Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 316 The Investment!!

Wang Yongwang was enveloped in a cloud of uncertainty, unaware of Liu Yong's true intentions. The weight of his responsibilities pressed heavily upon him as Deputy Mayor Zhang's impending arrival to inspect the county industrial park loomed closer.

After providing a comprehensive overview of the county industrial park, Wang Yongwang sincerely apologises to Liu Yong, saying, "Mr. Liu, I deeply regret the inconvenience, but Deputy Mayor Zhang's visit necessitates my presence at the industrial park."

Liu Yong, without hesitation, inquired, "Mayor Wang, may I accompany you to the industrial park? I'm interested in exploring it."

Wang Yongwang was caught off guard by Liu Yong's sudden request. Perplexed, he couldn't fathom why, seemingly out of the blue, Liu Yong took an interest in the county industrial park. Perhaps he harboured intentions of investing.

Wang Yongwang's surprise quickly transformed into anticipation as this notion crossed his mind. He eagerly gazed at Liu Yong and asked, "Mr. Liu, are you considering investing in our county industrial park?"

Not attempting to conceal his intentions, Liu Yong replied candidly, "Indeed. We are planning to invest over 15 billion yuan in establishing a chip foundry factory. We require five to six hundred acres of industrial land and have been seeking a suitable location."

Wang Yongwang was dumbfounded! As the county magistrate, he possessed a resilient temperament, yet upon hearing this news, he stood transfixed, unable to move.

After a few moments, Wang Yongwang regained his composure, a mixture of surprise and excitement etched across his face. He exclaimed, "Truly, Mr. Liu? How do you find our county industrial park?"

Astounded by the staggering magnitude of the 15 billion yuan investment, Wang Yongwang realised that such an infusion of capital had never been witnessed in Jinpen County. The most significant previous investment had not surpassed 1 billion yuan.

Good heavens! Over 15 billion yuan!

No, even more than that!

Struggling to maintain his composure, Wang Yongwang's enthusiasm overcame him as he eagerly declared, "Mr. Liu, allow me to escort you to the county industrial park for a thorough visit."

A group of people, including Wang Yongwang and Liu Yong, exited the county government office building, causing news of Liu Yong's investment plans to spread like wildfire.

"Oh my God, Mr. Liu plans to invest 15 billion yuan!"

"Such an unprecedented investment!"

"If this investment materializes in our county, the future development is bound to be revolutionary."

Amidst the buzz of excitement and anticipation, several cars were arranged in front of the office building, ready to escort Deputy Mayor Zhang to the county industrial park. Liu Yong was also to be given a tour of the park.

Politely, Liu Yong extended an invitation, "Mayor Wang, why not join me in my car? We can discuss the situation of the industrial park during the journey."

Wang Yongwang readily agreed, smilingly remarking, "I've never had the chance to ride in such a splendid vehicle. Today, I feel truly honored, thanks to Mr. Liu."

Liu Yong and Wang Yongwang boarded the luxurious Rolls-Royce, accompanied by others who occupied the remaining vehicles in the convoy. The procession set off toward the county industrial park.

Seated side by side in the backseat of the Rolls-Royce, Wang Yongwang couldn't help but feel as though he were living in a dream.

"Mr. Liu, your investment must find its home in our industrial park. We can offer you the most favorable treatment, including free land and a tax exemption for three years," Wang Yongwang eagerly proposed, gently conveying a stream of preferential policies in his eagerness to secure the investment.

Wearing a satisfied smile, Liu Yong responded, "As long as the conditions of the industrial park meet our requirements, we can definitely consider placing our investment there."

Relieved by Liu Yong's positive response, Wang Yongwang felt a renewed sense of hope. "Mr. Liu, what kind of chip foundry are you planning to establish?" he inquired, attempting to gauge the scope and nature of Liu Yong's venture.

Wang Yongwang speculated that it might involve the production of low-end chips, possibly in the range of 50 or even 100 nanometers.I think you should take a look at

Liu Yong proceeded to elaborate, "We are in the process of establishing a global semiconductor company. Our primary focus is chip foundry, and we plan to build a cutting-edge factory, referred to as No. 1, in Huahai City. This factory will utilize a 5-nanometer chip processing technology, requiring an investment of over 20 billion yuan and covering an area of approximately 500 mu."

"In addition," Liu Yong continued, "we are also planning a No. 2 factory in a neighboring city, specializing in 8-nanometer technology. The factory's size will exceed 500 acres, and the projected investment is 15 billion yuan, potentially even more."

Wang Yongwang's jaw dropped in astonishment! A factory utilising 5-nanometer and 8-nanometer processes! If such a facility were to be established in Jinpen County, it would create many employment opportunities and generate substantial tax revenue, potentially doubling the county's GDP.

Furthermore, Jinpen County would undoubtedly gain widespread recognition, transitioning from obscurity to global prominence overnight.

Deep within his heart, Wang Yongwang resolved to do whatever it took to secure this investment. Regardless of the methods required, he was determined to retain this opportunity.

After a while, the convoy arrived at the entrance of the county industrial park. Representatives from the park's management committee were already present, awaiting their arrival. Everyone disembarked from the vehicles.

County Mayor Wang, taking charge, addressed the gathering, "Mr. Liu, Deputy Mayor Zhang will be arriving shortly. Allow me to welcome him first, and then we can proceed to explore the industrial park together."

Liu Yong responded, "No problem. Take your time."

With ample time to spare and no pressing matters, Liu Yong patiently waited for Deputy Mayor Zhang's arrival. Meanwhile, the rest of the group assembled near the entrance, their eyes drawn toward the vast expanse of the industrial park.

At first glance, it was evident that the park boasted an expansive area, surpassing the standards of a typical county-level industrial park. Three links and one levelling had been completed, and the park's internal roads were smoothly paved with asphalt.

The only blemish was the park's relatively underwhelming investment attraction efforts. With only two or three enterprises operating within the park, over two-thirds of the land lay idle.

"I'm here!" Liu Yong announced, catching sight of three black cars approaching the park's gate.

A group of individuals descended from the vehicles. Wang Yongwang immediately stepped forward, warmly shaking hands with a middle-aged man, Deputy Mayor Zhang. He then proceeded to introduce the remaining officials one by one.

"Mayor Zhang, allow me to introduce Mr. Liu Yong, the chairman of the Global Shipping Group. Mr. Liu hails from our very own Jinpen County," Wang Yongwang proudly announced.

Deputy Mayor Zhang's eyes sparkled with excitement as he stepped forward, extending his right hand in a gesture of warm welcome.

"Mr. Liu, I've long admired your name and have been hoping for anopportunity to meet you," Deputy Mayor Zhang expressed with genuine enthusiasm. The Global Shipping Group, a conglomerate worth hundreds of billions of dollars, undoubtedly deserved such a warm reception.

Liu Yong reciprocated the handshake, saying, "Mayor Zhang, the pleasure is mine."

After exchanging pleasantries, Wang Yongwang wasted no time reporting the news to Deputy Mayor Zhang, saying, "Mayor Zhang, Mr. Liu intends to invest over 15 billion yuan to establish a large chip foundry factory in our county industrial park."

The magnitude of the investment left Deputy Mayor Zhang speechless. A substantial sum of over 15 billion yuan had never been witnessed before. Grateful for Liu Yong's investment on behalf of the local community, he expressed his most profound appreciation.

The group entered the industrial park, led by Liu Yong and Deputy Mayor Zhang. County Mayor Wang, slightly trailing behind, took the opportunity to provide a detailed account of the park's current state and its potential to Liu Yong.

While listening to Wang Yongwang's comprehensive introduction, Liu Yong scrutinized the industrial park. They covered various aspects, including the park's size, scale, infrastructure, transportation links, etc.

After the inspection, the group returned to the county government office, settling into a spacious conference room. Deputy Mayor Zhang led, addressing Liu Yong, "Mr. Liu, our county industrial park is in excellent condition. If you choose to invest here, we can offer a comprehensive package of preferential policies."

Liu Yong's face beamed with satisfaction. Favourable policies were precisely what he sought.

"Mayor Zhang, what specific preferential policies are available?" he inquired, eager to explore the possibilities.


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