Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 81 Blessing Of Threads

"Give me the blessing of threads instead." Rio requested Skuld when she offered him her fate's blessing as her part of the deal. Deal

"That won't be helpful, you cannot control its power, or see the threads of others' fate. It'll be a waste." Skuld tried to inform him, as the blessing of threads was really wasted. No mortal could see the threads of fate, let alone control them. Even if she gave him that, it would be a 100% downplayed version of her skill, which would probably take years for him to master for any significant use. And once he learns that , he'll only complain about it later. 

"Don't worry about me. Just do what you promised." Rio knew what her thoughts were, after all he had seen the story, and knew all about it. 

Skill of threads was the ability of norn sisters through which they could see the threads of fate for anyone and learn everything about them. The sisters can even learn to create them or control them to their wishes, but a normal blessing cannot be that powerful. When someone receives that as a blessing, due to the limitations of the world system, it turns into a skill called -"Strings of mana". 

Even though it wasn't useful much at the beginning and would probably take him years to master, Rio knew ways to strengthen it. After all, it was a skill custom made by the author for the protagonist. How can it be so simple? Since he already had Skuld's attention, there was no need for him to not try and get the skill that the protagonist was able to create using this blessing. Rio didn't have to waste his time thinking and learning its uses, Leon in the story had done all kinds of experiments with it, and gave him the idea of how to progress its mastery. He just has to do what the protagonist did and booom get the most badass skill in the novel. 

Skuld regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and caution, as she waved her hand, a shimmering silver thread appeared out of nowhere and started moving towards him. Rio reached out his fingers making contact with the thread. 

As Rio touched that thread, he felt a jolt of shock run down his entire being, a surge of energy coursing through his body. The silver thread started merging into his hands, its ethereal essence intertwining with his very being. A radiant light enveloped him, casting an ethereal glow upon his figure. The marks of threads began to materialize on his hands, intricate patterns intertwining and weaving across his skin. Each line and curve carried a hidden pattern, a hidden meaning for all the different threads he will see, showcasing different emotions, different actions, different fates and their versions. 

With each passing moment, the merging of thread became more intense. Rio felt a sharp pain, as if the threads were cutting into his skin.

his fingertips underwent a transformation. They darkened momentarily, the once unblemished skin now bearing the marks of his connection to the threads. Thin cuts and reddish marks formed on his fingertips, It was showing him the delicate balance between free will and the unseen forces of destiny, depicting the laborious task that awaited him if he ever wished to control the threads of fate.

The threads seemed to pulsate with a quiet energy, Rio endured the pain as he felt his fingers breaking and bending, healing and binding in that process, soon the merging of that silver thread was complete, leaving behind only the mark of the blessing. 

A single black thread which formed a circle, emerged on both of Rio's wrists, symbolizing the blessing of threads that he received. 

"Remember your words mortal, I'll be watching you." Rio looked ahead as Skuld's ethereal figure began to fade away, the world around him started to lose its solidity. Everything became transparent, fading into invisibility before his very eyes. 

But just as quickly as the world disappeared, it reappeared in a different form. Rio found himself back in the familiar surroundings of the world tree garden. However, there was a noticeable change. A translucent glass wall now encased the garden, separating it from the outer realm.

Beyond the glass wall, the magnificent expanse of the Milky Way floated in all its celestial splendor. Stars shimmered and danced, while different stones and planets circled all around it. 

"So I passed out huhh"

Rio said as he looked around and understood where he was, it was his new system space, which his system and he discussed some time ago. He was really shocked and impressed at how perfectly this system copied that style, the addition of a glass dome and stars outside was just a sight to behold.

[Yes host, you lost your consciousness as soon as you received the blessing. Even though you are awakened now, your body is still far too weak for holding them without batting an eye. You should be more careful next time.]

"I know, that's why I wasn't planning to look for any Gods anytime soon. It's just that Artemis suddenly asked that question and I had to improvise."

[I understand, but can you explain what you were trying to do threatening a Goddess like that. What was that dialogue 'I came to give you a deal, but if you prefer death, I can give it too.' Who do you think you are? If she wanted she could've killed you in microseconds.]

"But she didn't. It was just as I expected."

 [Hmm I can read your mind, host. Don't think you can fool me. You just went nuts cause she talked about Amelia.]

"Yeah well it still worked out, didn't it? I got the blessing and she learned that she couldn't act out with me even if she wanted."

[But a risky move nonetheless. You depended too much on the novel's plot thinking you cannot die this early, which could easily backfire and get you killed if you were wrong.]

"You think I don't know that. If that was any other God I wouldn't do this myself. It was Skuld that's why I was even willing to talk. 

You see, system, this is why it is very easy to deal with Gods who can see the future, they start to believe that only their visions are the truth. She too believed in them wholeheartedly. 

We've seen notifications of how she was interested in my future ever since my awakening. Which means she must've tried to read my fate before, and saw something which was enough to make her curious and watch me constantly. Now what do you think is interesting enough to hook a goddess on me. 

[Your ending] system said, as it tried to understand what he meant. 

"Yes, my ending. Now tell me, someone who saw it happen, would that person kill me before, knowing what that will lead to. Skuld knows all too well the consequences of my early death. If anything, with this deal I just secured myself a free bodyguard till the novel's ending."

[Still I'll remind you not to try anything like this ever again. Skuld was naive to believe your threats and a fool to let you go. Not many Gods would do that. Some like to act on impulse, just like you.]

"True, but don't worry. With this blessing, alongside Nyx's blessing I have enough for now." Rio said as he thought about his future plans for growth. He had received foundation art from Agnus for sword techniques, Artemis would train him in mana control and learning spells, Nyx's blessing can help his elemental mastery, while Skuld's blessing would be a go to overall free to use however I want skill. 

There were 3 things which he still lacked: endurance, defense and aura. Endurance will only depend on his training. Defense, well, he's packed from top to bottom on artifacts so no worry for that. Lastly aura, he needs to steal some stuff again to improve that, but that would probably be for the future and he doesn't need to worry about it now. 

"So, how long will I be able to wake up? It isn't like when I'm asleep where I can leave from here whenever I wish."

[You will be able to feel your body when you're ready to wake up. And I can notify you too when it's time.]

"Hmm do that then, I'll sleep a little. Dealing with Gods is hard."

[Nobody asked you too]

"Whatever, wake me up when it's time."


While Rio was getting his second blessing, Artemis was making another training method for him, and Amelia too. Since she heard that their family would face danger soon, even though Rio said that he changed the events, she decided to make her kids as strong as possible, so they could survive on their own even if something happened to their family. 

She got the report that the team of alphas she sent would bring Esme back to Damascus tomorrow, and she was now very interested in learning how Rio convinced her to attack a baron. 

She had asked Camilla to stay at Harendale city and keep an eye on Baron Misha for now. Since Rio was trying to deal with him, as her mother she should finish the job. 

Her thoughts and plans were interrupted when she heard a croaky voice "Your son is indeed like you, mortal"

"What happened?" Artemis asked as she dropped the pen and stood up. 

"He has gotten another blessing. Barely a day has passed since his awakening and kid's practically surrounded by divinity from head to toe. He'll grow even stronger than that freak father of yours." As the voice finished its words a ghastly laughter echoed in Artemis's ears, as she started walking towards Rio's room. 

"If you're that happy then give him a blessing too." Artemis asked as she hurried her footsteps. Unlike power hungry Rio, she knew how risky it could be to try and learn too many blessings with his weak body. ''Can't he just enjoy his childhood''


A/N - what do you think his new blessing is useful for? What kind of power/ability is it? Why did Rio call it the most badass skill? 

I need your thoughts on any training exercises that you want in this story. Plus give me gifts and I'll introduce your character in the novel. 


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