Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 315 Farewell And Blush

In the depths of my thoughts, a realization struck me. The afternoon was waning, and a compelling urge to return to Dongmen Village gnawed at me. My parents were still there, awaiting my arrival. Dongmen Village, situated a moderate distance away from Huahai City, could be reached in approximately two and a half hours by car. Liu Hongfu and his wife frequently travelled back and forth, seamlessly transitioning between the tranquillity of their country villa and the vibrant city life of Huahai.

The flexibility of choice was a luxury I enjoyed. Should I desire the comforts of a villa in Huahai City, I could easily reside there. Conversely, if the allure of a countryside villa beckoned me, I could return to my cherished abode. Freedom accompanied my decisions, granting me the liberty to shape my living arrangements as I pleased.

After a pleasant conversation and some idle chitchat, Liu Yong gracefully rose to bid farewell. Li Changle accompanied him downstairs, exchanging parting words. "Brother Yong, please send me a message on WeChat once you arrive home. Convey my warm regards to my parents," Li Changle requested.

In a tender gesture, Liu Yong gently pulled Li Changle closer, planting a kiss on her lips. The sudden display of affection evoked a rosy blush on Li Changle's cheeks. She whispered softly, "You're being daring, my love. There are people around."

Indeed, a few onlookers had observed their affectionate exchange, their smiles acknowledging the young couple's intimate display of affection.

The car door swung open, and Liu Yong gracefully stepped inside, his hand waving farewell to Li Changle. "Lele, stay in touch with me through WeChat," he urged.

As the car gradually retreated, the driver and co-pilot, both dedicated bodyguards from the Global Shipping Group security department, maintained a watchful presence. Liu Yong had made a point to bring four bodyguards with him during his visit to Dongmen Village. They were accommodated at the county's finest hotel, ready to respond promptly whenever a vehicle was needed.

Liu Yong's return to Dongmen Village stirred up a frenzy of excitement. The villa's entrance brimmed with an atmosphere of jubilation as friends and acquaintances gathered to welcome him. Expressing his gratitude, Liu Yong treated everyone to cigarettes and candies, savouring the joyous moment before retiring to his villa for a well-deserved nap.

Behind the closed door, the lively atmosphere outside vanished, and tranquillity enveloped the room. Liu Yong slumbered until the late afternoon, waking up past three o'clock. Stretching his limbs, a sense of contentment washed over him. His thoughts wandered to the "Blue Whale," his prized possession. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to personally call Ren Ziquan, the captain of the magnificent vessel, to inquire about its current status.

Ren Ziquan's voice crackled with excitement on the other end of the line. It was a rare occurrence for the boss himself to reach out directly. With fervour, Ren Ziquan shared the vessel's progress. The "Blue Whale" had been traversing the Indian Ocean day and night, swiftly approaching the Gulf of Aden. In approximately five or six days, it would reach its destination. Within a week, it was estimated that the "Blue Whale" would sail through the Suez Canal and enter the Mediterranean Sea. The crew and the vessel were functioning optimally, ensuring smooth navigation.

Liu Yong instructed Ren Ziquan to inform him an hour in advance of the vessel's arrival. Ren Ziquan readily agreed, assuring Liu Yong of prompt communication.

As the clock struck four in the afternoon, Liu Yong's phone rang once again, and it was none other than Wang Yongwang, the county magistrate, reaching out to him. "Mr. Liu, I've heard the news of your return," Wang Yongwang greeted.

Liu Yong responded with a hint of amusement, "Magistrate Wang, you have an impeccable source of information indeed. I arrived earlier today."

Wang Yongwang's voice brimmed with enthusiasm as he asked, "Mr. Liu, would it be convenient for me to pay you a visit?"

Liu Yong smiled warmly, "There's no need to stand on ceremony, Magistrate Wang. How about this? I have some free time tomorrow morning, so why don't we meet then?"

Overjoyed, Wang Yongwang exclaimed, "That sounds perfect! I'll eagerly await your arrival tomorrow morning, Mr. Liu."

Liu Yong agreed, "No problem at all. I'll come around 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Thank you for your graciousness, Mr. Liu. Until tomorrow," Wang Yongwang bid farewell.

"See you tomorrow," Liu Yong responded before ending the call. Deep in thought, he mused about County Magistrate Wang's unfailing hospitality every time he returned. There was an inherent warmth and sincerity in his gestures.

The following day arrived swiftly. Liu Yong's Rolls-Royce gracefully glided through the gates of the county government compound. As he exited the car, Wang Yongwang, accompanied by several officials, eagerly awaited his arrival.I think you should take a look at

Wang Yongwang warmly greeted Liu Yong, extending his right hand in a friendly gesture. "Mr. Liu, welcome, welcome!" he exclaimed.

The two men shook hands firmly, exchanging pleasantries and courteous words. Wang Yongwang, with utmost courtesy, led Liu Yong upstairs to his office.

Seated on the plush sofa, a secretary promptly served them both with steaming cups of tea. As they settled in, the atmosphere became relaxed and amiable. Conversations flowed effortlessly.

With genuine concern, Wang Yongwang inquired about the latest developments of the Global Shipping Group. News of the group's expansion, adding a dozen large ships to their fleet with a total tonnage surpassing 13 million, earned Wang Yongwang's congratulations.

Deep admiration mingled within Wang Yongwang's thoughts. The Global Shipping Group had increased its transportation capacity by an astonishing 3 million tons within such a short span of time.

He pondered how remarkable it would be if Liu Yong could channel his immense financial resources into industrial ventures rather than ocean transportation. The county's industrial park could be transformed with such investments, securing its future.

Suppressing these thoughts, Wang Yongwang maintained a composed demeanour. He knew it was futile to voice such desires aloud. The nature of the Global Shipping Group's business precluded investments in a small county like Jinpen.

Hence, he opted to keep his thoughts to himself, silently appreciating the positive outcomes the group's presence had brought to the crew members hailing from Jinpen County. These crew members now enjoyed lucrative salaries, enticing benefits, and the comfort of new homes in the Huahai International Garden.

As the pleasant conversation continued, Wang Yongwang's secretary discreetly entered the room. Leaning over, she whispered a few words into Wang Yongwang's ear. A sudden change in Wang Yongwang's expression signalled unexpected news.

Never had he anticipated the impending visit of Deputy Mayor Zhang, the official in charge of industry and economy, to inspect the county industrial park. The realization weighed heavily upon Wang Yongwang, igniting a surge of pressure within him.

The county industrial park, an endeavour Wang Yongwang had initiated, stood in disarray. With over two-thirds of the more than 1,000 mu of land left unused and abandoned, Wang Yongwang knew he had fallen short of his responsibilities. The pressure intensified as he contemplated the consequences of Deputy Mayor Zhang's visit.

Thoughts raced through Wang Yongwang's mind, realizing that he needed to lower the threshold and attract small and micro enterprises to occupy the idle spaces. The deserted landscape was a stark reminder of his failures, and he feared Deputy Mayor Zhang's potential disappointment.

The mounting pressure became palpable, weighing heavily on Wang Yongwang's shoulders. Even though Liu Yong couldn't discern the exact details, his acute hearing caught the gist of the conversation. Deputy Mayor Zhang's imminent visit to the industrial park seemed to elicit a mix of emotions from Wang Yongwang.

"Major Wang, could you kindly update me on the current situation at the county industrial park?" Liu Yong inquired, unknowingly exposing Wang Yongwang's vulnerabilities.

Internally, Wang Yongwang bristled at the question, frustrated that Liu Yong had inadvertently touched upon his shortcomings. Nevertheless, he maintained a cordial expression, his enthusiasm undeterred. "Our county industrial park, located in the southeast of Xincheng, boasts a prime location just 3 kilometers from the county seat. The nearest expressway entrance is a mere 500 meters away. With an expansive area spanning 1262 mu, all the land has been meticulously prepared, with infrastructure and leveling completed."

Liu Yong listened attentively, recognizing the potential of the county industrial park. Its generous size, convenient proximity to the county town, and excellent transportation links made it an appealing investment. If one were to scrutinize its flaws, the park's small scale in comparison to the bustling metropolis of Huahai City would be the only shortcoming. Yet, considering Jinpen County from a broader perspective, the proximity to Huahai City held significant advantages.

However, Liu Yong remained oblivious to Wang Yongwang's inner turmoil. He concluded that Deputy Mayor Zhang's visit to the industrial park was a positive development. This elated Liu Yong, unbeknownst to the burden it placed on Wang Yongwang. How would he confront Deputy Mayor Zhang?

"Magistrate Wang, I appreciate your efforts in developing the county industrial park," Liu Yong commended sincerely. His words, unknowingly, further complicated Wang Yongwang's predicament.


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