the idiot training him had no brain, Rio could forget about mercy and had to give it his all. 

Rio groggily made his way to his personal training grounds, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As his gaze fell upon Luke, a towering figure with bulging muscles, Rio couldn't help but stare at the man's imposing physique. He looked like a certain character from a certain series he watched back on earth. 'Man's practically a walking mountain of muscles.' Rio thought as he started walking towards him and that mountain only got bigger the nearer he reached. 

"Morning Luke, you're up early to make me suffer again, I see." Rio said with a teasing grin, which was soon going to be replaced with a frown. 

"It's called training young master. And I'm not early, you're late. Master especially asked me to prepare you to your peak. I've never failed any of his tasks, and I'm not planning to fail now. So forgive me for being strict." Luke said as they started to run around the training grounds. When running with Luke, Rio had to constantly watch his surroundings and maintain a pace the same as him. Sometimes he'd be running so fast like monsters were after his ass, and then suddenly he'd change his pace and start walking like a snail. Rio had to carefully follow his steps if he didn't want to fall face first in some traps that this bastard prepared beforehand, or just cause if Luke was too far or too behind him, then he'll get a shock jolting through his neck, due to the chain he was wearing now.

 An artifact made to keep track of criminals, so they don't run away from a certain distance, used for training an heir of a duchy - and somehow this musclebrain came up with this idea. (Obviously he reduced the intensity of shock otherwise I'd be unconscious at once, but still it stings a lot.) 


A/N - As you can see this chapter was short compared to everyday. That's cause I generally post one chapter of around 1700-1800 words on average daily, so instead of doing that I've decided to make it 2ch/day for both yours and my benefit. 

You guys can read more chapters and I can increase my counts and maybe get a little teeny tiny bit famous, just enough to keep my motivations to do this daily. (it won't be this short from tomorrow. For today forgive me lord) 


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