Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 119 Sea Of Silence And Raven Family



In the event hall where everyone was gathered, the talks and rumors were at an all time high, as the people from Raven family and Blake family arrived together. 

Raven family controls the largest information network in the whole Schilla empire, if that wasn't enough to put them on the pedestal of the top families, they also had their own mercenary organization. Their services extended from dealing with simple exchange of information to having control of most black markets and hidden dungeons in the empire. They're also running an assassination guild on the sidelines to keep up the appearances. 

They run and rule from the islands of Seychelles. Their presence is separated from the world, as they're surrounded by the sea of silence. 


At the beginning, Sea of Silence was a place which hosted nothing but water in it. It had no sign of any life in it. It was just a massive sea covered in a veil of fog and mist, showing the peaceful sight to eyes from the outside. 

But no one who ventured in it, could ever come out alive, they would be dead, drowned, lost and forgotten.

This was a place unknown to anyone who ever entered Arcadia. No one from any world or race had ever seen or even heard of something like this in their myths. Some said the sea was part of a lost world, while some said it was some sort of Hell or Nether. Some graded it as a high class dungeon, while some said it wasn't fully merged and broken.

 Despite the many theories, all of them believed one thing, that the sea of silence is an abomination that shouldn't exist in Arcadia. 

This made the sea become a mystery unsolved, and a tale told to scare children around the world. No one went in, came out alive, and all kinds of efforts and experiments failed, followed by a curse of death that scared any brave adventuring soul who wanted to get famous.

But one day, 400 years ago, with a massive boom and a big bang, a gigantic tower appeared in the middle of the sea of silence. Pushing away all the fog and shocking the world. 

At the beginning people didn't dare enter the sea, scared by the examples set in history. People were too afraid thinking if the sea alone was that different, then the creatures in the tower would be even more catastrophic. No one wanted to rally their forces and be the guinea pig so others could learn a little about the tower. 

Since the knowledge about towers wasn't known to many at that time, everyone believed them to be too dangerous to try. If they survive the sea and fog by some luck, chances of surviving a tower were low -so they just ignored its existence like before. 

This continued until 3 years later, when an outbreak happened and creatures from the tower were thrown out into the sea. 

Short summary, say goodbye to everyone living on the beaches. 

After the first outbreak people found out that they can now enter the sea without any danger. The fog didn't disrupt their visions and acted as a labyrinth like before. 

Some people said the tower was always there in the sea, hidden by the mist and everyone lost in the sea went into it. While some believed the opposite, they said the tower only sucked the fog and the creatures living in the sea of silence, and is now just pushing them back out, during an outbreak. 

No one knew what was true, as both theories seemed plausible, but no one cared. Over the years people just continued solving the tower before the outbreak happened and lived life as it was.

 Knowing the example of destruction caused in the first outbreak, everyone kept their distance from the sea and the tower. 

Raven family was the first major power which dared to set their sights on the islands in the sea, and settled there. Obviously it made them privy to dangers if ever any outbreak happened, but it also made them the sole owner of the sea and gave them the power they needed to keep their enemies in check. 

The sea of silence was perfect armor and security formation for their main base. As no one was foolish enough to follow these crazies into the sea. 


Over the course of history Raven's didn't interact and interfere much in the world. They secluded themselves and kept to their own.. 

Despite being secluded, Raven's still maintained their position and power. The paranoid people calling themselves rulers of land, could never understand how far the minions of Ravens have infiltrated their kingdoms and organizations, until they see the secrets of their hearts posted on one of their Black markets blackboards. 

"" There's a saying in Seychelles. That everyone alive has a pair of 2 eyes, and one of them is working for the Ravens. ""

The head of the Raven family, Servirous Fjolnir Raven, is one of the most powerful and dangerous men on the planet, who have reached the limits of SSS rank.I think you should take a look at

Servirous is also widely known for being the only human, who got chosen as the avatar of a God just after his awakening. 

 And it wasn't some puny weak chicken ass God living on the last line of hope, from the last list of believers, who'll choose whoever the fuck he gets his hands on, but he got chosen by the all seeing, all father God from Norse mythology, Godking of Aesir, Odin Borson. 

If that, along with his own power and background, doesn't put the world to think again before messing with Raven's, then they're just plain stupid. 

<Obviously half this info isn't known to the world and thought of as rumors and lies, but that's what is scary. They exist in the dark, and rules over it.>

The Ravens were always neutral to everyone, though it was a family of humans, they showed no difference when dealing with them and other races. They made enemies, but they also made allies and slaves whom they can control and blackmail. 

If you're wondering how such a family existed, and why their enemies didn't just rally around and kill them, well that's because they simply couldn't. Not unless they want to be destroyed in the process, or become an example for others to be wary of Ravens. 

Ravens didn't care about the outside world and so the world didn't care about their dirty deeds. It was only after Servirous took charge of the Raven family and agreed to the marriage of Artemis and Athena into Blake and Schott family, that they started taking part in worldly matters again and left their islands. 

It was a political marriage between powerful families in which, Schott family received the monetary profits of their black markets in the Schilla empire, and the Blake family received the Raven's assassins as shadow guards for their new guild. 

Obviously Raven's didn't take any loss, in return for their support, Raven's simply entered the Schilla legally and took over the entirety of the dark side of humanity in it. Everything dark and dirty you see, hear, think and do in Schilla is simply recorded in the Raven family. That's how terrifying they are.

Or at least they were depicted like that in the novel. 

Remembering the plotline of how Raven family ended up in the novel, Rio could just helplessly shake his head and smile, just how the hell did that protagonist managed to even beat that. Who knows. 

'Well not that it matters since I'm here. After all, they are my maternal family now. Artemis would be sad if I let them perish.'

'And besides they got quite the gifts hoarded up in their treasury, no way I'm letting some hypocrite horny righteous bastard put their hands on it.'

'And their information network might be a little helpful when the invasion really happens, and those cockroaches come to Arcadia. They'll make the game interesting ..' A smile came to his face as he remembered the plotline of those sons of bitches. 

"Brother, what are you zoning out for? Did you know I called you for the 3rd time now." Rio's thoughts were stopped, as he heard Amelia shouting at him from behind. 

She was wearing the dark blue gown that they both chose, while shopping a few days ago. And just like he thought she was looking just about perfect in it. She didn't have many accessories on her, but she didn't need em. Just that cute smile of hers was enough to catch everyone's attention. The bracelets and rings on her hand were of simple designs too, she didn't like complicated stuff or too many details after all.

 One thing that stood out was definitely those big earrings of hers, they both looked similar at the first glance, but since he was the one who gave her one of them, he could see the slight difference in them. 

'Well that doesn't look well on the daughter of the dukes, does it. Should I get her something which is in pair? Her hair too, I should really get that item for her, I did promise her a gift even Artemis would be envy for.' 

If system was awake or alive right now, it would've shouted at him, that just after it was gone for a day, its host started thinking about destroying the plotlines again.

But ohh well who can stop him now. 

He's alone for 8 years with all the knowledge of the plot and his doom. How much he'll ruin the plotlines, change the chances and alter the events -only time would tell. 

<Let's just say he'll fuck it all up on a grand scale of 10>


A/N - Guys , names, give me names, I need so many names that I simply cannot tell you. People's names, family's names, places names, name of mob characters, name of side characters, everything.

I also decided to put the names of guys who gave me gifts and write me comments.

<don't tell anyone, but I plan to write and kill guys who gave me hate/-ve comments, I'm quite a petty person. So think twice before dissing me, or in next arc you'll see yourself as a mob getting face slapped & killed. THIS IS THE POWER OF GOD the author has.>


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