Last Shelter Online

Chapter 153

Hiro asked BigShow to gather his party members and get them to introduce themself.

To make a guild become official, all he needed was the first 10 guild members, a guild base, and also a guild name. For the first 10, everything had been fixed. Thus, Hiro had to let everyone get to know each other first because, after all, they would become the pioneers of the guild.

BigShow joined in with his 5 party members. They had the same characteristics that made Hiro interested in recruiting them. Besides being faithful to each other, they were hard workers and active in progressing their avatars. They also looked very enthusiastic about becoming strong players. Although their nature was a bit arrogant like Noah, Hiro was sure everything would be fine if they could be controlled later.

BigShow was a barbarian, just like Hiro. The man’s party members were GoodDay (Knight), NightWalker (rogue), Illame (mage), and RobinHood02 (ranger). They all had the same bloodline, the dragon bloodline.

Even though they were from dragons’ bloodline, Hiro realized that each of them was unique. They could adjust their avatar so that their bloodline could be used in each job class they had chosen.

After getting to know them, Hiro introduced them one by one to his friends. A very short introduction had been made, and they agreed to use their usernames for addressing each other.

Among his three friends, only Jacob seemed to adapt well and get along with them. Even so, Hiro didn’t think much of it. He believed they could get along as soon as they were in the same guild.

Not only that, the five of them were above the average world level, 42.

With these two things, Hiro knew they were a player who had the knowledge of playing MMORPG. Of course, they had the potential to become a strong player in the future.

“She’s here.” Cara suddenly patted Hiro’s shoulder, then walked out of the tavern.

She then came back with a female Dwarf Hiro had been waiting for, Wheelie. The girl only glanced at Hiro before staring at Noah with a very broad smile on her face.

Hiro once again introduced the girl to everyone who had gathered before discussing another important matter that would excite him.

“So, about the name. Do you guys have any suggestions?”

Since the conversation would be a bit long, Hiro asked for ten seats and a glass of light beer to the NPC Jack. He didn’t let Jacob order strong alcohol because he needed them all to focus before something big happened.

“Me! Me! Me!” Jacob was very enthusiastic, raising his hand like a bright student who always had a question in his head in every class.

Hiro allowed anyone to express their opinion, so he allowed Jacob to speak first.

“I have cool names in my head, Hiro. Just listen to me!” His eyes looked sparkling, while the others stared at him in silence.

“How about the Power Rangers?”

“Or Awesome Rangers?”

“Mmm… maybe Brave Rangers… no no no.”

“How about the Strongest Rangers?!”

Hiro had already guessed that Jacob would suggest weird names. However, this time it was slightly off the mark, although the result was the same.

“Noobie Knight, you just added another word in front of the rangers. Can’t you be more creative?” Noah said. He couldn’t hide his disappointment. He had wasted five precious seconds of his time listening to Jacob.

“Excuse me? Who gave Spyro such a ridiculous name back then, huh? Who is less creative?!” Jacob couldn’t accept it whenever Noah asked for a battle with him.

Hiro had to tap on the wooden table in front of him to stop the two of them from killing each other in the safe zone.

“Okay enough. Looks like I must ask one thing first before deciding on a name.” Hiro cleared his throat. It felt dry because he talked too much.

“Jacob, what is the role of a guild for you? What is the definition of a guild in your head? Can you explain it to me in a short sentence?” Hiro wanted to know how Jacob see a guild, because he knew this game was the first MMORPG for the man. And he was sure that this guild would become Jacob’s first guild.

Jacob raised his head in deep thought. His eyes looked up at the ceiling of the building.

“The role of a guild for me? Hmmm… I’m thinking about a great team that will do great things together. Is that enough?”

Hiro let out a long sigh.

“What kind of great things do you expect, Jacob?” He needed a more specific answer, and Jacob was in a deep thought again. This time, the man closed his eyes tightly.

“Hummm… fighting villains like the Power Rangers do?”

“Villains? You mean monsters?” said Noah, who immediately received a death glare from Hiro. Thus, he decided to lock his lips tight.

“No… I mean yes, monsters included. But, what I am talking about is the real villains. For example, those famous player killers. maybe?” Jacob looked at Hiro, asking for help as if he wasn’t sure of his answer.

However, before Hiro could give his comment about it, BigShow suddenly interrupted.

“I think that would be great! Guild that will exterminate the crime in the game. The guild that would put an end to the player killers. I totally agree with you, Jake.”

“Me, too. Those PKs are annoying. No one can play this game with no fear.” GoodDay added his opinion.

Hiro looked to the side where BigShow and his party members were sitting close together. They had almost the same posture. Seeing the five of them together made Hiro felt like he was watching an international wrestling tournament. They were mostly like professional wrestlers.

“For me, a guild is a home to gather with family. Guild members are a family. And the family can provide whatever we need, such as security, pleasure, comfort, and others. When I played the previous games, I hated it the most when my guild had to be disbanded because it could no longer meet the requirements given by the in-game system. Because that means I lost my family.” Wheelie spoke in a soft, elegant female voice. Even her gestures were gentle. In stark contrast to Cara, who sat with one leg raised on the table like a thug.

“Miss Wheelie is right. I really hate that too,” said Illame. His eyes sparkled as he looked at Wheelie.

“All right, anything else? We have got two important roles of the guild. Guild as a place to exterminate the crime and guild as a home for families to gather.” Hiro summed up the two things he had managed to get so far.

“Forever. What’s the point of being a crime-fighting family if it’s only temporary?”

For the very first time, Cara talked about things that were off her character. And the sentence was too good to be true. Hiro even reflexively pointed at her with his index finger.

“Well said, Cara. I also have no interest in guilds that can only last temporarily.”

“For me, a guild must have a purpose. Goals like exterminating evil, becoming the strongest player, becoming the strongest family. Goals like that make a guild sure to last a long time. And guild members must keep the same goal in mind. Because if we don’t, surely the guild will not last long.”

All eyes stared at Hiro with a serious look. Hiro could see their necks moving in rhythm while swallowing their saliva. It seemed his words were too deep to make them look at him like that.

“I got the point. All right, now I have one name in my head.” Jacob licked his own lips. He seemed impatient to propose a name for their guild again.

“Say it, Jacob.” Hiro gave him another chance.

“Forever Rangers.”


“Or maybe Rangers Forever!”

Everyone sitting around Jacob had the same expression on their faces. They were surprised to hear Jacob still using the word ‘Rangers’.

“Hey! What’s so bad about Rangers? Why don’t you agree?!”

Noah couldn’t hold himself back any longer, and he had to shut Jacob’s mouth by force.

“Shut up! What a waste, You Dumb, Noobie Knight!”

Hiro’s eyebrow twitched after seeing Noah attack Jacob suddenly. For some reason, he didn’t feel like stopping Noah, and let the man teach Jacob a lesson.

“All right, enough.” Hiro again asked them to keep their mouths shut.

He didn’t know how long they would stay in that place just to come up with a name for his guild.

“Everlasting.” Wheelie suddenly muttered in a soft voice. Her face was downcast as she stared at her hand, which was moving awkwardly under the table.

“Yes, Wheelie?” Hiro thought he heard a word that sounded great. However, he wasn’t sure if he heard it right.

“Everlasting.” Wheelie repeated her words. This time, her beautiful eyes looked at Hiro seriously.

“Existing without ends, eternal, everlasting. A beautiful word with a deep meaning,” she added with a beautiful smile on her face.



Everyone started muttering the same word while nodding their heads, looking at each other by saying the word as if they were talking to each other with the same signal of approval.

“Everlasting?” Hiro’s voice broke the commotion.

“All the things I mentioned earlier summed up in one word. Everlasting. This word is not just beautiful, it is perfect!”


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