It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 1.4

Chapter 1.4:

In order to meet the standards of a good supporting male lead, in order to salvage the remaining half of the mission he has yet to fail at, Sui Yuan puts in all his hard work and effort into every task.

Exhausting a lot of time and effort, he strives to create events and openings where the male and female lead would be able to meet by chance. Only, it is a shame that each time he catches sight of the female lead, he will automatically slip into character, adopting an arrogant manner. On the other hand, Qin Zheng is as upright a man as can be, refusing to give his "friend’s wife" more than a passing glance even if his life is at stake. Instead, Qin Zheng eagerly offers Sui Yuan advice on how best to capture a beauty, causing Sui Yuan untold amounts of hardship.

During this mission, Sui Yuan learns a rather important lesson. If the male lead is this kind of upright gentleman, then he must absolutely not show interest in the female lead before him. Or else, it will be impossible to ensure the story follows the original plot...

Without Fan Caiyao as the predestined female lead, Qin Zheng naturally doesn’t show a sliver of interest in the other delicate noble ladies. Not long after the banquet that failed in rousing Qin Zheng’s interest in a woman, a relaxed male lead returns to shadowing Sui Yuan. The pair roams the streets, go hunting, reading scrolls and generally spend most of their free time together. And naturally, the most important thing is to try steering him (QZ) in the direction of the female lead...

As a standard supporting male lead, the female lead is like a flower reflecting upon the water’s surface. One can desire after her but cannot gain her. Even if everyone in his vicinity knows he harbours feelings for the female lead, even if there isn’t this remarkable specimen of a male lead, even if the female lead somehow reciprocate his feelings, Sui Yuan can only persevere with his excuse in the form of a haughty remark, "As if I will like such a boorish woman!"

This constant statement really makes one’s hair stand up in anger ah!

...But who can understand the distress deep in his heart?!

Regarding Sui Yuan failing half his mission in his very first world, 5237 can only offer him comfort, encouraging him to struggle to the bitter end, as well as let the male and female leads do whatever they want. After all, being a constant companion to the male lead is pretty difficult in itself...

Although this diligent supporting male lead did unwittingly tear the plot apart, seeing the self-blame on Sui Yuan’s face, it really can’t bear to berate him.

...5237 is also feeling extremely vexed!

With the gradual passage of time, the period originally meant for the male and female lead to meet, get to know each other and eventually marry is thus passed with Sui Yuan and Qin Zheng spending almost every day together.

The nomadic tribes in the northwest invade the borders once more, and Qin Zheng is called back to lead his army. In the Ten Thousand Miles Pavilion, Sui Yuan is there to bid him farewell. 5237 circles around his head, sorrowfully chanting "this scene belongs to the female lead ah". The rest is drowned out by the soft strum of instruments in the background.

"Here we part, not knowing when we shall meet again." Qin Zheng gaze locks on Sui Yuan’s face, deep and intense as he slowly lifts a hand to stroke down his long hair. "Play a song to bid me farewell, what do you say?"

Sui Yuan regards him silently, before nodding his head wordlessly.

An attendant standing a respectful distance away comes forward with a zither and a stand, setting them down in the middle of the pavilion. As soon as the attendant retreats, Sui Yuan settles himself comfortably before the instrument. Scarlet robes pooling gracefully around his person, he resembles a rose in full bloom. Slender hands stroking the strings lightly, his long eyelashes lower, half-masking his shining, dark pupils. In his heart, he questions 5237 on the song ought to be played during this scene.

"According to the original development, the female lead will play <<A Long Farewell>>, a revised and modified version of an ancient song Cui Yingying plays during her separation with Zhang Sheng[1]. However..." Before 5237 can finish speaking, Sui Yuan has already started plucking at the strings. Within the soaring tune, one can clearly feel the resentment and agony pouring out from the depths of a person’s heart as they are forced to part with their lover.

Silently, the system turns its head away, muttering under its breath, "...However, it is a song of farewell between a pair of lovers or husband and wife. Between you and Qin Zheng, this song isn’t appropriate." The words are garbled thanks to the tears of blood streaming down its cheeks.

- This day would be impossible to pass!

Qin Zheng stares at Sui Yuan with half-lidded eyes as the latter lowers his head, playing the zither with a single-minded focus. A trace of melancholy surfaces in the once calm and tranquil gaze. Walking slowly over so he is standing behind Sui Yuan, he drops down to one knee and embraces the other man.

Sui Yuan jerks lightly in surprise, causing his fingers to slip and strum a few wrong notes. However, being a dedicated person, he swiftly recovers his serenity. Not turning his head back to look and not saying a single word, he merely concentrates on playing the song.

Qin Zheng’s embrace is warm and forceful. Burying his head in the curve of Sui Yuan’s neck, he inhales deeply. The hot breath of his exhale causes Sui Yuan to feel a little awkward and he can’t help the reddening of his ear. Qin Zheng’s eyelids slide close as he tilts his head a little, leaving a soft kiss behind on Sui Yuan’s neck.

Whispering a single word of "precious" in Sui Yuan’s ear, Qin Zheng abruptly stands. Striding swiftly away and down the short flight of stairs, he comes to a stop before his snow-white warhorse.

The warriors in his army are all already mounted and prepared, waiting for a signal from their General. Mounting his horse in one smooth motion, the white steed whinnies and kicks its front hooves in the air. A nudge with his heel has the horse galloping away. From start to end, he doesn’t glance back even once, doesn’t turn to gaze at the straight-backed, serene-looking man pouring his heart out into playing this emotional farewell song.

Following Qin Zheng’s action, the rest of the cavalry kicks into action, urging their own horses forward to catch up. Ten miles away from the pavilion, one can still hear the swirling myriad of emotions in the faint strums of the zither’s strings. The hidden bitterness, the deep sorrow, the tender adoration, and the painful yearning.

Thud...thud...As the sound of horse hooves striking the ground gradually fades into the distance, the song comes to an end, causing silence to fall once more in the Ten Thousand Miles Pavilion.

Finally lifting his head, he gazes absently in the direction Qin Zheng departed, only to return to reality at the sound of soft sobbing coming from behind him.

Sui Yuan glances over his shoulder somewhat blankly to see his two personal maids covering their mouths with their sleeves and weeping endlessly. Their clear, bright eyes are now filled with pitying sympathy for him. In addition, all his male attendants bear red eyes too. Waves of sorrow seem to pour out of everyone present, as though they are the ones bidding their family members farewell.

"...Why are you crying?" Sui Yuan asks as he rises gracefully to his feet, figure straight and aloof as usual. It’s just that without Qin Zheng, Fan Caiyao and all the important characters here, he doesn’t feel like playing his role. Hence, he currently looks somewhat stupefied, as though valiantly trying to persevere through the pain of separation.

"General Qin will definitely return. He will return safe and sound. That’s why...please take care of yourself..." One of the maids forces out through her tears, softly consoling her distraught master.

The other promptly drapes a cloak around his shoulders, seemingly afraid that his grief will cause damage to his body and he will not be able to endure the cool autumn wind.

Sui Yuan remains silent. Although he roughly understands why they are afraid he will become distressed by Qin Zheng’s departure, what he cannot comprehend is the fact that they are so emotional over a small matter. Fortunately, Sui Yuan is not a curious person by nature. When faced with something he cannot make sense of, he is too lazy to inquire.

Thus, he merely nods. "Naturally. He called me precious, after all."

These words cause the two maids’ emotions to spill over once more, hot tears welling up in their eyes.

After seeing off this male lead, Sui Yuan’s life returns to his usual routine of eating, drinking and making merry. Only, he doesn’t wish to deepen his relationship with the female lead too far. It might unexpectedly cause the supporting male lead to end up with the woman - and such a thing will surely result in a poor evaluation. Hence, he lessens his interaction with her to prevent anything from developing.

A year later, the parents of the female record-keeper in the Ministry of Justice, Fan Caiyao, found a matchmaker and engaged her to the Minister of Rites’ first wife’s son. As both families are well-matched in terms of social status, neither party opposed this marriage.

Before the date of marriage, Fan Caiyao follows her mother to the temple in order to burn incense and pray for a blissful marriage and harmonious relationship. Coincidentally, they bump into Sui Yuan who is currently savouring the various vegetarian dishes in the inner courtyard of the temple.

Beneath the blossoming peach trees, a crimson-robed Sui Yuan lies languidly in its shade. Compared to the gorgeous blooms of the trees, this man is a hundred-fold more captivating, so much so that the scene before her all but dazzle Fan Caiyao’s eyes.

"...I didn’t expect to meet you in a place like this," Fan Caiyao states with a small smile, tone distracted.

"......" Sui Yuan remains taciturn, struggling to restrain the urge to slip into his arrogant persona in front of the female lead. On top of that, he is at a loss for what to say under this kind of circumstances...Even if there is originally a scene of the two of them running into each other in the inner courtyard of the temple before the female lead’s marriage to the male lead, none of the lines would be appropriate right now ah!

"...Already not feeling like talking to me? Have you come to realise that the most beloved person in your heart is actually not me?" Fan Caiyao chuckles lightly as she shakes her head. "You ah...still so haughty. Be careful this attitude of yours, or else you would only push your true love far away."

"......" Sui Yuan can only stare wordlessly at this, for he can’t seem to keep up with the female lead’s train of thought.

"Seeing as we are friends, I will give you my blessings." Fan Caiyao inclines her head briefly, warm encouragement in her eyes. "Although this path is a difficult one, for a lot of people are unwilling to accept it in this era - it will be hard to be accepted even several hundred years later - I still wish that the both of you are able to obtain happiness."

Sui Yuan’s mouth opens, then closes again. While he might not be able to fathom her thoughts, he still realises that the other has given him her blessings.

...Since that’s the case, then the appropriate response should be expressing one’s gratitude, right?

Pursing his lips for a moment, Sui Yuan eventually nods his head lightly. "Many thanks."

A soft smile breaks out on Fan Caiyao’s face before she waves at him and takes her leave. Staring at her departing back, Sui Yuan’s gaze becomes blank, as though recalling something in the past...

Many leagues away, at the north-western border, Qin Zheng takes the report from the capital handed to him by an attendant with a slight frown. Upon the folded paper, four words "AnHe Qin Wang" can be seen.

"The record-keeper in the Ministry of Justice, Fan Caiyao, has been engaged to the son of the Minister of Rites, Li Mojie. On the twenty-seventh of March, she met with Qin Wang in the inner courtyard of Guan Yuan Temple. From AnHe Qin Wang’s sparse words, it is clear that he retains his regards towards you, hard-pressed to forget..."


[1] A Tang Dynasty story about a relationship between a scholar and a beauty put through the grinder due to conflicting interest between love and duty.


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