Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 36- Short-Term Goals

Chapter 36- Short-Term Goals

[Keeno POV]

It has been several days since we left the city.  We decided that, while our objective is important, it isn’t pressing, so we would leisurely make our way to Vanir.  Due to this decision, we took our time enjoying the scenery.  Most of what we’ve seen from the road are intermittent pine forests or open, snowy plains.  In the plains, snow was piled high like sand dunes in a desert, giving me a hard time with my instincts.  Every time I eyed a snow dune with even a hint of wanting to jump headfirst into it, Pram and Ama would laugh at me or encourage me to do it.  On the times they succeeded in convincing me, I managed to pull Pram along into doing the same.

Huginn and Muninn were also enjoying the open road.  They spent more time flying around in the sky than on my shoulders.  They were very vocal about their enjoyment as well since, the times they weren’t flying around, they were cawing and squawking at me, telling me just how free they felt.

“Alright, I’ve decided!” (Pram)

“Oh?” (Keeno)

“By the time we make it to Vanir, I’m going to understand what Huginn and Muninn are saying like you, Fia, and Amaterasu do.” (Pram)

{A good short-term goal, Pram.}

“I agree.  Hmm.  What should I make for a short-term goal?” (Keeno)

“Caw!” (Huginn)

“While it sounds fun, Huginn, it is physically impossible for me to learn to fly.” (Keeno)

“Caw…” (Huginn)

“Hehehe.  Cheer up.” (Keeno)

I scratched the spot on Huginn’s neck it liked most, causing it to ruffle its feathers in enjoyment.  I did the same to Muninn shortly after.

“Hmmm.  Well, you have done a lot to practice with your Death Authority, right?” (Pram)

“Yeah…Come to think of it, I should probably work on my death magic.  Solar magic is fine since Ama helped me with it, but death is much harder to picture.” (Keeno)

{I agree.  You are really good at infusing your Solar magic with a Death attribute, but we barely focused on the magic part, just the soul purification part.}

“Then my short-term goal is to increase my proficiency with my death magic.” (Keeno)

“…Who do I pray to for our enemies?  Because I feel really bad for them now.” (Pram)

“Um…Ama?” (Keeno)

{It should be Keeno.  You pray to me for things like successful birth, good harvest, pleasant summer, though that also falls under Keeno, better success in magic knowledge.  For Keeno it would be mostly the same things dealing with the sun, but also a peaceful death, safety from plague or famine, repentance for past deeds and the like.}

“…I’m so happy we’re so close, Keeno.” (Pram)


“Hehehe.” (Keeno)

“Also, what is Death magic even like?  I know it’s a thing, but I don’t really know anything about it.  You’ve also never shown it to me.” (Pram)

“Hmm.  It’s simple, yet hard to explain.  Like your healing magic, but opposite is the simplest, most understandable way to say it, though in reality, it’s more complicated.” (Keeno)

I looked around and walked off the road over to a nearby tree.  I then used a simple death spell and my arm became covered in a black mist.  I touched the tree with that arm and the tree visibly died, starting from the spot I touched.

“Keeno, what did that tree ever do to you?” (Pram)

“Its sacrifice is worth it to teach you.  What I just did was a simple death spell.  It marks a spot I specify and kills something slowly from that one spot.” (Keeno)

{Wrong.  Keeno, you put too much mana into it.  That spell normally corrodes the target slowly over time, most effectively over years.}

“Oh…guess it’s good that I focus on this then.” (Keeno)

“…” (Pram)

“Don’t look at me like that!” (Keeno)

“Weren’t you training control all these years?  I don’t believe for a single second you didn’t knowingly put too much mana into that.” (Pram)


“Don’t laugh Ama!  You are the one that pointed it out!” (Keeno)

{*Whistle, whistle*}

“*Sigh* Yes, it was intentional, I wanted to show off a little, ok.  Though it wasn’t a lie that that was a simple spell.” (Keeno)

“If that is simple, then what is more powerful death magic like?” (Pram)

“Not sure, but if my feeling is correct, then I’m surprised countries don’t hunt down every death mage.” (Keeno)

{Well, they really can’t.  I mean, you don’t want an angry death mage coming after you after you try killing or capturing them.  And besides, any and all magic is just as dangerous if put in the right hands.  Also, most death mages are actually somewhat useful for keeping criminals in check.}

“Makes sense.  Souls aside, in case of a murder, you could just temporarily raise the victim and have them tell you what happened.” (Keeno)

“That does make sense.” (Pram)


“Your silence is strange.  Don’t tell me people haven’t thought about that before.” (Keeno)


“Really?  That’s like, one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of using death magic in a criminal case.” (Keeno)

“Um, Keeno.  It’s not really that simple.  I only thought about that because you said something.  I first thought that they would just threaten criminals to a painful death through death magic when caught, making them either too afraid to do crime, or so good at it that they go into hiding.” (Pram)

“…” (Keeno)

{Plus, people with death magic are few and far between.  Keeno aside, there are like, four other people that have it, and three of those people are either on their deathbed or too young to even use magic right now.}

“Who is the one other one like me?” (Keeno)

{Someone in Odeen.  You’ll meet her one day, I’m certain of it.}

“Why?” (Pram)

{Because she has a vested interest in the Dead Zones.}

“I see.  Future potential allies aside, what should I focus on exactly?” (Keeno)

“No clue.” (Pram)

{Hmm.  How about a special attack with it?  Make a small ball in the palm of your hand, condense as much death into it you can, and fire it off as a beam at your enemy, or just forego the beam and use the condensed ball itself.}

“…” (Keeno)

Thinking over Ama’s words, some small part deep inside me latched onto this idea.  Like it was almost an instinct.

{Heh.  I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time, Keeno.}

“Smiling like that makes you look like a villain.  Yet it’s, and forgive me for saying this Amaterasu, very attractive.” (Pram)

{Careful Pram, Death is a seductress that never leaves those attracted to her alive.}

“Then what does that mean for you?” (Pram)

{I’m a goddess, meaning I cannot die or be killed.  I’m the only one that can handle Death herself.}

“Don’t be so sure, Ama.  I’ll show you just how hard to handle I am when we see each other again.” (Keeno)

{Hehehe.  I accept your challenge, Death.  I’ll show you just how lively Life can be.}

“Hehehehe.” (Keeno)


“…Huginn, Muninn, I feel like I made a mistake in asking that question.” (Pram)

“Caw!” (Muninn)

“Squawk!” (Huginn)

Chaos Realm:

Order: Payto, that last thing Keeno felt before she and Amaterasu started to flirt…is it what I think it is?

Luna: Oh?

Tamamo: Sounds interesting.

It’s a very distant relation, and the kitsune bloodline is most dominant, but yes, she did have one blood relative in the distant past that was one.

Order: Do I need to reinforce Order in that world before she finishes that spell she’s making?

Not yet, but I’ll let you know if it will be needed in the future.

Luna: Are you just going to leave us in suspense, or are you going to tell us what you two just figured out?

Tamamo: …!*leans over and whispers in Luna’s ear*

Luna: …

Hahaha! Your expression is priceless, Luna.

Luna: Does this make her only half kitsune then?

No, she’s full kitsune, she just has a trait or two from that race.

Luna: …Come to think of it, Soleil is technically half human, isn’t she?  Why did I never question this before!?

Order: …

Tamamo: Pfft!  Ufufufufufufufu.  Oh Luna, you adorable fluff.


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