Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 118 Awakening Of Devil & Erasure Of Events

[⚠ host's soul reacting to sole energy

[Awakening in progress

[Safety mode initiated

(What the f) system was confused about the notifications which said, its host's soul was reacting with the sole energy. The power, system used to nearly wipe out the world's will of a higher world in a matter of seconds, the power only a select few beings in all of creation were known to use and access. 

And yet here it was, getting sucked constantly into the soul of this seemingly mortal host. 

(First the people with those red eyes in his brain, then the monster who was chained, and now this -just who the hell is this host.) System was contemplating the mystery around its host which just seemingly grows every time it tries to do something. But before it could ponder on it further, few notifications rang out and it could only curse the heck out of a certain being. 

[Priority order issued

[Authority of creator initialized

[Fixing the error

[Preventing further exposure by taking away the source of sole

"The hell." - System spoke as it looked at all the notifications. Though the words written were few and far between. But it understood them all. It looked at the notification which issued a priority order to save the host at all costs. Then the being who didn't reply, or said anything in this whole event, used his powers and stuff just kept getting more weird. 

With the next notification all the sole energy system used, and the soul of its host sucked, started getting evaporated from his body. If that wasn't enough already, the next notification was a tight slap of reality which shocked the system. 

As soon 'that being' took away the source of sole energy from the system itself. Just to stop whatever reaction this host's soul was having, 'that being' was ready to cut off all the system's power from its core. 

Soon the system experienced the same feeling world will of Arcadia felt some time ago, getting all its power taken away in a matter of moments. 

Before the system could even ask any kind of question

[Lockdown mode initiated

[Shutting off the system

[10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1…

[System shut off]

The golden glow in Rio's eyes died down, and they started coming back to it's usual color of black. But if looked closely enough, in the depth of his black abyssal eyes, a teeny tiny bit of red appeared and flickered for a few seconds, before it died down and was drowned in the darkness again. 

Of course no one was present in the system space or in his room who would look through these changes, but they weren't ignored by the one who watched it all happen from the distant realms. 

[Interruption failed. Awakening of the Devil started… 

[Signs of repetition detected. 13 seconds until the Darkness finds him

[Looking for the best solution to keep the process in progress… .. . 

[Erasure of event chosen as the suitable option. 

'The being' shook his head with a displeased expression, and closed his eyes again. With a snap of his fingers the events that had transpired in the last few minutes, from the breaking of the barrier, to the world will's anger - from Rio's surrender to system, to system's playful punishment, everything started getting erased and rearranged in a new manner.


Hours after everything that happened, Rio woke up from his sleep in his room, there was nothing unusual about him or his physical condition. Aside from a slight headache that just refused to be ignored, and kept coming back. 

He was going to wash his face, when he remembered what happened last night. He was asleep in his room, when the system pulled him to the system space, it told him about how someone breached the barrier and entered Arcadia. He had no idea who it was, but then the system said that the world system was doing a worldwide scan to look for the breacher and he needed to do something, if he didn't want to get caught. 

Then the system used another one of its emergency protection methods like before and he lost consciousness soon after that. 

"System" Rio called the system to ask about what happened after he fell unconscious, but he wasn't worried much. Since he was alive and well, sound asleep too, it meant that the world system or the world's will, didn't notice anything and he was safe. 

'This system ain't half bad, but I doubt it used that method for free. Dealing with Athena and Psyche cost me 10000 points before, so it will definitely take much higher to stop the world's will. Guess I'll be living on a loan now.' Rio thought. 

[Good morning host. You slept like a log yet again.] System said in its usual happy voice. 

"Stop your chit chat. Tell me what happened last night."

[What happened host, was that I saved your ass again, thank you for appreciating my efforts.]I think you should take a look at

"You done, or do you wanna get muted now."

[Humph. Well nothing happened actually. I used a tiny bit of my locked powers and was able to skip the scan of the world system. You're in the clear now.]

System spoke, having no idea that the things in its head never happened as it remembers them. Just like Rio, it forgot about the taking over deal, using of sole energy and the notifications that followed. In system's mind, world's will did a scan, and it just erected a barrier to hide its host and it was enough. 

'The being' after rearranging the events to keep his plans in check, erased some memories and created some false ones in everyone's head. What, how, why -these were all the questions better answered with time.

<But since not many readers like this mystery cause they can't handle it, I'll just say it again. Everything is happening so the author can give MC a happy ending. There, you lot happy now. Send me some theories if you got any.>

"So did the world system found who the breacher was." Rio asked. 

[Nope. No idea. It must be furious now.] System spoke, imagining the frustration of the world system at this grand level of failure. Not only did it fail to protect the barrier, but it also failed to keep watch on whoever entered here. 

"So I guess you don't know it either."

[Obviously. I already overexerted myself yesterday, I might find them if I do a follow up scan, but I'm simply feeling depleted. Looks like breaking some rules and saving your ass comes with a price.]

 System said, though its voice sounded the same, but now Rio could feel the tiredness in it, due to their connection. 

"Sleep it off if you're tired."

[Ohh are you being considerate now.]

"After you tell me what do I have to pay for your services. We both know it wasn't for free."

[Obviously it wasn't for free. Can't you see how tired I am. Just look at the battery power of me. It's totally in red.] System said, as Rio noticed a sign in the corner of his status screen. 

"That wasn't even there yesterday."

[Well it only happens when I'm all out of energy. So I'll make it fast and short.]

[You owe me 41450 points now. And before you ask, this is after I've taken all the points you hoarded till now.]

"The hell. You're asking for more when I already had around 60 thousand something points after canceling my engagement and all. Why don't you just open your mouth and ask for the sky."

[It is the equal price host. Hell I'd say you got it cheaper. Do you think fooling the ruler of a world in their home turf is easy, without getting any attraction or commotion on you. It was me, who did it despite being level 0 and you not having enough points too. Other systems would've simply left you to die.

I did you a huge favor, so work hard and pay me back. Since this was your first time taking a loan, as a sign of my generosity I won't charge an interest, but I do suggest you better have them ready when I wake up.]

"And when will you wake up exactly?" Rio asked, thinking how he could use the birthday event to its fullest to get the most number of points possible. 

[Oh don't worry, you have enough time. Since I'm tots low on energy, and broke quite some rules, I won't be able to stay around for a while. Also the world's system will keep pulling out scans from time to time to check for the breacher I think, so it's good that I stay away from you until I'm at least level 1 and get some of my powers.]

"Wait, you'll be level 1 when the plot starts. So you're saying I gotta live through this world without you now."

[Watch your words, host. They mean a different thing, and don't worry I'm here with you. Just not awake and will be sleeping.]

[I managed to make you a perfect copy of the world system last night. So now even the original world's will won't find anything suspicious in scans. So you don't have to worry about anything.]

[Manage it with this until I come back online and then we'll fuck up the plotlines together. Don't ruin them all before though. Save them for later too.]

"What.. "

[It was nice knowing you, host. Though you were annoying sometimes, it was still nice. Take care of yourself without me, and don't die like some idiot. Cause I won't be there to save your ass if you do.] 

System said this and ignoring the curses and questions Rio threw at it, it went to sleep. It acted playful like the personality it chose. But Goddamn was it feeling tired. It looked like someone sucked it dry and it lost all energy, so as soon as it finished its final explanations it went offline, and Or fell into a coma, as practically it wasn't sleeping but was unconscious. 

Rio, seeing no response from the system, kept calling it for 2-3 times and finally stopped. He could feel it too, how tired the system was. And he was actually a little surprised, system tried that hard to save him. But no point in praising it now, since it couldn't hear him. 

It has been 2 days now & he was ready to start the first event of flashbacks. He fixed his colar and turned around to leave and join the party, where he'll be able to see shit tons of characters waiting for him. 


A/N - I know u might have questions, and doubts, but i want u to bury them. Forget about them, as they will be answered over time. Let's pick up pace from next chapter, I'm done setting up the stage, so I'm going full throttle towards the plot now. 


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