It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 2.8

Chapter 2.8

This operation is very prudent. In order to prevent the Rank 6 zombie replenishing its ranks during the battle, the first thing the humans need to do is clear up all the undead within the vicinity of the chosen battleground. Under the combined force of full-armed soldiers and high-level Ability Users, this task is not too difficult.

At the same time, in order to guarantee their actions are not discovered by the zombie with awakened spiritual conscience, the army sends all available Ability users who possess a Spirit system to set up mental blockades to hinder it. Although the difference between their ability level compared to this undead is somewhat large, it is better to have some form of cover than none at all.

Fortunately, a zombie’s intelligence is still far from a human’s what it comes to planning attacks. As such, by the time everyone is in position and ready to go, there aren’t any major unforeseen events.

Quietly waiting in position like everyone else, all senses on high alert, registering every puff of wind and moving grass, Sui Yuan’s hand is gripped tightly in Mo Xuanzhi’s as though the latter is trying to soothe him.

...But, Sui Yuan is as collected as can be.

The sky above darkens as rain clouds move in. The chilly wind brings with it moist, cold air, dampening people’s spirits further.

When the swarm of undead finally appears, it is up to the human army to launch the first strike.

With disregard towards how much ammunition is used, the soldiers pour torrents of bullets into their midst. As though being put through a meat grinder, the low-level zombies at the head of the horde are reduced to rotting piles of minced flesh. After the initial heavy downpour of bullets, the comparatively higher-level zombies promptly counterattack, charging towards the army’s defence lines.

The sight of close to a thousand zombies surging forth is rather daunting, causing the concealed Ability Users to break out in cold sweat. Sui Yuan casts a bland gaze over the scene, more focused on pinpointing the zombie’s hive mind. However, it is a pity that strong undead don’t look all that much different from weaker ones, and the original script’s description of it is vague, completely unhelpful in trying to figure out which one is the Rank 6 zombie. Glancing sideways at Mo Xuanzhi, he sees the trace of helplessness reflecting in the male lead’s eyes.

After nearly an hour of bitter fighting, the majority of low-level zombies and even a small portion of higher-ranked ones lost their lives under the muzzle of a gun. Nevertheless, while the battlefield is littered with numerous undead corpses, the army troops also suffered a huge hit. Soldiers who were scratched or bitten continue fighting until they can persevere no longer. When they feel the transformation nearly upon them, they turn the barrel of their firearms to their temples and pull the trigger. This way, they will not become zombies and add to their comrades’ burden.

Bearing witness to this grave and stirring scene, the Ability Users’ hearts are moved, firming their resolves to acquire a victory on this day and increasing their thirst for undead blood.

As soon as Mo Xuanzhi and Sui Yuan receive the long-awaited command from the General, they give a signal to the other squad captains laying in ambush. As one, the group of Ability Users charge out of their respective hiding spots to meet the remaining swarm.

The sound of gunfire gradually becomes more infrequent as the ordinary soldiers follow the prescribed orders to retreat as soon as the Ability Users enter the battle. The rest is up to these folks to settle.

Multi-coloured powers replace bullets, and the humans’ penetrative forces increases as Ability Users slam into the zombie horde. Sui Yuan sticks closely to Mo Xuanzhi’s back, killing any zombie that comes too close and searching for the Rank 6 that is acting like the hive queen.

Sui Yuan has just already broken through to Rank 5, so he is not too far behind Mo Xuanzhi who is at the peak of level five. However, their main target is a Rank 6 undead. No one knows how large a gap there is between Rank 5 and 6. Moreover, there will inevitably be a few high-level zombies around the leader to protect it.

In the original text, Mo Xuanzhi faces a life-threatening moment here, and has to rely on the female lead Leng Xia’s personal space in order to dodge death by a hair’s breadth. Now that there is no relationship between Mo Xuanzhi and Leng Xia, the female lead is in the backlines as support and reinforcement. Sui Yuan has never once thought about dragging her into the thick of battle and placing her at risk in order to help Mo Xuanzhi avoid this calamity. Naturally, the thought of seizing her personal space for himself has also never crossed his mind. In Sui Yuan’s mind, what belongs to the female lead will always belong to her. On top of that, her personal safety is very important.

Since the female lead is not present to ensure the male lead’s safety, then Sui Yuan can only sacrifice his life for him.

Calmly planning the next step in his heart, Sui Yuan blindly follows Mo Xuanzhi. At long last, he spots a female undead wearing a dirty, torn and tattered gown in the middle of the horde. At first glance, this particular female doesn’t look all that different from a regular zombie. If it wasn’t for the author describing this undead’s dress and particular features, Sui Yuan wouldn’t have been so certain that this is the leader. Before he can alert Mo Xuanzhi, the other man also seems to have spotted their main target, charging unhesitatingly towards the zombie.

Slightly taken back by the abrupt change in directions, Sui Yuan pauses for a split-second, then chases after the male lead. But Mo Xuanzhi snaps around and shoves him away.

"I’ll deal with this, you go over to the other side. Don’t get in my way," Mo Xuanzhi orders in a cold tone. Not waiting for Sui Yuan’s reply, he dives back into the swarm, clearing a straight path towards the hive mind.

Staggering from the push, he skewers a lightning-encased hand through the head of an undead trying to sneak-attack him. Although he feels somewhat puzzled as to why the male lead doesn’t want him near, he still grits his teeth and follows.

No matter what, he cannot let the male lead die here. Not only does this concern he has mark the end of the assignment, it is also to ’repay the other’s kindness’.

Detecting danger, the female zombie directs its guards to stop Mo Xuanzhi and Sui Yuan’s movements. Although the former is still a distance away, all his attention is focused on the female, judging its every move, seeking the most dangerous moment.

The Heavens doesn’t ignore a righteous man, and Sui Yuan is able to tell when the moment arrives.

Just as Mo Xuanzhi’s movements become sluggish due to the influence of that Rank 6 zombie’s spiritual conscience, Sui Yuan breaks through the wall of undead, body checking him out of the way. A dome created from the fusion of water and electric obstructs the movements of the surrounding zombies. At the same time, the claws of a high-level undead controlled by the leader sink into Sui Yuan’s chest.

As if they are of the same mind, Mo Xuanzhi rushes up to the leader who is momentarily immobilised, easily snapping its fragile neck. Ignoring the other undead who begins to attack him, he returns to Sui Yuan’s side, arms wrapping around his powerless body before he topples. Blood trickles out the corners of Sui Yuan’s lips even as the five neat punctures in his torso gushes unceasingly.

Slowly, the Ability Users fighting nearby begin to gather one after another, a few rabidly tearing through undead to get to them and surround the bloodied Sui Yuan and Mo Xuanzhi.

"Boss! Older brother Haochen, he - " As soon as they take in the scene before them, their pupils shrink, not daring to believe their eyes.

Sui Yuan’s vision is already starting to darken. The agony he is experiencing on the brink of death is so excruciating that he wishes to beat his fists on the earth. However, he doesn’t even have the strength to move a finger or a toe, as though this body is no longer under his control.

Death...sure enough, it is a terrible affair...

Glancing at Mo Xuanzhi one last time to confirm he is all right, Sui Yuan finally breaths a soft sigh of relief. Although he who is anxiously trying to break away from this suffering registers that Mo Xuanzhi’s dark gaze seems a little odd, he doesn’t dwell on it.

Having fulfilled his mission, his heavy eyelids slowly slide close.

The battle is eventually reaching an end. Without the Rank 6 controlling this horde, the originally efficient pack scatters in a matter of seconds, slowly picked off one by one by the humans. The majority of them already do not possess the drive to chase the fleeing undead, instead moving closer and watching Mo Xuanzhi hug Sui Yuan’s cooling corpse in silence.

"Boss, older brother Haochen is...please restrain your grief and accept fate..." While the Ability Users are sorrowful, they are all used to seeing their friends die. Thus, retaining their composure, they attempt to step forward and console their distraught Boss. However, when Mo Xuanzhi abruptly lifts his head, the dangerous glint in his eyes halt them in their tracks.

Still, the fact that their Boss appears sober and clear-headed allows them to stop holding their breaths. Slowly lifting a hand, he gently wipes away the droplets of blood on Sui Yuan’s cheek. Staring down at the serene expression resembling that of a person released from a large burden on the corpse’s face, a small smile curves Mo Xuanzhi’s lips.

Soft laughter from Mo Xuanzhi causes a bad feeling to rise in everyone’s hearts. The ones closest to him want to spring forward and prevent hasty actions, but are blocked by the sudden, scorching heatwave emitting from his person.

Tightly embracing Sui Yuan’s body, his handsome, tranquil face bellies a malevolent expression. An intense, raging inferno flares into existence around the two men, concealing them from everyone’s sight. Only those closest to the blaze are able to hear Mo Xuanzhi murmuring, "Do you think you can escape if you die?"

"No! Older Brother Haochen! Mo Xuanzhi!!" Leng Xia’s mournful yell breaks everyone from their frozen state of shock and horror. Just then, a sudden clap of thunder rumbles through the sky, bringing with it a heavy downpour.

The fire is extinguished by the rain, leaving behind a blackened lump. No one is able to distinguish where one body begins and where the other ends. Not caring about anything else, Leng Xia drops to her knees before the burnt corpses, sobbing her heart out.

Everyone’s tears are concealed by the falling rain, a heavy silence permeating the battlefield as they grieve for this pair of lovers who vowed to never separate in life or death. Perhaps some will call them foolish, but the envy that lingers in the bottom of their hearts cannot be ignored.

War will always bring pain to the general populace, whether it be mental or physical. Each sacrifice will be engraved deep in one’s memories. When the conflict is over, what’s left behind is hope.

With a large, immediate threat eliminated, mankind obtains a bit of breathing space and time to inspect itself for areas to improve in. At the same time, they have learned how to efficiently strangle a problem in the cradle. Still, true peace is far off in the indefinite future. But at least, from various setbacks and unforeseen circumstances, humanity will learn valuable lessons and continue growing as a species. No matter what difficulties they are faced with, they will never give up on hope.

In the outer graveyard of the capital, Leng Xia kneels on one knee before a gravestone, laying a single, white daisy on the ground before it. Her betrothed stands behind, keeping an eye on their surroundings.

"Don’t see that it is only a daisy. It cost me several crystals, you know?" Leng Xia, now a mature, strong, and capable frontline fighter, chuckles softly. Tucking a loose strand of short hair behind an ear, she condenses a stream of water in her palm, using it to gently wipe away the accumulated dust on the gravestone. A small smile on her lips, she jokingly complains, "The situation now has improved a lot. See, there is even someone who has so much free time on their hands to waste on cultivating flowers. Only, they are selling it at a rather high price..."

Pausing, Leng Xia sighs lightly as a teardrop rolls down her cheek, unbidden. "It’s a shame that the both of you cannot see it..."

"Little Xia, we should go. It’s almost time for the meeting," the man behind her reminds in a low voice, nostalgia surfacing in his own eyes as he gazes at the gravestone.

Leng Xia hums in acknowledgement, wiping her eyes as the fingertips of her other hand brushes across the two names carved in the surface. Standing up, she smiles. "I will come and visit again...the both of you should be living happily together in Heaven, right?"

Saying this, she turns around and clasps the man’s offered hand, leaving the graveyard. Just like the two figures nestling against each other, the two names on the gravestone are joint together, inextricably linked.

Mo Xuanzhi & He Haochen.

The author has something to say: Another sorrowful tale... Uuuu...dying together in the name of love is a beautiful thing.


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