King of Mercenaries

Chapter 8: Receiving two attendants 2

Chapter 8: Receiving two attendants 2

Through conversations on the way, Marin learned that the Kahn family was originally a serf from a nearby landlord. However, since Kahn began to develop in the past few years, he can eat especially, and one person can eat three people's meals. Although, Kahn is also more energetic. If it is placed in which knight collar, chances are that Kahn will be recruited as a knight. Because, Kahn has the potential to become a fierce. However, the owner of the Kahn family is just an ordinary landlord, and does not need a rice bowl that can be played. Plus the manor's harvest in recent years is not good, so last year, the Kahn family was swept away.

Kahn's father, Zimmerman, knew some woodwork, so he went to the city to work for the carpenter shop. Kahn, together with his mother, two younger brothers and a younger sister, built a simple wooden house on the edge of the Black Forest. Usually, Kahn goes to the forest to take the dry branches as firewood (the logging is subject to the approval of the lord), sell it to the city people, and earn a little money.

Kahn's mother, with her younger siblings, went to the forest to pick wild mushrooms and dried them when the food was eaten.

Because Kahn eats a lot, so although Zimmerman's income is not bad, the family also tried to find ways to subsidize the family. However, everyone is still very tight. This year, Kahn is already 18 years old. Zimmerman had already taken Kahn to the city at the beginning of the year, intending to make him an apprentice. However, after seeing Khan's horrible appetite, the craftsmen's shop refused Kahn without batting an eye (they did not have pay money to apprentices, but they had to take care of the meal).

In desperation, Kahn had to come back to accompany his mother and his younger siblings. Unexpectedly, Kane's mother, Jenny, got sick and was weak. Because the mother spent the time spent on medical treatment, the whole family began to be hungry. So, Kahn thought of learning the hunters and quietly went to the depths of the forest to hunt (the lords here are not strict with the people hunting the tubes, Many people have quietly hunt and have been caught up to the most.) It is a pity that the first time hunting, not only did not hit the prey, but he became a prey and fell into a trap.

Before coming to the wooden house, Kahn put down the wild boar, pushed open the old fence in front of the house, and shouted:

"Mom, I am coming back! Come to the guests!"

Soon, a pale-faced middle-aged woman, with a fifteen-year-old boy, a little boy of about 12 years old and a little girl of about ten years old greeted them.

"Kahn, what is this master?" The middle-aged woman looked at Marin and knew that the other might be a knight.

"Respected lady, my name is Marin, I am a knight." Marin introduced herself.

"You are too polite, the knight are noble , we are just civilians, we can't stand your courtoisie!" Middle-aged women feared. In her memory, only civilians have been saluting or even bowing to the nobility. How can aristocrats salute civilians? Moreover, she is just a bottom woman without a surname, and she can't afford the title of "Mrs."

That is, Marin, the traverser, does not pay much attention to social level differences. Resting on another knight, you will never take a blind eye to a civilian. Being able to talk to civilians will make you feel very right.

Hearing that Marin was a knight, and the younger boy and the little girl were scared to hide behind the woman. Instead, the fifteen-year-old boy looked at Marin with a curious look and was not afraid.

"Cole, are you jealous? Don't you give the knight a salute?" Kahn glanced at his second brother Kohler.

Kohler reacted and gave Marin the ritual salute, but after finishing the "ceremony", he still looked at Marin with a curious look. Of course, this is not the kind of arrogance, but a peek like a little boy.

"Kahn, go, drag the wild boar in!" Marin said casually.

"Sire, are you asking?"

"Open the boar in your house, let's have something to eat together."

"No, no, how dare we eat the things of your master!" Jenny shook her head.

"that's nothing. But, can you help me with some food my lady?" Marin could see that Jenny's illness was good, but her body was still weak. About half of them are also hungry.


"Kahn, can you skin the pig? Is this wild boar still untreated?" Marin suddenly remembered that the wild boar seemed to have not been treated yet.

"Yes, sire, I worked as a helper in the slaughterhouse in the city at the beginning of the year, so I will skin the pig! You are good, look at me!" Then, Kahn took over the new purchased knife that Marin handed him, a sharp knife, and went to deal with the wild boar. Although the technique was somewhat unfamiliar, Kahn finally managed to clean the wild boar. However, the wild boar skin was damaged because Marin had shot several arrows at the beginning.

Jenny quickly cut ten pounds of wild pork meat and went to the kitchen to cook according to Marin's request.

An hour later, Marlin looked at the food on the table, with some frowning.

"Madam, you only barbecue and cook meat?"

"Well? Yes. Don't everyone do this?" Jenny didn't understand Marin's meaning.

Marin also reacted instantly - where did Europeans know how to cook.

However, he could not bear to see the delicious wild pork, wasted on the roasting and cooking of ancient German cooking technique.

Then Marin asked:

"Madam, is there a pot in your house?"

"Ah? There is, there is a pan!"

"Pan..." Although it is not a professional pot for cooking, it is better than nothing.

Then, in the surprised look of the Kahn family, Marin took off his armor and walked into the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Marin called Kahn and let him burn wood. And he himself began to prepare for cooking.

But what makes Marin desperate is that Kahn's family has no oil for cooking.

It is no wonder that in this year, Europeans only had two expensive edible oils, butter and olive oil, which were only used frequently by nobles. Well, also use some animal fats.

"Yeah, animal fat!" Marin patted his head, then, with a short knife, went to the boar corpse and cut some pig fat, thrown into the pot and simmered lard.

After taking out the lard, Marin took out Jenny's help to cut the sliced meat, threw it into the pot and began to stir fry.

In addition to lard, Kahn's family only has a salt seasoning. In desperation, Marin can only choose to put some salt.

Half an hour later, a scent fluttered out of the kitchen, causing Kahn, Kohler, Kleinman and Maria to drool.

After the fried meat on the table, in addition to Jenny, everyone stared at it with slobber.

"Don't watch, let's have something to eat!" Marlin took the lead. Others began to hesitate, but after Kahn serve himself, the children began to rush to eat. In a short while, a plate of fried meat was gone.

"Sorry, sire, the children are too hungry!" Jenny looked at it and got it. She grabbed the food of the knight and was not afraid of being killed.

But Marin didn't care. This fried pork was not very tasty because of the lack of seasoning. Of course, that is relative to the summer cooking of the later generations. In this era, it was Marin who first ate cooking.

"Nothing, this is nothing. If you can't make a big fuss!"

For the second time, Jenny didn't dare to let Marin do it herself, but she planned to do it herself. Under Marin's instructions, Jenny also reluctantly fired a plate of fried meat that was still worthwhile. Then, it was divided up by several "bear" children.

"Oh, it's delicious. If you can eat meat every day!" Kahn sighed with satisfaction.

"Get it, my brother, unless you can become a nobleman's follow-up, have a chance to live this life." Kohler was poisoning his tongue. The aristocratic followers, even if they are eating cold and cold, have the opportunity to eat delicious food. As for civilians, you can only eat black sticks and bricks.

"Aristocratic followers..." Everyone turned their attention to Marin - isn't this a ready-made aristocrat?

"Big... sire, the waiter who lacks errands around you?" Jenny asked nervously. She can see that Marin is a knight, but there seems to be no knight attendant. Maybe because it is still young.

"The attendant... there is none yet, I intend to be recruited by the Emperor and recruit a few attendants there." Marin said his plan, and it was not a secret anyway.

"Emperor... Emperor... His Majesty..." Several countrymen were stunned by Marin's plan. Usually, the knight are high in their eyes. The Emperor is said to be much bigger than the knights.

The Kahn family unanimously determined that Marin's future is boundless. Can a knight who can serve the Emperor have no future?

Then, Kahn immediately looked at Marin with a look of dissatisfaction:

"Adult, can you accept me as a servant? I am very energetic!" After that, Kahn also showed his muscles and showed his strength.

"It's very powerful, can you move the stone at the door?" At the door of Kahn's house, there is a big stone, about three hundred pounds. Marin saw the stone at the door and asked with a funny joke.

"You are so good!" Kahn said, and ran over it, lifting the stone and raising it to his head.

Marin was shocked and could lift up to 300 pounds of weight, which is a lot of strength. You know, Marin himself, the past life can only pick up (not lift) 200 pounds of things, in the afterlife can be regarded as a strong man.

What he didn't know was that this 300-pound stone was actually the "sports equipment" that Kahn used to exercise. The limit of Kahn was more than 300 pounds. It was extremely abnormal.

"Good, a little strength, it's right for me to get armor and lance!"


"As long as you like, just follow me, 3 Finney labor every day!"

"Then... eat it? Adults, our family, Kahn eats a little bit..."

"How much can you eat? How many?" Marlin is not surprised. Generally, the strong are all endless food hole. For example, Xue Rengui, the amount of rice he ate each meal was calculated by the bucket, not with a bowl.

"At least 6 pounds of food a day, if you open it, you might have 8 to 10 pounds..." Jenny was a little embarrassed. However, this is an important issue, and she does not dare to deceive the knight. For adults in general, it is enough to eat two pounds of food a day. Their family's food barrel, Kahn, eats at least 6 pounds a day...

"Oh... you can eat. But, Kahn, can you dare to go to the battlefield with me? But he will die at any time!" Marin didn't care about the amount of food, but he was courageous and courageous.

"No problem, sire, will l follow you to have a meal to eat? If you are full, you can do it, and you are not afraid of death!" Kahn said sternly.

"Well, I like the daring man. OK, I will accept you!"

"Thank you for your appreciation!" Jenny was very surprised, not only for Kahn to get a good future, but was also happy for this poor family to get rid of a big eater.

"Sire... you see, can I follow?" Kohler saw that the older brother was on the knight, and it was very heart-warming.

"Khler, do you have any special skills? Your big brother has strength, do you have special ability?" Marin recruited his men, but he would accept special ability.

"I... I remember well, I am good at accounting..."

"Accounting... Have you read books?" In the Middle Ages, accounting was not something that ordinary people could. In general, only aristocratic families, merchant families, and wealthy households will teach their children to settle accounts.

"No, I was stealing the teaching from the Jewish merchants in the town and would use Arabic numerals..."

"Stolen learning..." Marin is speechless, and stealing can learn to settle accounts. It seems that this Kohler, IQ is quite high. However, he and his older brother, Kahn, are really brothers? Who is coming next?

Then, Marin took a few three-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of Kohler, and found that Kohler answered well. Kohler couldn't answer it when he was in the four mixed operations.

"Probably, Kohler is the mathematics level of the third grade of elementary school..." Marin remembers that the four mixed operations seem to be fourth grade.

The mathematics level of the third grade of primary school seems to be enough for the accounting. Then, Kohler also gloriously became one of Marin's attendants. As for the smaller Clayman, even if it is an individual, Marin will not want it for the time being. Because he is not a nursery school, he will not bring a child.

Then Kahn was ordered to go to the city to find their father, Zimmerman. After all, the son follows others as a servant, and the father should know.


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