Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 111 ⚠ Shutting Down The World System ⚠

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Restlessly lying on her bed, Rebecca tossed and turned, unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Frustration filled her as she kicked her feet in the air, feeling a wave of unease wash over her. With a sigh, she turned around and buried her face in the pillow, feeling its softness, she held it tightly around her face. 

"Am I really dumb?" she mumbled into the pillow, her voice muffled by the fabric. But there was no one to answer her question, no one to reassure her. The silence in the room only amplified her inner turmoil.

"Everyone says I'm smart and a genius, the royal teacher even said I'm blessed by the world, but what's wrong with him?" Rebecca questioned, her voice laced with confusion and self-doubt. She glanced around the room, hoping for a response that never came. 

Frustration welled up within her, and she blurted out, "Does he think I'm stupid?" Her voice carried a tinge of hurt, the weight of her unspoken emotions pressing down on her, making her annoyed. Yet, once again, no one was there to provide an answer to her queries. 

Rebecca's gaze shifted to the side where Amelia, who lay sound asleep nearby. After a long time of exploring the city, when they returned back, the pair of friends were talking and trying out the things they bought from the market, but soon Amelia fell asleep, Rebecca let her be and didn't wake her up, afraid to disturb her. 

"It's your brother who's the stupid one, not me. Humph." She said, as the face of that annoying kid came to her mind. 

Rebecca saw with her eyes, like magic , a frown appeared on Amelia's face, almost making her doubt if she heard what she said. But then a thought crossed her mind, and she decided to take action. With a smile, she reached over and gently placed her pillow in Amelia's hands. She smiled as she saw the previous frown disappear, and in its place was the peaceful, pretty face of her best friend, lost in her dreamland with a smile. 

But her thoughts then drifted back to her brother, Rio. She couldn't help but feel anger towards him. "Who's eager to marry him anyway?" she muttered, her voice tinged with annoyance. She only agreed to marriage, when she thought of her father's wishes and how it is only normal in nobility. She had learned a lot of examples in books and she knew someday it'll happen, so she said yes. 

"And yet here he is, badmouthing her in front of her father for it." Rebecca recalled, her memory taking her back to the afternoon. She had been sneaking around, trying to get some sweets for Amelia after their lunch. As she listened in on a conversation between her father and Rio, she felt pissed off. 

'Rebecca, I don't know her well enough to form an opinion of liking her or not. She's just a child, your majesty. She hasn't seen the world yet and if she found someone else who can act indifferent towards her, I bet she'll be happily influenced by them. She can be easily swayed, fooled or manipulated.'

"Isn't that just indirectly saying, I'm dumb and will be fooled by a lollipop. And who likes him anyways, idiot."

Rebecca couldn't understand why he'd speak like that to her father. Isn't it normal for everyone to have marriage, and nobles marry to nobles. Father said all those love stories are just lies told by poor people to find pleasure in their poverty. So why's he got so much to say? 

'I have much to learn'. It's clearly you who needs some lessons, white haired lazy panda."

Lost in her thoughts, As she lay there, gazing at Amelia's peaceful sleeping form, she didn't know what to do. She really didn't get what's so big a deal with just engagement. It will happen in the future anyway, mother said that to me way back long ago, but since that panda doesn't want to marry me, I'll just ignore him. 

"Stupid lazy panda picking faults with others. I won't talk to you anymore. Let's see how you like it when I ignore you humph."

Rebecca decided and spoke to herself, but then she remembered isn't it always her who speaks and getting ignored by him, that guy never even talked to her unless necessary, especially in this last month. 

"Ahh so annoying." She said, as she bit on her pillow in frustration. 

Finally just like that after cursing a lazy white haired boy who was fast asleep in his room, Rebecca allowed herself to drift off to sleep determined to ignore the guy and give him a test of his own medicine. 


On the other side, Rio was sound asleep in his room, with a smile on his face. After having a lengthy discussion with the system some days ago, he had managed to change some preference settings, where he can now only be pulled into system space when he wants or when he's unconscious. And now finally he could sleep peacefully without having a useless ai bugging him. 

But today his sleep was going to be anything but peaceful, as he got woken up by the sudden wave of light that hit his face. He opened his eyes thinking morning came early today, only to see big stars and planets floating around him. 

"System, you fucker, I told you to let me sleep. Why'd you pull me here?" 

He asked in annoyance as his brain registered the surroundings and the giant world tree as the system space. He waited for system's response but didn't get any reply, he was about to flare up again and shout at it, when suddenly big red warning signs started floating in front of his eyes, skocking him. I think you should take a look at

[⚠ warning ⚠] [ ⚠ warning ⚠]

[Change in world's data detected]

[Priority order destabilized]

[Change of plot progression recorded]

[Events order destabilized]

[Finding the origin of changes 


[Search failed]

[Reason for failure - unknown]

[Permission to enable security measures against world's will]

[Permission to enable emergency protection measures]

Rio hadn't even fully opened his eyes, as dozens of system notifications started floating all around him. He couldn't even read or understand what was happening when system started urging him to click yes on those shady looking permissions. He remembered how last time he had to ask for some safety measures against Athena and had to pay his points too, but here this system was flooding him to allow it. He wanted to know the reason for this hurried situation, but still trusting this system a little, he allowed the permission seeing the urgency of it. Only to receive the biggest shock he couldn't even think of in return 

[Permissions granted

[Level restrictions removed

[Accessing full authority

[Taking control over system's operating features

[Checking the data from world's will

[Intruder detected

[Attempted intrusion of the world system detected

[Fixing the error

[Shutting down the world system

[Lockdown mode initiated

[10 - 9 - 8 - 7 ... 

"What the actual fuck is happening? I didn't even do nothing." 


A/N - okay seriously what the actual hell is happening. Did hell break loose or heavens went haywire. Why is it all happening so fast. Any idea what happened anyone. Waiting online for answer


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