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7 months ago
Marin found himself in the body of a young wandering knight who was driven out of the house. Forced... Read more Marin found himself in the body of a young wandering knight who was driven out of the house. Forced into the 15th Century, he was armed with only a horse, a breastplate, and a lance.He was soon caught up in the era of German mercenaries established by Maximilian I. And so he decided to become a mercenary. Relying on his half-baked internet knowledge, he will establish his own mercenary force. Waging war with French knights and Swiss armies, even Emperors and Kings must beg of him. Collapse Army, Army Building, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Cruel Characters, Depictions of Cruelty, Domestic Affairs, Economics, Engineer, European Ambience, Firearms, Industrialization, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms, Knights, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protagonist, Management, Medieval, Mercenaries, Modern Knowledge, Racism, Religions, Royalty, Ruthless Protagonist, Schemes And Conspiracies, Strategic Battles, Transmigration, Wars, Weak Protagonist, Archery, Arranged Marriage, Business Management, Complex Family Relationships, Destiny, Evil Organizations, Gunfighters, Hard-Working Protagonist, Kingdoms Knights, Polygamy, Poor to Rich, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Weak to Strong Oh, I hate the novel like these. Why is he giving me a history lesson when I can research it myself? Even the hero seems to be equipped for this world. He learned how to hunt, make a bow, and many other things. Why do the Chinese like to exaggerate The things?It seems as if China has all the geniuses in the world and it is a continent on its own. At least agriculture in China was not different from Europe until it came into contact with the Arabs and Turks. Only then did it know its prosperity. It's full of inaccuracies. And nationalistic asian pride but no system or. Cheats other than his bullshit memory Chinanumbewan!! Is there any systems, superpowers or something in this novel? If you consider Author Plot Armor as superpower then yes. If not, No. He know Havana, Cuba longitude and latitude because "he was taught in school previous life in China". Somwtimes i think maybe my countrys education system is shit compared to china cause they can even survive in fantasy world with just high school education this story is crap, half of the chapter is a history lesson on what he is doing instead of why Okay some I'm currently in chapter 23 and from what I've read:-) Author is definitely a racist to Westerners or likes writing Chinese Propaganda alot-) Paints the 1500 medieval Europe as hell and China as some sort of heaven which I find humourous (don't know alot of Chinese history to comment)-) info dump in some chapters which I usually skip (historical info dump)-) bad translation readable to us who's used to mtl but if you're aren't your luckOther than these it's okay haven't really noticed any golden finger might be there but I didn't notice.So yeah I'll give it ⭐⭐⭐It's good for people like me who likes medieval stories and kingdom buildingBut it's seriously racist to Europeans (which I find a little bit funny) and the writing needs more work Chine was superior in dark ages and staff, while Europe was going on witch hunts, China was building shit and becoming stronger Not a Historians so can't comment much on ancient China but:-) 1500 century was not the dark ages but late mediaeval Era I believe.-) Ancient China wasn't any better they had to deal witha) the Mongols (can't remember if it was in the 14th or 15th century)b) they were isolationist which was a major factor in their fallc) faced many rebellions within the empired) highly corrupt officials and noblese) economic stagnation and increase in taxesf) weak naval defenceI'm not downplaying that China was a super power in the ancient world but the effect of isolationism and corruption lead to their downfall from a major power with other factors affecting them but they were no better than the EuropeansI can't talk about the culture and religions of the ancient Chinese ( don't know shit) but I'm pretty sure if we dig Into it we see people being falsely accused of witchcraft and being killed just like it happen in Europe.Also you started they were building shit and becoming stronger now I'm not historian but I do know that they missed the industrial revolution due to their isolationism (1800s) even if we disregard the industrial revolution China been locked up made lose alot in arms race cause when you're locked in you don't know what's going on around you when Europe were coming up with ideas that would later aid in their dominance China didn't know shit thus could not adapt to their use when they meet later.To sum it up Ancient China was no Utopia it was shit just like Ancient Europe but Just a better Shit. China in the 1500s was the undisputed strongest superpower on the planet my guy in both technology and military power, you do have some points on the other stuff though, everything prior to like 1960(you can argue for further than this as well) will have pretty shitty morals based on our modern view on morals 50+ Social points!!! China number 1, China number 1, China number 1. can't handle the historic truth I guess? It's as true that the US has been the most powerful country throughout the 20th century Okay, time for me to go xenophobic for a bit sorry. Which civilisation conquered the world with their influence? What is the main global lingua franca of the world right now? What about the calendar was it made in China or somewhere in Europe? What about art? Modern clothes, like suits and jeans? Who is more innovative and who is a stereotype for cheap copies? I mean yeah china made gunpowder but did they do anything with it? And many more. Both civilisations have rich histories but please don't spew your nonsense propaganda, especially in a country where it's the norm for little kids to have slits between their pants so they could take a shit in the middle of a public street. Now that was one culture shock. innovative? ok do you want me to list all the noteworthy chinese inventions? I will: Paper, Printing, Gunpowder, Compass, paper money, blast furnace, cast iron, use of chromium, co-fusion steel, color printing, contour canal, crossbow, oil and gas drilling rig, field mill, fishing reel, forensic entomology, gas cylinder, gas lighting, hand cannon, hand grenade, hand gun, inkstone, land mine, natural gas as fuel, oil refining, oil well, petroleum as fuel, pig iron, porcelain etc etc, china also had the conditions to industrialize insanely early but didn't because of the lack of a middle class Unfortunately, in the years you mentioned, China was not a superpower. He even owned half of the land he currently owns. At the time you said, Asia had a very mixed state structure. With the disappearance of the Mongols, many states emerged. That means a lot of war, a lot of conflict. At that time, there was no superpower Asian state other than Timur and maybe Russia.Timur, Ottoman and the kingdoms in Europe could be considered superpowers at that time.(1500's and my english bad sorry) "conditions to industrialize insanely early but didn't because of the lack of a middle class." Shameless. What kind of argument is this junior? Your argument is drinking poison to quench thirst. While in fact, the difference is like that between clouds and mud. You have eyes yet you are unable to recognize Mount Tai. I could become rich if I wasn't lazy ass sitting in my chair all day, but I did anyway. That is your argument, Junior. Dishonour! Dishonour on you! Dishonour on your whole family. All I can say is no matter how well a monkey climbs a tree, once it drops to the ground, it will die. Such is fate. Now scram before your vital yin is mine! Okay, but you're pretty ignorant to history when you don't realize this stuff and just brush it off when more competent people than you have researched these things. What king of argument is that? You're calling yourself a self-proclaimed competent researcher now, haha? Actually, I could say the same to you. No point arguing it seems. I didn't call myself a researcher lmfao I am in no way a researcher, I said there are people way more competent than us who have done research and have finds that contradict your statements China had the requirements to start an industrialization. During 16th century China had more educated people than other countries(if I'm not wrong), a lot of raw materials, lots of money to invest because of trade between it's neighbors and Silk Road, and technology . But they did not because of their mentality, stagnation and became weak.Also, the "don't have middle class" is not applicable in 17th century to 18 century because that problem is way back 10th to 13th century of Song Dynasty. China is not superpower lmao. The word "Superpower" were only given when the US and USSR rised after WW2. That's why during 18th century to middle 20th century all powerful countries were only called "Great Power".There are prerequisites before a country can be called a Great Power or a Superpower, and China was never called these until recently.16th century China is only the wealthiest, by the time of late 16th century China became weak and the rest is history. Bruh does the silk road not exist in ur textbooks A lot of issues with this. First of all the Medieval Era was the Dark Ages, they were the same exact thing. Secondly, the Mongols came in the 13th and 14th centuries, nearly two centuries before this time period. In addition, Europe suffered from the Mongols just as badly as China. Third, most of the major world powers at that time were in Asia, and China was in contact with them, whether it be trade or diplomacy. The Silk Road was from that time period. Also, China at that time was relatively stable, especially in comparison to Europe where the Protestant Reformation was ongoing. The Protestant Reformation was a period of incredible turmoil and religious wars. Corrupt officials were a problem, but they also were for every country ever. China at that time also did not have a weak economy. It was in a period of prosperity, and even if it wasn't, China's economy was best in the world until the 1800s, way better than Europe's. Finally, the navy was not weak. Ming China's navy was much stronger than European ones, and they were capable of defeating European navies well into the 1500s. Search up Zhenghe, and you'll see that China did have big and powerful ships. I think the period you are referring to was late Qing Dynasty China, where they were in a period of decline, and came 300 years laterAlso no idea wtf you mean by witch hunts in China. I have never heard of "witches" in China, and witch hunting is a purely European concept due to Christianity. Yaaay! Chinese superiority! Believe when I tell you this, you'd rather leave as a serf in Europe in the middle ages than as a chinese aristocratic in China during the 16th century. From the middle of 16th century to the late 16th century, China went through a period historians dub as the Qing-Ming transistion, a very bloody conquest of China by Manchu speaking tribes, 25 million people died in the conflict almost 5 times the number of people who died into 30 years' War. deleted #panic# A Sex offender has been located. Bruh The Translation Almost Killed Me.... Don't Get Me Started With First Few Chapters Of Praising Ancient China The thing is that Ancient China(I'm not supporting China it's just true) was superior to EU in dark ages, while in EU everyone went on crazy witch hunts and declaring that Jesus is one true god, no idea how the Christian belief works, they killed a god so it could become a god? While in Chine they kept advancing they're shit Go learn some history. For those who like kingdom building this is a very good novel, but you have to ignore the fact that the author is extremely racist and thinks that China is heaven on earth .. if you can ignore these points this is a very good novel, I put it in my top 5 of kingdom building novels.. (and kingdom building is my favorite genre)another point that is good considering that it is a slow and large novel, the first part “King of Mercenaries” is 350 chapters and the second part “The Rise of the European Emperor” is 2200 chapters.The book follows a young Chinese man who died and is reincarnated in 1500 Germany as the second son of a baron. As he is the second son, he is not entitled to the family succession, so he becomes a wandering knight to try to get his own title and territory... Is this a novel with powers or just a normal person getting transmigrated to the past? Can you tell me the names of a few good kingdom building novels as the only good ones I have found are Global lord kingdom building and they are just avarage most of the time This book has no superpowers, no system, it's a Chinese who studied history going back to the past in the 1500's with the memories and knowledge of events that will happen and using this knowledge to his advantage.some kingdom buildings that I would indicate are:Spellmonger - Kindle - the first book is not so good but the series is great.. it has magic, politics, kingdom building, war strategic, mageRise of Rurik - mtlnovel - similar to “King of Mercenaries” and “Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece” is a Chinese man who goes back in time and uses his knowledge to his advantage. In this book the focus is on the age of the Vikings - no power and no system.Holy Roman Empire - This book is also about a Chinese man going back to the 19th century, to Austria after the Napoleonic period. This book is different from Rise of Rubick, Kings of Mercenarios and Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece. This book has a greater focus on global politics and the strategies of countries used to contain each other.Tales of the Reincarnated Lord - In this book you follow a reincarnated Chinese where society lives in a period similar to the medieval period. This book has a cultivation system (soft power), focuses on territory development, war, technical development.. very good book, but the author had to stop writing because he was censored.. despite that the book stops at a satisfactory point. other good kingdom building would be Release that Witch, Fantasy Family Simulator, The King, The Land, Ten Realms Thank you, now I have different kingdom building novels to read as I'm running out of anything that's good or okay. 🙃 First chapters boring. Dropped