Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 13 – Inner Sect Disciple

Chapter 13 – Inner Sect Disciple

Unfortunately for her, she encountered Meng Fan.

From then on, she would realize that true geniuses did exist in this world!

"What was the name of the Sword Technique you were practicing just now?" Meng Fan asked the woman.

"Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword."

Meng Fan nodded, committing the name of the Sword Technique to memory.

He had just observed many practitioners in the Sword Pavilion and gained some insights, but he didn't know the names of their techniques.

"Your Sword Technique seems gentle and powerless, yet it flows continuously, one move seamlessly connecting to the next, demonstrating the ability to overcome strength with softness.

All you need is to draw your opponent into the rhythm of your Sword Technique, and then they will gradually fall under your control and into defeat.

However, when you were using your sword just now, there was a significant flaw and gap - it was too slow!

This kind of Sword Technique requires a seamless succession of moves, combining gentleness with the speed of a sudden storm, to catch the opponent off guard and at a disadvantage."

Meng Fan picked up a Wooden Sword from the corner weapon rack, drew it from its sheath, and set the scabbard aside.

"Young Lady, your sword is too slow!"

Having said that, Meng Fan began to demonstrate the Sword Technique.

The woman across from him watched with disdain. Although Meng Fan seemed to speak eloquently, she thought it was all nonsense.

How could a mere first level Qi Refining Outer Sect Disciple see through her Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword and even instruct her? What would be the point of her practicing the sword then?

"Watch closely!" Meng Fan started to wield the sword.

The Wooden Sword in his hands was like a startling swan.

Swift and smooth.

The Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword, with its eight forms, flowed from Meng Fan's hands like clouds and water.

It was almost indistinguishable from the Sword Techniques the woman had used earlier.

Even the details were slightly optimized!

Most importantly, Meng Fan's sword was fast.

One move followed another, tightly knit, almost dazzling to the eyes.

The woman standing beside Meng Fan was completely stunned, her mouth agape wide enough to fit a duck egg.

Moments later, Meng Fan sheathed his sword and quietly looked at the woman.

"Young Lady, are you satisfied with this demonstration of the Sword Technique?"

It took a while for the woman to come back to her senses, staring blankly at Meng Fan, "Did you already learn the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword before?"

Before Meng Fan could answer, she continued, "No, that's impossible. You couldn't have had access to the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword!"

Her brows furrowed tightly, she stared at Meng Fan, somewhat questioning her life.

If Meng Fan had merely watched her practice a few times and then mastered the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword to such an extent, it would be a fantasy, simply impossible.

"Who exactly are you?" the woman asked Meng Fan with a cold voice.

At this moment, she no longer cared if Meng Fan had been peeking at her practice; she was more curious about why Meng Fan knew the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword.

"I am Meng Fan, a Guarding Sword Disciple of the Sword Pavilion. May I know how to address the Young Lady?"

The Sword Pavilion?

Hearing these two words, the woman looked at Meng Fan with surprise.

"Inner Sect Disciple, Liu Yanping." Since he had introduced himself, she felt it was only right to reveal her identity.

Meng Fan nodded slightly, without any additional reaction.

He had never heard of her name, let alone recognized her.

"Have you learned the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword?" Liu Yanping asked with a frown.


"Then how do you know this Sword Technique?"

"I just watched you practice and imitated it."


Liu Yanping glared at Meng Fan, her chest heaving with anger.

Just by watching her practice a few times, to master the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword to such a degree, not even a Sword Immortal descending from the heavens could achieve that.

However, the matter was now settled, and she was not going to dwell on it any longer.

Although she was a woman, she could accept defeat gracefully.

Since Meng Fan had met her challenge and done so perfectly, it would be unreasonable for her to persist in her objections.

More importantly, Meng Fan's earlier critique and his demonstration of the Sword Technique had indeed been enlightening for her, clearing her mind and giving her a clearer understanding and direction for the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword.

Liu Yanping gave a wry smile.

To be honest, she should be thanking Meng Fan.

If she continued to pester Meng Fan, it would be excessive!

"Young Lady, if there's nothing else, I will continue observing the Sword Techniques," Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping.

He moved to another corner, far from the young lady, and resumed watching the disciples in the Sword Pavilion practice their swords.

Liu Yanping, meanwhile, began to watch Meng Fan quietly.

Without a doubt, she was intrigued by him.

This was normal, as Meng Fan's performance had indeed been peculiar and astonishing!

She didn't believe that Meng Fan had never encountered the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword before.

Even if he had, how could an Outer Sect Disciple at the first level of Qi Refining possibly master the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword to such an extent?

Of course, Meng Fan had just mentioned he was a Guarding Sword Disciple of the Sword Pavilion, which also piqued her curiosity.

The Sword Pavilion!

These two words were shrouded in mystery within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.

Especially the upper floors of the Sword Pavilion, the third and fourth levels, were almost like forbidden grounds.

With a sense of curiosity, Liu Yanping began to spy on Meng Fan.

She discovered that Meng Fan was indeed earnestly observing others practice their swords.

This puzzled her.

What use was there in watching others practice?

If it were a highly skilled swordsman, they might discern some insights from watching these disciples practice.

But what could an Outer Sect Disciple at the first level of Qi Refining, even if from the Sword Pavilion, possibly glean from it?

Without incantations or cultivation methods, just watching.

If one could learn a Sword Technique just by watching, what was the point of having secret manuals and precious texts?

Liu Yanping shook her head, thinking this guy was a bit neurotic.

Once she confirmed that Meng Fan was just watching others practice without any other actions, she lost interest in continuing to watch.

Because she couldn't see the point!

It wasn't until sunset that Meng Fan reluctantly stood up and left the Training Hall.

The Sword Pavilion was about to close, and he needed to hurry back.


After returning to the Sword Pavilion, Senior Disciple Luo asked Meng Fan to close the main gate and then paid him no further attention.

From start to finish, he never asked where Meng Fan had been.

He wasn't concerned about such matters.

But asking about these things was also a way of giving Meng Fan enough freedom.

"You lad, it seems like you haven't polished a single sword today. Don't forget the tasks you're supposed to do every day!"

Senior Disciple Luo still didn't forget to remind him.

Meng Fan nodded. Indeed, he hadn't polished any swords today, so he immediately went to polish the long swords.

He hadn't felt any effects today in the Training Hall, so he needed to diligently polish the swords to absorb the warm flow.

Meng Fan didn't know what the warm flow that entered his abdomen from the sword body was, but he silently named it "Sword Essence."


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