Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 37- A Small Teachable Moment

Chapter 37- A Small Teachable Moment

[Keeno POV]

A few more days passed, and Pram and I were sitting at our campsite as the suns were just starting to rise.  We had gotten up a little earlier so we could eat and pack up.  After doing all of that and starting once more down the road, Pram spoke up.

“Keeno…when do you think something exciting is going to happen?” (Pram)

“I was wondering the same thing.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I necessarily want some kind of trouble to happen so we can step in and all that, but just endless road gets tiring very quickly.” (Keeno)

“Exactly.  Plus, I kind of expected to run into something by now, monster wise I mean.  Isn’t that what always happens in the stories?” (Pram)

{Life isn’t a storybook, Pram.  You won’t normally see monsters attacking a road like this one in broad daylight unless they were starving, lured, or a few other reasons.  Plus, countries usually have patrols that keep at least roads safe, though I AM a bit surprised you haven’t seen one of those yet.}

“We’ve actually passed between a few, their patrol area is just a lot bigger than the immediate area around the road.” (Keeno)

{How do you know that?}

“Huginn and Muninn.  They’ve been telling me what they’ve seen up in the sky.  I thought you knew that, Ama?” (Keeno)

{…Actually, I’ve been tuning them out a bit.  Sorry.}

“…” (Huginn)

“caw” (Muninn)

{Don’t get like that, you two.  It’s just you both normally talk at the same time, so everything you say gets all jumbled together.}

“Ama, that’s a pitiful excuse.” (Keeno)

“Yeah, just a bit.” (Pram)

{…Fine, I tune most things out so I can focus on hearing Keeno’s thoughts.  Is that better!?}

“Much.  And I wish I could say the same, but our connection sadly doesn’t work like that on my side.” (Keeno)

“Really?” (Pram)

{That’s weird, it should work that way…Ah!  I’m dumb, I forgot that I need to allow that.  So far, it’s been like you’ve been chipping away at a steel wall.  Now you can have access to my every thought about you, Keeno.}

I smiled at that and immediately tried it before stopping just as quickly, my face and the surroundings starting to heat up.


“Kee-” (Pram)

Pram was about to say something when the faint sounds of fighting sounded from a bit away from our position.  The two of us looked at one another before running in the direction of the sounds.  Several minutes later we crested a hill and saw a group of three people.  Two were standing back to back while surrounded by a few weasel like monsters called Wes.  They had snow white fur and were about as big as wolves.  The third person was standing a bit away from the other two, watching the battle with their arms crossed.

“Do we join in, or walk up to the spectator?” (Pram)

“I say the spectator.  While it would be fun to jump in and help the other two, we might end up causing more problems than actually helping.” (Keeno)

{Tch.  One of them just has to be an angel.  As per usual, I’ll be quiet now.}

I looked back at the three people and noticed that one of the pair was indeed an angel.  I let out a sigh and Pram and I made our way over to them.  The third person spectating the other two must have noticed our arrival because they glanced over at us before turning their attention back to the standoff.

“Need any help?” (Pram)

“Nah.  These two should be strong enough to handle a few wes.  At least, they better be, otherwise I’ve wasted all the time I’ve spent teaching them.” (???)

“Are you three Guild members?” (Keeno)

“Yeah.  Name’s Hildr, I’m a trainer for the adventurer branch helping these two get up to snuff.  You two?” (Hildr)

“I’m Okami, that’s Pram.  These two are Huginn and Muninn.  We’re also part of the adventurer branch, though right now we’re traveling and not on a quest.” (Keeno)

Hildr nodded as she watched one of the two trainees fend off a wes’s attack with a buckler.

“Nice to meet you.  It’s hard to believe someone so princessy is an adventurer…no offense.” (Hildr)

“None taken.” (Keeno)

The second trainee blocked another wes before kicking it away and slashing at it with his sword, cutting a large gash into the monster’s side.

“Tch.  Ruined the pelt.” (Hildr)

“Shame too, it looks like a real quality one.” (Pram)

“I agree.  Out of all of them, that one’s pelt would have been worth the most, while the other ones are basically loose change.  Though on the bright side, the meat will still be good.” (Keeno)

“Heh.  Seems like the two of you know what you’re talking about.  Seems like a few more are coming, mind showing those two how it should really be done?” (Hildr)

“Shall we, Pram?  It’s almost lunch time and I could go for some wes meat.” (Keeno)

“Let’s.” (Pram)


Hildr’s yelling must have spooked the wes her trainees were dealing with since they both froze up and were promptly taken care of.  Pram and I then rushed over to that spot just as two more wes leapt out of the snow.



We ignored the two and I summoned my Soul Weapon and Pram readied her cudgel.  We stared down the wes that jumped out of the snow and soon enough, one of them dove back in in an attempt to get behind us.

“Dumb things.  They aren’t as quiet as they think they are.” (Keeno)

The wes that burrowed into the snow jumped out behind my and just as it’s claws were about to scratch me, I moved to the side and, in a quick, fluid movement, trapped it in the chains of my Soul Weapon.  On Pram’s side, her wes ran at her but got tripped up when she dodged it and caught one of it’s legs on the end of her cudgel.  Before it could regain it’s bearings, Pram slammed the cudgel on it’s head and the loud cracking sound of bone could be heard.

“Aw, still not enough.  I’m sorry, little wes, I’ll put you out of your misery soon.” (Pram)

Pram smacked its head a few more times before it finally went completely still, though I didn’t fail to notice the slight smile on her face.  Turning my attention back to my own wes that was struggling to free itself, I whipped my chain and made it wrap around the wes’s neck a few more times before I pulled it taught and snapped its neck.  The two of us then looked over at the two trainees and saw that they had stupefied expressions while Hildr walked over with an amused smile.

“And that, my little fledglings, is how you properly deal with wes while also keeping the pelts intact.  Though, Miss Okami, you could have also aimed one of those fancy swords at its eye while it was trapped.  On your side, Miss Pram, your first strike was off a bit, and you left yourself a bit too open.” (Hildr)

“I see.  Guess I need to work on that some more.” (Pram)

“Hmm.  I feel like going for the eye would have been a bit overkill, but I’ll take it.” (Keeno)

“Um, Miss Hildr, who are these two?”

“Some passing by adventurers.  They were attracted to the sounds of fighting and wanted to see if you needed help.  I told them this was part of your training so they held back, and then we heard more wes coming, so I asked if they would take care of them so you two could learn more.  By the way, anything you two want in return for that?” (Hildr)

“I think just the wes we killed is fine…though if you could answer a question for me, I’d also think that would be good enough.” (Keeno)

“Ask away then.” (Hildr)

“Do you know how far the next city or town is, and the Solheim border in relation to that?” (Keeno)

“The closest town is about a day from here east along the road.  As for the border, it’s about a month more from the closest town on foot.” (Hildr)

“Thanks.” (Keeno)

“It’s no problem.  Now, you two, let’s go find some more prey.  Be seeing you around, Miss Okami, Miss Pram.” (Hildr)

Hildr then left with her two trainees in the direction we came from.  We stood in silence for a while before Ama spoke up again.

{What was even the point of all that?}

“Reliving boredom.” (Keeno)

“Getting tasty meat.” (Pram)

Pram and I looked at one another and then all three of us burst into laughter.  We then set up a small camp to take care of the wes and have lunch.

Chaos Realm:

Oooh.  Wes meat.  It’s actually quite good when grilled over an open flame like that.  For some reason it gives it an almost fruity flavor.

Order: Now I want to try some.

All you need to do is ask and I’ll prepare some.

Order: Then would you mind?

*snap*I’ll get started cooking it then.  Any other special requests?

Order: Hmmmm.  How about some of that nice wine?  You know, the one made with those grapes.

The ones that grow in the cores of suns?

Order: Yeah, those.

Got it.


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