Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 14 – Sword Momentum

Chapter 14 – Sword Momentum

With each longsword he drew, Meng Fan could absorb a strand of Sword Essence.

During cultivation, using these Sword Essences could enhance his cultivation speed.

Therefore, working as a Guarding Sword Disciple in the Sword Pavilion, wiping longswords, was simply perfect for him!

At this moment, Meng Fan earnestly wiped the longswords, planning to clean forty before returning to his room to cultivate.

He had calculated that the Sword Essence from forty longswords would sustain him through a night of cultivation!

Of course, this referred to ordinary swords.

If they were Spiritual Swords, one might be worth ten, even a hundred ordinary swords.

But Meng Fan didn't dare touch a Spiritual Sword yet. The previous one, "Hong Qi," had left a deep impression on him!

Last time was lucky; Hong Qi hadn't been intent on harming him.

But luck wasn't something he could count on every time!

Strength was the true path.

He would consider handling Spiritual Swords after increasing his strength.

When Meng Fan reached the twenty-sixth longsword, the long-absent Sword Wraith appeared.

The likelihood of ordinary longswords containing a Malevolent Aura wasn't high.

But for someone like Meng Fan, who wiped forty swords in one go, the probability of encountering one with a Malevolent Aura was much higher!

【Sword Name: Copper Mountain.】


The moment Meng Fan touched the sword, a fierce Sword Wraith rushed into his body.

Without surprise, 【Sword Dao Transcendence】 activated again, beginning to refine the Sword Wraith.

Images started to form in Meng Fan's mind.

Such swords, though not Spiritual Swords, had indeed been touched by some spirit.

Each sword had its own "memory."

In this memory, Meng Fan saw a youth.

The youth practiced the same Sword Technique with the Copper Mountain sword.

A simple vertical slash.

In this memory, the youth repeated the action over and over.

Time flowed like water, slow in the memory, but perhaps only a second passed in the reality of the Sword Pavilion.

In the scene Meng Fan saw, the youth had performed the slash countless times.

The youth had grown into a young man, still practicing the vertical slash without ever giving up.

Meng Fan frowned, puzzled.

It was just a simple vertical slash, nothing special, not even a proper Sword Technique.

Even a three-year-old could perform such a slash with a Wooden Sword.

But intuition told Meng Fan that there was more to this action.

The memory contained within the Sword Wraith must be extremely precious and important.

This vertical slash was bound to undergo earth-shattering changes.

Soon, the youth in the memory had aged into a middle-aged man.

Then, on a certain day, the middle-aged man performed the usual slash.

But this time, it was different!

As the sword fell, ripples spread through the void.

This ordinary slash transformed, causing a monumental change.

Sword Intent?

No. It was Sword Momentum!!!

With this slash, the middle-aged man harnessed the power of heaven and earth, subtly containing the mysteries of the cosmos.

The sword united with heaven and earth, seizing the essence of creation, forming Sword Momentum!

Decades of repeating this slash had finally borne fruit.

"Sword Momentum—Mountain Splitting!"

Before the memory ended, Meng Fan faintly heard a weathered voice.

【Mountain Splitting】


Meng Fan opened his eyes, shocked.

He had witnessed Sword Momentum in an ordinary longsword.

He had encountered ordinary-looking longswords before that turned out to be the sabers of supreme masters.

But still, he was astounded!

It just showed how extraordinary the Shu Mountain Sword Sect's Sword Pavilion was.

This modest Sword Pavilion, how many famous, strange, and enigmatic swords did it contain...

And this was just the first floor!

The second, third, fourth floors! How many terrifying Sword Weapons could there be?

In fact, Meng Fan had simply stumbled upon a windfall.

Whether it was 【White Night】, 【Dark Wind】, or now 【Copper Mountain】 in his hands.

【White Night】, once the saber of Lord Eternal Night, from which Meng Fan learned the Extreme Path Sword Drawing Technique.

【Dark Wind】, once the saber of Limitless Sword Sect Clan Master Li Qingyun, from which Meng Fan obtained the seed of the Supreme Heartless Sword Intent.

【Copper Mountain】, although Meng Fan didn't know the identity of its owner, anyone who could cultivate Sword Momentum was certainly no ordinary figure!

To others, these three swords might seem like mere Ordinary Swords, not worth mentioning.

Only Meng Fan, with 【Sword Dao Transcendence】, could refine the Sword Wraith and extract its memories, reaping astonishing benefits.

So it wasn't strange for these three swords to appear on the first floor of the Sword Pavilion.

In a sense, it wasn't the swords that were strong, but Meng Fan... and his Talent for Sword Dao Transcendence.

"Sword Momentum," Meng Fan murmured to himself.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck his mind, and he returned to his room to rest, no longer continuing to wipe the longswords.

Although he had only wiped twenty-six swords, not reaching forty, the intense pain in his mind made it impossible to continue.

He needed to rest! The Sword Wraith unleashed by the Copper Mountain sword was, in fact, more astonishing than all the previous swords combined.

Thus, the damage Meng Fan suffered was also the most severe.

After returning to his room, Meng Fan began to regulate his breath.

The warm current inside him, now commanded as Sword Essence, began to deplete again.

Sleepless through the night, Meng Fan's headache gradually eased.


Dawn was breaking; the night had passed.

"This Sword Wraith from the Copper Mountain sword was too strong," Meng Fan got out of bed, rubbing his head.

Greater danger meant greater opportunity.

Meng Fan's suffering was not in vain!

Last night, in the memory, he saw that Sword Momentum—【Mountain Splitting】.

Sword Momentum was too profound.

Even with 【Sword Dao Transcendence】, Meng Fan couldn't expect to grasp Sword Momentum after just one viewing.

If his Cultivation Level were higher, perhaps it would be possible.

But after all, Meng Fan was currently just a first level Qi Refining novice.

Sword Momentum! It was too far out of reach.

Yet even so, Meng Fan had not come away empty-handed.

Although he couldn't condense the Mountain Splitting Sword Momentum, he had mastered the Mountain Splitting Sword Technique.

He had integrated this Sword Momentum into a Sword Technique of his own.

This was the insight brought by 【Sword Dao Transcendence】.

Meng Fan stepped out of his room, went to the wooden rack outside, casually took a longsword, and drew it from its sheath.

Then, he gently performed a slash!

The motion was identical to the one from last night's memory.

The person in the memory's slashes were all ordinary, except for the last one!

But the slash Meng Fan now performed, while seemingly the same, contained a unique power.

【Effortless Might】

It looked like a light slash, but it actually held the force of a thousand pounds.

He sheathed the sword and returned it to the rack.

A slight smile appeared on Meng Fan's face.


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