Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 54- More Fluff

Chapter 54- More Fluff

[Keeno POV]

Snuggling closer to Ama, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Ama…thank you.  For the magic from earlier, for giving me a good time…for just existing.  You help keep me together when my mind starts wandering to things that-”

{Ah, ah, ah.  No need to get all serious on me now, Keeno.  I understand what you are trying to say, and I am happy you think of me that way.  But don’t sell yourself short and give me all the credit.  Pram, Huginn, Muninn, Fia, you have a lot of people to rely on and your mind is stronger than you think.  Did you forget your Trial from the Well?  From what you told us you felt you spent a long time alone and you didn’t break.  Yes, that thing with the bandits was your first time killing things that could be considered people, yes, you’ll have to do that countless more times in the future, yes, you may not like it, but if anyone in this world can handle it, it’s you.  AND, if you still think that burden is too much, you have the rest of us to rely on.}

“Hehe.  Now look who’s getting all serious.”

{Haha.  Guess I should listen to my own advice.}

“We really need to work on our pillow talk.  But hey, we have time.”

I moved my arms and pulled Ama into a hug.

{Oh?  Still want more?}

“Not this time…not every hug or kiss I give you needs to lead to sex.  I just feel like hugging and being close to you in general, even if we don’t have that much time left today.”

{Ask and I’ll oblige, my love.}

Ama wrapped her arms and tails around me, making it look like we were in a cocoon of Fluff.

“One day, I’m going to be the one to do this to you.”

{I look forward to it.}

We laid there in silence for several minutes, reveling in each other’s presence.

“Hey Ama.”

{Yes Keeno?}

“You are the best wife a kitsune could ask for.”

{I could say the same about you.  From your cute reactions to your personality that you only show me.  A part of me wants to just isolate you from all existence so I can treasure you, but I also think you shine all the brighter when you are free.}

“Ahahaha.  I think the same way about you.  I mean, I don’t know how free you are in the Divine Domain with all its rules and regulations and stuff, but you shine so bright that it hurts to look directly at you sometimes.”

Ama closed her eyes and rested her forehead on mine and our noses touched.

{In my honest opinion, us gods are freer than anyone living in the mortal world, though you can’t really enjoy it all that much just yet.  Oh, but the dates I have planned for when you finally get here permanently.  We’ll be quite busy for years to come.}

“I can’t wait.”

A short while later my body started to shine.

“It seems times up…OH!  Heal me before I head back.  Don’t want to make Pram do it again.”

{With pleasure.}

Ama moved her arms from around my back to around my neck and brought her lips to mine.  I felt a pleasant warmth course throughout my entire body, heating up in several places where my body needed healing.

“Hehe.  This gave me an idea, but I’ll save it for later.”

I kissed Ama one more time before I disappeared from the Divine Domain.  Next thing I knew, I sat up in the bed I was in before visiting Ama.  Pram was lying on the other bed, asleep.  Huginn and Muninn were staring at the door before turning to look at me.  They ruffled their feathers before turning their attention back to the door.

‘I wonder what’s up with them…I’ll ask Pram later.’

{Good idea.}

I got up from the bed and moved over to the small bathroom attached to the room.  After cleaning myself up, I put on some sleeping clothes and walked back to the bed I was using.

{Rest well, Keeno.  We can ask Pram what’s up in the morning.}

I nodded my head and went to sleep.  When I woke up again, I found that Pram had, at some point, made her way over to me and buried herself in my tail.  I chuckled at this a little bit and booped her on the nose, waking her up.

“Morning Pram.” (Keeno)

“Nnn?  Keeno…fluffy…ehehe.” (Pram)

She started nuzzling deeper into my tail.

“Hnng.  Pram, please stop, that feels weird.” (Keeno)

I kept poking Pram until she finally ACTUALLY woke up.

“Keeno, why are you poking me?” (Pram)

“Explanation later, let go of my tail first…feels weird…uncomfortable.” (Keeno)

Pram immediately let my tail go and moved a bit away from me.

“Sorry.” (Pram)

I moved my tail into my lap and started to lightly comb through it with my fingers before looking at her.

“So, what happened?  Why are Huginn and Muninn so entranced by the door?  And why were you practically knocked out last night?” (Keeno)

“Just some noble kid refusing to take no for an answer.  He found me when I was walking around exploring the day we started this boat trip, started following me until we were in a somewhat secluded place and started to pester me to be together with him.  I refused, telling him I didn’t like men like that, he didn’t listen, got out of the situation thanks to Muninn.  Got back here, and the two of them started watching the door.” (Pram)

“…” (Keeno)

{Spoiled little mongrel thinks he can take my Apostle after she rejects him, eh?  Shall we teach him his place, Keeno?  I say a bath in boiling water is fine, you?}

“Too soft, Ama.  If someone thinks they can have our Pram without our approval, then they deserve more…a deeply rooted fear should suffice…but what to do?” (Keeno)

“…I don’t know if I should feel happy, or concerned with how the two of you think about me.” (Pram)

“We just want what’s best for you, Pram.  Some spoiled noble mongrel wanting you most likely just because you are pretty isn’t good enough.  We’ll only accept the best for you.” (Keeno)

{What Keeno said.  While, in the end, it’s your decision, we at least want you to fall for someone that is willing to look past your pretty looks and genuinely see you for what you truly are.  The caring, pure souled Pram.}

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Ama.” (Keeno)

“You two…GAH!” (Pram)

Pram jumped at me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

“Hehe.  You two set such high standards.” (Pram)

“Like I said before, you deserve nothing but the best, Pram.” (Keeno)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …

Atmos: Oh dear.

Luna: Looks like Keeno needs a refresher on Fluff care.

I agree, she’s been slacking.

Tamamo: We can’t be having that.

Luna: Paytoe!

Yeah, yeah, give me a minute. *snap*

Keeno: Eh?

Amaterasu: Eh?

Luna: Both of you sit.

*Both sit while their ears flatten and their tails droop*

Luna: You’ve both been neglecting your proper Fluff care procedures.

Keeno: But Big Sis Luna, it’s hard keeping it up while on the road!

Luna: No excuses, Keeno, I kept my routine on my own journey, no matter the place or time.

Keeno: …*ears and tail droop further*

Luna: And Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: Y-yes!?

Luna: You’ve been slacking as well.

Tamamo: As Keeno’s wife, you should be the one keeping her to the proper Fluff routine as well as keeping yourself to it.  You have the dignity of a kitsune goddess to uphold, meaning your Fluff must also be kept at Divine levels.

Amaterasu: …I have failed.

Tamamo: Endeed you have, but you can both be redeemed.

Luna: I shall assist both of you get to proper Fluff standards, I expect you to both maintain what I get you to, if not improve it further to the best of your abilities.  Am I understood?

Keeno: Bu-

Amaterasu: That’s-

Luna: Am. I. Understood?

Both: YES!


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