It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 1.3

Chapter 1.3:

The identity and social status of the male lead and supporting male lead in this world is very different. One is General Fuyuan, Qin Zheng, the son of Marquis Dingyuan’s first wife while the other is the good-for-nothing, second-generation prince, Qin Wang. The latter relies on the Emperor for shelter, protection and livelihood. All he needs to do every day is eat, drink and be merry. The former, however, is a military man who has waded through countless blood-soaked battlefields to earn his prestige. He is a young, revered, high-ranking official whom many greatly anticipate.

When the plot commenced, Qin Zheng has just returned from another victorious battle. Upon returning to the capital, he meets the female lead, Fan Caiyao, who is pure and elegant in appearance but possesses a tough and unyielding personality. Therefore, the young general who is sick of seeing outwardly delicate but inwardly scheming noble ladies falls for this independent woman the moment he interacts with her.

Through experiencing a series of ups and downs, the male and female lead’s feelings for each other begins to grow. However, as a General, Qin Zheng is frequently sent to the frontiers, causing this pair to stay apart for long periods of time, meeting only once in a blue moon. In addition, due to Marquis Dingyuan becoming more and more arrogant as his son continues to provide meritorious services to the nation, the Emperor develops an increasing fear of this household’s power. From time to time, the Emperor will think of ways to grab this noble house by the pigtails[1] in order to regain control of the soldiers under the General’s command.

Alone in the capital, Fan Caiyao strenuously works hard to help her absent husband defend their household by interacting with the Emperor’s relatives and court officials, crushing enemies and making connections. Sui Yuan, who was orphaned at a young age and became the prince who is most doted on by the Emperor, proves to be an extremely big help to Fan Caiyao. Putting in a good word about Marquis Dingyuan’s household before the Emperor on her behalf, using his name and reputation as a guarantee, and so on. A pity that even he is incapable of completely preventing the Emperor’s plan to revoke Qin Zheng’s military leadership from occurring, merely succeeding in delaying it.

Naturally, both the Marquis and Qin Zheng are aware of the Emperor’s schemes. In order to ensure the safety and security of their household but unwilling to renounce the glory and wealth they have accumulated, they ultimately decide to revolt. In the capital, Sui Yuan and Fan Caiyao collaborate to give them ample preparation time.

When everything is prepared accordingly, Fan Caiyao gathers the females of the Marquis household together, pretending to have planned a trip up the mountains in order to pray for blessings. Instead, they secretly flee the capital that night. Sui Yuan is left in the dark and is still in the capital when Marquis Dingyuan’s plan to revolt is exposed.

Mad with fury, the Emperor orders Sui Yuan - who is always seen in the company of the Marquis’ people - to be thrown in jail. However, the lifelong affections he has for this child lingers, making him believe that Sui Yuan is merely blinded by love. In the end, the Emperor spares his life, only taking away his title.

Personally leading his army, Qin Zheng invades the capital. During this time, Marquis Dingyuan is critically wounded, eventually falling ill and died. With the support of the entire nation’s army, Qin Zheng seizes the throne and becomes Emperor, with Fan Caiyao as his Empress.

Feeling guilty for keeping Sui Yuan in the dark regarding the latter part of their plans, the female lead urges Qin Zheng to reinstate him as Qin Wang, ensuring him a lifetime of protection. Only, Sui Yuan’s heart is already shattered. Unable to face his old love who had a hand in killing his family, furious at himself for becoming an unknown accomplice in this murder, he quietly leaves the capital to roam free over the mountains and across rivers, seeking to heal his soul. Forsaking riches and honour for a lifetime of loneliness in the wilderness.

...The plot of this world ought to develop in this direction. According to 5237’s words, besides that final miserable period in prison, he will be drowning in riches and prestige. Regarding this storyline, Sui Yuan reckons he is pretty satisfied with it. A shame that the recent development seems a little odd somehow...?

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Zheng smiles lightly as he reaches down to grasp Sui Yuan’s right hand, pressing it more firmly against the bow in the latter’s palms. The scorching touch of the male lead’s bare skin is enough to pull the musing Sui Yuan out of his thoughts.

Glancing up uneasily, he finally notices Qin Zheng’s face is extremely close. Not only that, the two are currently in a rather ambiguous position, with him half drawn into Qin Zheng’s arms.

"...Doesn’t this position seem not quite right?" Sui Yuan silently inquires in his heart.

System 5237 instantly curses as it gives him a withering reply. "Your mum! Of course it is not right! It’s absolutely wrong! This is a BG[1] world! Not a BL[1] one ah!"

Sui Yuan: "......"

"You are always so absent-minded," Qin Zheng says, tone somewhat resentful as his arms tighten. Pulling Sui Yuan fully into his embrace, his lips almost brush against the helix of a delicate ear. "Who was it who said they wish to learn archery?"

"...My hand hurts a little," Sui Yuan states truthfully.

Qin Zheng frowns, reaching down to grab his left hand. Prying loose Sui Yuan’s fingers to inspect his palm, one can see faint cuts marring the once-flawless and tender skin. Immediately, Qin Zheng’s eyes narrow as he chides, "Why didn’t you say so earlier?!"

Seizing this opportunity, Sui Yuan escapes the male lead’s arms and shakes his head slightly. With great effort, he draws his carefully-crafted personality together. "What you can do, benwang can also accomplish! Benwang doesn’t need to be coddled!"

"You..." Qin Zheng doesn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. In the end, he simply drags Sui Yuan over to the side and carefully applies some salve on the cuts. "I have been practising since I was young, so my skin is rough and calloused. But you are a noble Qin Wang, why should you lower yourself to compare with me? A single bite is not enough to fatten anyone. In order to improve, one will need to take a single step at a time."

Pondering for a moment, Sui Yuan feels that what he said makes sense. Like a cat reluctantly following instructions, he raises his chin and narrows his eyes haughtily, giving an aloof nod.

Qin Zheng can’t help but laugh, settling himself down on the wall next to Sui Yuan. Scrutinising the attractive and intelligent face for a moment, he opens his mouth again. "Tomorrow, a feast will be held in the Marquis’ residence. Many noble ladies from the capital will be present. Would to participate?"

Blinking, Sui Yuan’s head tips slightly to the side in question. "Will...she be there too?"

So far, besides his usual routine of eating, drinking, playing and appointments with Qin Zheng, he hasn’t slacked in keeping an eye on the female lead. He would appear in places she frequents, visit stalls and teahouses on a whim and even had someone follow her around, all just to impress his existence in her mind. Naturally, the Qin Zheng who has come to shadow him knows his thoughts regarding Fan Caiyao. Therefore, just a single "her" is enough for both parties to understand.

"...Yes. Of course, she will be there." Qin Zheng nods.

"Then I will go too!" Sui Yuan declares as he shoots to his feet. Restlessly pacing in a circle, he takes out his folding fan and flicks it open, smoothly transitioning into someone who is secretly in love with another. "Say, what do you think I ought to wear tomorrow? No, the clothes I have are all old. I will send someone to fetch a seamstress and make a few new sets!"

"Stop shouting!" Qin Zheng snaps sullenly as he grabs hold of the pacing Sui Yuan. "It’s a feast meant for me to choose a suitable spouse. Are you trying to steal my stage?"

"...So what if I do steal it? You can’t measure up to me!" Sui Yuan sniffs arrogantly.

"Yes, yes, yes. I can’t compare with you. Therefore, even if you wear your daily attire, you will still outshine all the blossoming flowers there." Qin Zheng placates with a smile.

"...I don’t think you can use blossoming flowers[3] in this context." Sui Yuan points out after a brief pause.

Qin Zheng waves it away with a vague laugh before a sigh causes his smile to vanish, replaced by a serious expression. "You are right. I made a mistake. The correct phrase should be ’elegant and distinguished, with a peerless, refined appearance’."

Sui Yuan: "......"

After displaying the appropriate amount of adoration for the female lead, he allows himself to be appeased by Qin Zheng. After all, this banquet is a vital development point between the male and female lead where the both of them get to know more about each other. As the supporting male lead, he had better not upset the apple cart and quietly do his duty.

The next day, Sui Yuan enters the Marquis’ residence at Qin Zheng’s invitation. In order to allow the male lead to display his charisma and valiant disposition, Sui Yuan deliberately chooses to wear a bland green robe. Although it lacks splendour, it is elegant in its simplicity and gives the wearer a subtly refined air. Standing next to the well-built General, the pair contrast greatly. One of delicate sophistication and the other of striking dominance.

Chatting and laughing, the two men enter the residence’s inner courtyard together. Here, the hostess converses with a few noble ladies as other guests gather in smaller groups, sitting or standing. Some carry a dignified aura while others bear a more flirtatious air.

After he greets the host, Sui Yuan ignores everything else, gaze glued onto Fan Caiyao. As soon as the female lead appears, he shifts seamlessly into character. Aloof manner, egoistic gleam in his eyes, an arrogant aura that oozes unwillingness to approach first. Even 5237 cannot help but give a ’like[4]’.

Confronting Fan Caiyao is a task he takes to like a fish to water. After all, his main mission is to pursue the female lead. That time, when he unwittingly bumped into the male lead and made a mess of things, it was because he had no set script to follow. Scripted scenes are a breeze.

Unfolding his fan with a snap, Sui Yuan’s phoenix eyes narrows the slightest bit, subtle affection bleeding into his alluring smile. Emotions swirl in those dark pupils as though the owner is trying to convey a touching speech with a mere glance. The aura emitting from this enticing figure causes one to fear going near, but at the same time, cannot resist being drawn in. Intimidated by the arrogant air, the noble ladies shrink away.

Approaching Fan Caiyao with an attitude that clearly indicates his desire to be closer but still unbearably haughty, they once again reach a point of disagreement in a mere two or three sentences. Reduced to complete silence by Fan Caiyao’s clever and eloquent way with words, Sui Yuan eventually cuts their interaction short with an annoyed snort and a flick of his sleeves, thus ending this banquet scene.

Afterwards, he has to wait until both the male and female leads are adequately occupied with each other before taking the opportunity to bid the hosts goodbye and slip out...

Murmuring plans under his breath, Sui Yuan stands near the edge of the pond, absently watching the swaying lotuses. Turning his head away, he finally notices Qin Zheng standing behind and off to the side, a smile on his face.

"...What are you doing here? Still not going to mingle and see if there’s a suitable lady?" Looking at this male lead, Sui Yuan can’t help worrying on his behalf.

"You are a guest. Furthermore, you are a guest I invited. How can I carelessly toss you aside, leaving you to roam the grounds all alone? My mother will naturally take good care of those women," Qin Zheng says with an easy smile, lifting a hand to smooth the frown creasing Sui Yuan’s brow. "Having a hard time dealing with her?"

"...Hmph." Sui Yuan turns his head away. "She is irritating to the point of death! This kind of woman will definitely not be able to marry!"

"That’s why you pity her and plan to take responsibility?" Qin Zheng gives a playful wink.

"What - what take responsibility?!" Sui Yuan scowls. "As if I’m willing!"

"Right, right, you are definitely unwilling." The other man agrees as though soothing a small child.

Falling silent, Sui Yuan stares at 5237. He really doesn’t understand why this brother is avoiding such a good woman, instead encouraging him in his pursuit. What’s the matter - aren’t they meant to be love rivals?!

5237 simply rolls back and forth on the ground, like a round little ball with limbs, an expression of "can’t bear to witness" on its face.

"Fan Caiyao...what do you think of her?" Sensing this development is not quite right, Sui Yuan mentally braces himself as asks.

"She is a good woman, strong, upright, courageous, and intelligent." Qin Zheng answers promptly, tone serious. "Although her status is a little low and can’t be the Princess Consort, she can still be a concubine. Or you can always implore the Emperor. He dotes on you so much. Can’t say for sure that he might agree?"

This answer is completely beyond Sui Yuan’s expectations, causing his head to ache. "Don’t you fancy her?"

"One must not covert a friend’s wife." Qin Zheng frowns in displeasure. "Since you harbour affections for her in your heart, I will naturally not steal her away. Or in your eyes, am I the sort of scoundrel who will make a move on his friend’s sweetheart?!"

"......" Sui Yuan remains silent, choking on distress and a range of negative emotions...

Equally distraught, system 5237 circles Sui Yuan’s head once before leaning in to rub against his body. "...The male lead is an upstanding individual. Since the supporting male lead has become close friends with the male lead, he has set up a clear boundary line between the female lead and himself, as his friend clearly desires her. This’ve already failed half of it."

Sui Yuan: "...What about the other half?"

5237: "...Protect the male lead, ensure his revolt succeeds and he is crowned Emperor."

Sui Yuan: "...So it seems I cannot avoid imprisonment either way..."


[1] Grab someone by the pigtails = finding faults to accuse someone of something.

[2] Just in case anyone doesn’t know. BG = Boy x Girl. BL = Boy’s Love (Shounen Ai, Yaoi, danmei, etc).

[3] "Blossoming flowers" is used when referring to a group of female beauties. In QZ’s words, he is indirectly calling SY a beautiful young lady when he says SY will outshine all the blossoming flowers.

[4] As in Facebook ’like’.


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