Last Shelter Online

Chapter 154

After they had agreed on a name for the guild that would soon be officialized, Hiro raised his beer glass into the air with his right hand.

“For Everlasting!” he exclaimed in a loud voice, ignoring the annoyed looks of the people who visited the tavern.

Those sitting around Hiro did the same. Even Jacob, who had finished the beer in his glass, didn’t hesitate to raise the empty glass.

“For Everlasting!”


For the first time, Hiro finished the beer in his large glass in one gulp, ignoring the bitter taste that ran down his throat. Hiro couldn’t hide his overflowing enthusiasm to quickly officialize his guild.

“System call.”

Hiro didn’t need to change places to officialize his guild, which was ready to launch. His hands seemed to tremble slightly when he had to fill in the data on the transparent screen that appeared in front of him.

[Guild Name required]

[(Typing) Everlasting]

[Name available. Are you sure you want to use Everlasting as your guild name?]


[The Guild’s name has been confirmed]

[Added 9 name of players who will become the pioneer of the guild members]

[Jacob has been added]

[Noah has been added]

[MyPhantom has been added]

[Wheelie has been added]

[BigShow has been added]

[GoodDay has been added]

[NightWalker has been added]

[Illame has been added]

[RobinHood02 has been added]

[Required player quota has been full. Can’t add new members at this moment]

[Please wait!]

Hiro could feel a warm feeling lingered in his heart when those he just added to the system surrounded him. They really wanted to see what was on the transparent screen. Hiro could feel their spirits through the air inside the tavern at Beginner Town.

[Enter the plot number/settlement/city data along with the slot number to be registered as the guild base]

[Regular Plot area number W2801 – Server North America]

[Slot area number 007]

[You have registered one vacant land slot for the guild base. Are you sure you want to continue?]


[Please Wait!]

Hiro stared at the loading sphere that kept circling like a snake about to eat its own tail with sparkling eyes. He already had an idea of ​​what his base guild would look like. After all, he already had enough money to buy the cheapest building he could use as a place for the guild house.


[Congratulations! NightFall players have successfully registered the new guild ‘Everlasting’ into the system! You can send a gift to congratulate them by using the link below this announcement]

The system broadcasted the announcement to all servers in the game. Seeing his name appear in the broadcast, Hiro suddenly felt nostalgic. It had been a long time since he achieved something that made his name flood the world announcement system.

“Hiro, look!” Jacob shared his HUD screen with Hiro. Jacob’s HUD screen showed the world chat column that was suddenly flooded with chats from many players whose username Hiro didn’t even know.

[LordKuma: Congratulations! Here is a gift for you ‘Everlasting!’]

[Pigispink: Congratulations! Here is a gift for you ‘Everlasting!’]

[WednesdayMood: Congratulations! Here is a gift for you ‘Everlasting!’]

Jacob looked very excited when he saw the notification showing that many people in the world chat had given his new guild a gift. Although he didn’t know what kind of gift it was until Hiro opened the new menu that had appeared on his system’s homepage later.

[Everlasting Guild]

[Guild ID number: 1]

[Guild Level: 1]

[Guild Fame: 1029] [100,000 Fame required to upgrade to level 2]

[Guild LSC Balance: 1,000 LSC]

More and more people congratulated and gave gifts through the link given by the system to ‘Everlasting’. It increased the value of the ‘Everlasting’ guild fame even more. And thus the guild fame was meant as an automatic gift. Hiro felt glad about that.

“Wow! Look at the name above my head!” RobinHood02 looked excited by the name ‘Everlasting’ that appeared above his head along with the player’s information.

[Level 44. RobinHood02. Ranger. Trained Hunter. Everlasting]

Hiro smiled, seeing the reaction of his guild members, who looked very happy after successfully getting a new guild that had been officially recognized by the system.

At that time, he asked everyone to join him, going together to the guild base to build the place together.

On the way to the coordinate that he had memorized, Hiro couldn’t take his eyes off the transparent screen in front of him. He still wanted to continue managing his guild through that screen.

Currently, he was looking at the buildings that could be purchased using LSC for a level 1 guild base. So far, with a price of 10,000-15,000 LSC, the available buildings were wooden buildings that resembled an inn on the top floor and a bar downstairs. The only difference was the location of the bar. It could be indoor or outdoor.

“So, how much do we have to share, Hiro?” Jacob tapped Hiro’s shoulder when Hiro was staring at the example of a building with an outdoor bar. Underneath the image, there was information about available rooms and maximum visitors that could be accommodated.

[Property name: The Wood’s Cabin]

[Daily Visitor Capacity: Up to 100 people]

[Facility: [Bedroom: 10 rooms] [Bathroom: 4 (indoors only)] [1 Gathering Space] [1 Meeting Room] [1 build- in kitchen] [Empty Room: 4 rooms] [Long Balcony] [Underground Warehouse] [Outdoor Mini Bar]]

[Price: 15,500 LSC]

Hiro looked at Jacob, who suddenly asked an unexpected question. He didn’t think he could ask the others to give their savings to buy a building that could be used as a guild base. At first, he thought of buying it with his own money. However, seeing the building was quite expensive, Hiro was a bit desperate.

“Would you like to pay for the building?” Hiro looked at those walking with him one by one. They halted in their place when Hiro suddenly stopped after Jacob patted him.

“Of course. How much is it, Boss?” BigShow seemed not at all hesitant to spend money, as if he was a successful businessman in the real world.

“I am sorry. I used my LSC to pay my sister’s tuition fee yesterday. For now, my remaining LSC is no more than 5,000 LSC.” Illame felt a little awkward when he gave detailed information about his LSC.

“Just how much is it? We can split the bill.” Jacob patted Hiro’s shoulder as if he knew what had just been bothering Hiro’s mind.

Hiro was taken aback. He couldn’t believe his ears, so he saw them one by one. Even Noah, who used to be very annoyed because he didn’t get the rare drop from the Minorous boss, didn’t seem to mind in the slightest about giving some of his savings.

Hiro really had never met anyone like them before in his life. After all, only Yuujin would often give him money without any consideration.

“You guys…”

Hiro could feel his heart suddenly lighten and his nose felt a little wet.


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