Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 53- Fluff on a Boat

Chapter 53- Fluff on a Boat

[Keeno POV]

After a while of Ama convincing me that I was not going to be fighting a dragon soon, Pram and I left the clearing we were in and continued our way to our destination.  The next two days were uneventful.  No more bandits showed up, and the sounds of a river flowing could be heard.  Once we exited the sea of tall grass and found the road, we made our way to the city that we could see in the distance.

Making it to the gate and entering after the usual reactions from people, we looked around for the Guild.  This city, from the small parts we’ve seen, wasn’t horrible.  Not as clean as I’d like from a place where people live, but better than the first and only Odeen city we’ve been to.

“I hope we don’t have to wait a long time to find a boat to Vanir.” (Pram)

“Yeah.  I just hope we can make it there with little trouble.” (Keeno)

“Why does it feel like we’re going to run into loads of trouble now?” (Pram)

“…” (Keeno)


After an hour of walking around, we found the Guild building and, when we entered, were greeted by a familiar sight.

“Heh.  Now this is nostalgic.” (Keeno)

“Yeah…Reminds me of the branch at home.” (Pram)

The building was packed with people here and there, all doing one thing or another.  Some people wore armor and had weapons at their hips or slung across their backs.  Others sat behind counters with long lines in front of them, fake smiles on their faces as they dealt with people both genuinely nice and annoying.  We also saw a few homunculi walking around while carrying things here and there.  Deciding to not take up space in front of the door anymore, we moved inside.  We looked around for the proper counter and when we found it, joined the relatively short line.  After a bit of waiting, we made it to the counter and after asking our questions and paying the respective fee, we left the Guild and headed towards the docks.

“I feel like things are being too easy.” (Pram)

“Well, if it helps, we’re going to have to start taking jobs from the Guild again soon since the tickets to Vanir cost us pretty much the rest of the money Fia gave us.” (Keeno)

“…Well, guess we should enjoy this while we can then.  And if we must step up on the way, then we’ll just ask for proper compensation.” (Pram)

“I like the sound of that.” (Keeno)

We made it to the docks after a 30 minute walk from the Guild and we asked around until we found the ship that was going to take us to Vanir.  It was a large ship with several decks of residential rooms.  It was rectangular and had two large smokestack on the sides and a giant paddlewheel in the back, making it look like one of those steamboats you’d see in older times in the South part of the US.  I tilted my head when I saw it.

“Steam powered?” (Keeno)

{No, those two long pipes are things that generate a barrier.}

“…That’s…kind of a letdown.” (Keeno)

{I’m more surprised you came up with the idea of it being steam powered.  It’s not an unknown concept, but magic is just much more powerful and efficient.}

‘Well, there were ships like this in the past in my old world, so that’s why I was taken a bit aback.’ (Keeno)


“Let’s go, Okami.” (Pram)

I nodded to Pram, and we went up to the ship.  When we got close to it, we saw some people loading stuff while other people were standing by the ship wearing somewhat fancy clothes.  Some had dresses that looked like they were for the sole purpose of showing off the wearer’s wealth while others wore suits and some even had top hats.  Seeing this my already cold expression grew colder.

“Pram…I think we should just walk.” (Keeno)

She tilted her head at me.

“Why?  We just spent all that money and now you want to back out?” (Pram)

“*Sigh* Well, guess we’ll just have to put up with nobility then…Ugh.” (Keeno)

We walked over to the line of people I assumed were going to board the ship.  A few of the people in front of us turned to look at us before immediately turning back.  Some stared a little longer with either disgusted or fearful expressions.  Others ignored us completely.  After standing there for a good bit, the people loading stuff moved onto the ship and someone that was dressed up a bit more stepped down and started speaking.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am your captain for this voyage to Vanir.  Before I have you all board, I must ask you all to present your tickets and follow my rules.  Please watch your steps when boarding.  Once you step foot on my ship, you will be assigned a room, I ask that you all immediately go to yours until we set off and the bell rings.  I look forward to a safe and peaceful voyage with you all.”

With that, the captain went back to the ship and shortly after the people waiting started to board.  After a while it came to our turn and we handed our tickets over to the one in charge of them.  He checked them over and handed them back to us after punching some holes in them.

“Madams Okami and Pram, your room shall be number 34.  Fourth room on the starboard side, third floor.  Please enjoy your stay with us.”

We both nodded and made our way to the room.  Once we got there, I sat on one of the extremely cushy beds while Pram went and looked out the window.

“You know, I’m kind of excited.” (Pram)

“Good for you…Pram.” (Keeno)

{Not a fan of boats?}

“Not that…just have to get used to it…ugh.” (Keeno)

“Want some healing magic?” (Pram)

“No…just give me…a few hours.” (Keeno)

I laid back on the bed in order for my head to hopefully stop spinning.  After about another hour the ship started to move and another hour after that the bell was rung.

“I think I’m going to walk around outside.” (Pram)

“O…K…Muninn, go with her.” (Keeno)

Muninn hopped out of my tail and flew over to Pram, landing on her shoulder.

“Hehe.  Let’s go, Muninn.” (Pram)

With that Pram and Muninn left me alone in our room.  Huginn hopped out of my tail and stared at me for a second before flapping over to the headboard and staring around the room.

{Good little bird.  Make sure to watch over Keeno well.}

“Caw.” (Huginn)

{Keeno, take a nap.  You’ll definitely feel better when you wake up.}

“I think…I’ll do that.”


While I was confused about her laughter, I slowly fell asleep, the rocking helping a little.  After what was a surprisingly restful sleep, I woke up to find myself staring right into Ama’s eyes.

{This Solar Convergence really snuck up on you, didn’t it Keeno?}

“…It’s already been a month!?”

{Yep.  And while I’d love to immediately jump into ‘fun’ I think we should wait a little bit first.}

“I won’t complain, just being here with you is more than enough.”

{You smooth talker you.}

I sat up from Ama’s lap and turned to look at her.  She scooted over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

{Keeno, let it out.  I know you’ve been keeping up a front for Pram these past few days, just let it out.}


Not saying anything I wrapped my arms around Ama.

“Ama…killing people…felt…I don’t know……I know it’s fine, especially for me to do so…but some part deep inside of me almost enjoyed it.”

I felt one of Ama’s hands move and end up on my head, pushing me further into her embrace.  I started trembling as the feelings that I was suppressing from that day started to bubble up again.

“I-I don’t know if it’s just some part of my Death Authority or if it’s some part of me deep down that is just like that, but it scares me, Ama.”

{I hear you, Keeno…I hear you.}

The two of us stayed like that for a while before my trembling stopped.  When Ama let me go, I looked at her with swollen eyes.  She looked back at me and brought her face close to mine, touching our foreheads together.

{Keeno, I don’t believe that it’s a part of you that enjoys killing.  I think it’s your Authority giving you a sense of fulfillment in purifying evil souls.  You are too good a person to enjoy killing anyone, even things as low as bandits.}

I enjoyed our closeness as her words helped ease my worries about myself.

“Ama…why is it your words ease my mind so much?”

{Don’t be mad, but I used a bit of magic there.  Nothing too bad, just something to help sooth your inner turmoil and help you see clearer.  Think of it as a little more potent version of soothing magic.}

“I don’t think I could be mad at you in the first place.”

Since our foreheads were still touching, I placed my hands on each side of her head and kissed her.  While our lips and tongues fought, she fell backwards, so now we were in a position where I was pinning her down.  My one tail and her nine all waving around wildly in happiness.  After several minutes I broke away and took a deep breath.

{You sly little fox you.}

“What can I say?  I enjoy how your lips taste, my love.”

Ama grabbed my shoulders, and we flipped positions.

{Hehehe.  Seeing you down there, Keeno, makes me want to just eat you up.}

I smirked at her seductively.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind that, just not here on the floor.”

I wrapped my legs around Ama, and she stood up from where we were.  I brought my lips to hers again in another passionate kiss as she walked the two of us over to the bed.  All the while this was happening, both of our clothes burnt away.

“Tch.  And I liked that outfit.”

{Sorry, I’ll make it up to you later.}

“I’ll hold you to that.”

When we made it to the bed, Ama turned and fell backwards, making me the one on top again.

“Time for another unforgettable day, my lovely Amaterasu.”

{Yes, my beautiful Keeno.}

For a third time today, our lips met in a passionate kiss.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Come to think of it, we should have a date on a ship, Tamamo.  I think it’d be super fun.

Tamamo: I agree.  But would it be one sailing in the sky or the water?

Luna: Why not both?  We sail in the water during the day and take a moonlit sky voyage at night?  Make it during the next full moon and it’d make the perfect backdrop.

Tamamo: Lovely idea.

Luna: Guess we know what we’re doing on the next full moon.

Tamamo: I can’t wait.

Luna: Fufu.  That’s my line.


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