Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 110 Pandora's Brews - Si Vales Valeo

Come to my discord if you have any questions or theories or suggestions :-



After their visit to the city and enjoying the night carnival on the way to return, the convoy of kids started coming back. The empty carriage which was enough for everyone to sit freely was now littered with gift wrappings and plastics of snacks that they've been eating ever since then. 

Everyone bought something for them, that they enjoyed or liked, the fun moments of childhood and the joy of enjoying the time just like normal people, had always been a rarity for nobles and everyone in the carriage found that today. Everyone except Rio of course. 

Somehow our transmigrator finally couldn't stop himself, and bought a packet of cigarettes when he found himself alone. 

He didn't exactly have the urge to smoke, but he was curious about how smoking would feel like in a fantasy world. Shiva wasn't into drinks, he would drink it occasionally or if someone else bought it, but not by his own accord. But he had gotten into the habit of smoking in his last years. 

Rio bought it thinking he'll use it someday if he's stressed or in a bad mood. After all it's gonna be his first smoke in Arcadia, man should have a reason to start again. Plus the fact that if someone saw him smoking they'd tell his mother. And Artemis had warned him last time, when she heard he was asking cigarettes from the guards, that if he ever smoked, she'll hang him upside down in training grounds and leave him there. 

Rio had no doubt in his mind and perfectly believed that she'd really do it, if she caught him. So he just put the packet in his storage ring carefully and ignored it. 

Amelia had already crossed off half the names in her must try list of delectable sweets. She would've eaten everything but due to her being stubborn in that bet, she ate too much of those small Jittery, and her stomach's been making weird noises ever since then. It was Myra who had to go and get her something healthy to drink so she could feel a little better. 

But that was a mistake, as just as she felt better she started running around again, hoping to try everything and see it all. She also bought some gifts for her father and mother. Obviously she hid her mother's gift in Rio's storage ring, so she can tease her mother, but aside from that today's been a pretty fun day for her. 


Currently Amelia, Rebecca, Alfred and Bernhardt were playing some card games, while Rio was sitting on the window side, looking through a magazine he bought. He had used the excuse of being too tired and saying he'll just help Amelia win or act as a judge so they don't cheat. But they refused and here he was, reading the news magazine he bought about the latest talks in the capital. 

Since Arcadia merged with some modern world, these things have been normal too. Basically everything Rio could think of and open a company and get rich like in other novel stories, have already been thought of and added to Arcadia. But since he knew the plot, he knew about enough stuff that is yet to be invented or get famous later. But that'll have to wait for much later, cause right now he's still a dumb kid living on his parents' pocket money. 

While reading through the magazine a piece of news caught his attention, reminding him of a side plotline that he had no idea was taking its course at this period. 

"Pandora's Brews - Si Vales Valeo' , one of the most famous alchemist shops in Haven, had declared bankruptcy and would close its curtains next week."

This news caught his attention, as there was a certain someone in the story who plays a fun role in the novel, attached to that shop. Rio interestingly read through the report, and when he finished he finally understood at what time of events for the character he was in. 

According to the article, the owner of the shops, Augustus Mizerpitt had been in debt for a while, and in a situation where he couldn't pay his dues till next week, the shop would be taken over by the law organization of Schilla, and it's equal value used to pay his debts. 

The article talked about the place Pandora's Brews held in the capital's business world for years, and how much it had contributed to the history. The shop has been passed down in Mizerpitt household for 3 generations and soon would see it's last day of business. 

Reading through the news Rio just wanted to say 'interesting' and it gave him an idea to further mess with a canon event in the novel which would take place. 

'Can I change the events related to that event?' Rio thought but shook his head 'No, I should let it happen and interfere a little later.'I think you should take a look at

'Wait but will that be wise? If I failed then..'

'I can also let it be for now and check again once the plot starts. I can get more points that way too.'

Rio's thoughts ran in his head at high speed as he started thinking if he should take part in the coming scenarios of this event. Or should he let destiny play its course for now. 

Breaking him out of his thoughts was the sudden loud chatter from his side, belonging to the children who had just finished their game it seems. 

Rio looked at them and found Amelia animatedly pointing her fingers at Alfred and Rebecca, accusing them of cheating. 

 "I knew it! You two cheated! There's no way you could have won fair and square! This is not right at all."

Rebecca, proudly smiled watching her best friends agitated face, "Oh, come on, Amelia. Don't be a sore loser. Alfred and I played by the rules."

Alfred too came forward speaking on his defense, "Yes, there was no cheating! We followed the rules exactly as they were till the last moment."

But obviously truth stayed the same, the prince had let his sister win at the last moment, throwing his cards at the right moment making her sister win the game. 

Amelia looked at Bernhardt who was still lost in thoughts, not understanding how he could be so unlucky to lose 4 games in a raw and not get any decent cards even once. He looked at the notebook which kept record of their past turns, and all he saw under his name were big fat zero's. He really was useless. 

Knowing this guy is even more of a loser than her, Amelia looked towards her brother who was supposed to be the judge of their games, only to see him looking at everything with a dumb face, that clearly said 'I have no idea what's happening, can someone explain?'

It made her further annoyed as now she had no proof of their cheating, so she took it out on this guy. "You're supposed to be the judge, but you're not even paying attention! Typical lazy brother."

Hearing her insult, Rio could just helplessly smile. 

He would've gotten another earful of her scolding but Rebecca came forward to save him, as she distracted Amelia "oh come on Amelia, you're just made at everyone cause you lost. You should accept it that I'm better."


"We'll play one more time, let's see who wins. And lazy brother pay attention to these cheaters this time Or I'll beat you." She announced, as she threw a pair of cookies at Rio's face. Which he happily caught and ate it. 



A/N - tis was the last chapter of this slow shit.. 

Si Vales Valeo - A roman saying which means if you're well, I'm well. 


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