Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 50- Stepping Foot in Odeen

Chapter 50- Stepping Foot in Odeen

[Keeno POV]

A day has passed since we started on this trek to Odeen through the ‘fast path.’  It wasn’t as fast as I thought, and a bit more dangerous.  Like the first day, we ran into more of those goat things, which we once again had to run away from seeing as our location wasn’t prime for how we fight.  And once again, we had some poorly maintained rope bridges to cross.  By the time we crossed our fourth one, I had given Pram permission to use my tail as a hug pillow for a year.  We were currently resting in a small cave near the path, waiting for the suns to rise.

“Ama how much longer are we going to be up here.  If I have to run form more of those stupid goats, I’ll make them go extinct when I ascend.” (Keeno)

{I believe the two of you should cross the border at some point today.  You’ll notice it immediately.  After that, it’ll all be downhill from here, literally.}

“What do you mean, we’ll notice it immediately?” (Pram)

Pram asked this question while snuggling into my tail.

{Once more ‘blessing’ of the Dead Zones.  Though most of the effects are concentrated at the Dead Zone itself and its immediate area, its influence can be seen and felt throughout the whole country.  In this case, you’ll notice it is immediately warmer, nearly spring-like, when you cross the border.}

“…” (Keeno)

“I’ve always wondered what spring was like.” (Pram)

{Remember the times it got really hot around Keeno, to the point the snow melted and it just generally being warmer?  That’s a bit what it’s like.}

“I see.” (Pram)

{Keeno, is something wrong?}

“It’s just…calling things the Dead Zones give blessings doesn’t feel right to me.  Yeah, I know what their purpose is, and that people have become too reliant on them, so it’s almost like a curse instead.  Don’t get me wrong, I get why you made them, Ama, but I also kind of feel like you should have known what would happen once they were set up and people started to take them for granted.  That, and I’m also remembering just what me dismantling them will cause.” (Keeno)

{Well, you do have the choice to not dismantle them and just wait for them to disappear on their own.  Not like you are going to die by then, though that means I’d need to think of a new Trial for Pram to complete.}

“I never said I was going to stop, just…reaffirming my resolve, I guess.  Not that Odeen’s Dead Zone is the one we are going for right now anyway.” (Keeno)

As I was saying this, the light of my sun could be seen shining over the mountains in the distance followed shortly by Ama’s.  Seeing that, Pram let go of my tail and stood up.  I followed suit and we left our little cave camp spot.

A few hours after we left our camp spot, we started descending at a slow pace.  When we got to bottom of the small incline and turned a small corner, I felt the atmosphere change completely, like walking through a barrier to another world completely.  At the edge of the path was a small cliff that looked out over Odeen.

“…” (Pram)

I looked over at Pram next to me and saw her eyes were wide.

“S-so much green…” (Pram)

While admiring the view, I felt something like an itch in my very soul.  It was small, nearly unnoticeable, but there all the same.  It grew a little as I gazed off into the distance.

“Ama, it’s that way, isn’t it.” (Keeno)

{Yes.  The Core of Divinity of Odeen’s Dead Zone is in that direction.}

“I can sort of feel it…so much…Death.” (Keeno)

“…” (Pram)

Pram reached out and patted my head.

“Keeno.” (Pram)

“Hehe.  I’m good.  Now, let’s get off this damn mountain before more of those stupid goats show up.” (Keeno)

Pram nodded her head, and it sounded like Ama wanted to say something, but stopped.  We continued to descend the mountain, which was surprisingly void of any obstacles.  In no time at all we made it to the bottom and onto an old, barely maintained path.

“All in all, that was way more trouble than it was worth.  Next time, we’re taking the long way around.” (Keeno)

“About time you see it my way, but then again, I got a lot out of this, so it isn’t ALL bad.” (Pram)

{Hehe.  Don’t worry Pram, this just means Keeno won’t take paths like these through mountains again, not other ‘fun’ paths to your destinations.}

“…More tail pillow time for me then.” (Pram)

“Why am I relegated to just a pillow now?” (Keeno)

“Because I’m trying to teach you not to do reclass things like what we just did just for the sake of your curiosity and expediency.  No offence to Amaterasu, but she and Fia clearly only ever encouraged this kind of thinking, and I know for a fact that if I don’t at least curb it a little bit, then one day we’re going to end up in a situation that may actually kill us, or at least me, since none of us know if you can even die.” (Pram)

“…You have a point?” (Keeno)

“Why was that a question?  It’s a fact and I need you to acknowledge it.” (Pram)

“Fine, I’ll try to change my ways just a little.” (Keeno)

“*Sigh* I guess I’ll accept that, FOR NOW.” (Pram)


“Don’t laugh, this is partially your fault.” (Pram)

{Sorry Pram, but it’s funny.  And by the way, Fia was the same a long time ago, but now she’s come to terms that our way is more fun and interesting.  You’ll see, Pram, you’ll see.}

“Hehehe.  Join us Pram, we have so many crazy things to do and see.” (Keeno)

“You forget that I’m the one in charge of healing you, I can always stop until you see things my way.” (Pram)

“Tch.” (Keeno)

We continued to banter like this until we found ourselves leaving the unmaintained path and walking on one made of cobblestones.  In the distance the walls of a town could be seen.

“Ready for our first city in Odeen?” (Keeno)

“Yeah.  I wonder if it’ll be any different than back home?” (Pram)

{I’ll let you two find that out yourselves.}

Chaos Realm:

Crisis: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  I HAVE RETURNED!!!

Order: *smack!!*

Crisis: OUCH!

Order: In-can, what have I told you about showing up here yelling like that?

Crisis: Ooo!  Order’s scary smiling face!  It’s been so long since I’ve seen that.

And how are you doing Evelyn?

Evelyn: Good…Where’s Astraea?

She’ll be here shortly, she was doing something to surprise you, but you didn’t hear that from me.

Evelyn: Nn.


Order: Like hell I can’t, you loudmouth!  GET BACK HERE!

And I thought I was the God of Chaos.

Evelyn: Mom is just like that…She wishes Miss Order would visit more often.

I can arrange that.  As long as Mordred is also open to the suggestion as well, seeing as this is probably what will end up happening whenever these two are in the same room.

Evelyn: Mom will allow it…She can never say no to Mom’s requests.

I see.


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