Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Side Chapter 3- Aside in the Capital of Odeen

Side Chapter 3- Aside in the Capital of Odeen

In the capital city of Odeen, far from where Keeno and Pram have just arrived was a certain person working deep inside the city’s underground.  Lit only by torches and candles she sat at an old desk covered in what could only be called ancient paper, carefully studying their contents.  The woman was tall and had a long tail with a dark purple flame lighting the tip.  Her tail would periodically move in a mesmerizing manner while making swooshing sounds.  Atop her head were two pairs of horns, two long and pristine while the other two were small and adorned the sides of her head like accessories.  Her pale blond hair flowed all the way to her plump thighs.  Her sharp eyes locked in a permanent glare stared down at the words written on the old paper, her sea green eyes nearly glowing in the dim light.  Suddenly she looked up from her research, the flame on her tail and the purple flame burning in her chest flaring up, casting a purple light across the room.  She started staring in the direction of a certain kitsune.

“This feeling…my brethren…no, but someone once related to them…interesting.  I’ll send some of my ‘eyes’ out to see just who this person is.” (???)

The woman waved her hand, and several small insects flew over to her hand from cracks in the walls.  These insects, however, were not normal.  They were dead, being reanimated by the woman’s Death magic.  The small purple embers burning inside them grew brighter after the woman gave them their orders and the insects flew away.

“Now to wait and see.  Will you be a good little one and keep me entertained, or will you be boring?” (???)

The woman smiled at the thought of something interesting happening soon when she heard the footsteps of someone approaching her study.  Once the footsteps stopped, someone knocked on the door and the woman put on her usual bored expression.

“Enter.” (???)

The door opened and a knight wearing armor entered.

“Lady Eblana, the king requests your presence.”

“*Sigh* What does the old man want now?  His requests are always so boring and insignificant.” (Eblana)

“I’m afraid I don’t know.  All I was told was to come and summon you to his side.”

“Tch.  Fine.” (Eblana)

Eblana stood up and, following the knight, made her way to the ruler of Odeen.  Once the two left the underground study, they traveled through the halls of the castle passing by many windows looking out over the capital.  Eblana looked out of one of these windows at the familiar sight and the shining wall of light in the center of the city.

“Hmm?” (Eblana)

“Lady Eblana?”

“It’s nothing.” (Eblana)

After navigating several hallways, the two stopped in front of a small door near the top of one of the castle’s spires.  Standing outside the room was another knight who saluted Eblana as she approached before turning and announcing her arrival through the door.

“Lady Eblana, Dragon of Death has arrived!”

The knight leading her to this room joined his fellow in salute on the other side of the door.  Eblana rolled her eyes in annoyance before stepping between the two knights and opening the door.  After entering the room and closing the door, she stared at the old man sitting behind a desk, staring outside to the wall of light.

“Eblana, have you noticed it as well?”

“Oh?  Is something the matter with the Dead Zone?” (Eblana)

“Don’t play games with me, just answer.”

“Tch.  Yes, I dare say I’ve noticed more than you have.  The Death Spirits are stirring a little more than usual and differently than when you started that war.  They are more…happy.” (Eblana)

“This is an ill tiding…I can feel it in my bones.”

“Are you sure you aren’t just getting paranoid in your old age?  I for one am looking forward to your death so I can be free of this annoying contract with you.” (Eblana)

“Hehehe.  As spiteful as always, my dear Dragon of Death.  If you wished to be free of me so much, then all you need do is kill me, but we both know you won’t do that, you have too much pride to go against an agreement you made.”

“Yes, I have too much pride to do so, but I won’t have any qualms about it if I find someone better to serve, but you know that too, that’s why you lock me away in that stuffy underground room you call my study and send me all those dusty old papers.  But those papers are interesting enough for me to not mind, for now.” (Eblana)

“Hehehe.  And, I believe this proposition will be quite, what was it, entertaining, for you.  At least enough to keep you busy for a while.”

“Then speak, I tire of your playing around the subject just as much as you do when I do so.” (Eblana)

“Go to the Dead Zone and investigate what is happening.  Report everything you learn to me.  Take as much time doing so as you want.”

The dragon woman’s eyes widened slightly.

“Kukuku.  So, you’ve finally given me something to do that is interesting.” (Eblana)

Eblana turned and left the room immediately, leaving the King of Odeen alone once more.

“This will keep that damn lizard busy for a while longer.  *cough* Hehehe.  And good luck finding a new master, as long as this country has a Dead Zone, you will be MY pet and MINE alone.  I will never give up the power of a Dragon like you…until you’re no longer useful. *cough cough*”

The king opens a drawer and pulls out a vial of liquid.  He pops the top off it and downs its contents in one go.

“Ugh.  As disgusting as always.”

He looks back out of the window and sees how the wall of light, Odeen’s Dead Zone, seems duller than normal.

“An ill tiding indeed…I must find out if something similar is happening to the other seven.”

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …That Eblana person…she reminds me of Reed.

Tamamo: That one dragon you met after Ling and the others?

Luna: Yeah…It’s like they could be sisters almost, the resemblance is uncanny.

Tamamo: That aside, I think I am seeing how things are going to play out a bit once Keeno actually decided to go after this Dead Zone.

Luna: Yeah, but the exciting thing is going to be seeing how it plays out to that point.  I can’t wait.

Tamamo: Ufufufu.  Your excitement is contagious, Luna.


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