It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 2.7

Chapter 2.7

Gradually, everyone notices that Sui Yuan’s attitude towards Mo Xuanzhi begins to change. At minimum, he doesn’t reject the other’s approach any longer, sometimes even expressing a little concern for him. Only, what has all of them gnashing their teeth in irritation is the more Sui Yuan reciprocates his kindness, the more their Boss becomes withdrawn.

What should have kick-started an official relationship between the two eventually ends up yielding no results. Seeing their expectations crumbling before their hopeful eyes, it really makes their heart itch like no tomorrow. Oh, how they wish they can force those two into a room and lock them in until the rice is cooked[1]. That way, this little drama will finally have an ending...

It takes a few days of Sui Yuan returning Mo Xuanzhi’s kindness for the latter to get used to it; and for the relationship between them to return to normal, which means the male lead also returns to harassing him. For some reason, Sui Yuan feels very certain that Mo Xuanzhi will never do anything too terrible to him. No matter how ambiguous the atmosphere between them is, it can never completely cover up the fact that this male lead is simply teasing him. However, when he is not poking fun at Sui Yuan, he simply observes him silently. It is during these occasions that Sui Yuan becomes a tad agitated.

Either way, if Mo Xuanzhi wants to play, then Sui Yuan will ’repay his kindness’ and play with him until the end. Since there is no chance of there being a romance between the male and female lead, he only needs to ensure nothing develops between the male lead and himself. This way, the situation wouldn’t worsen further.

- In any case, he has already experienced failing half his task in terms of romance between the leads. Walking down the same path again is no pressure. He just needs to succeed in the other half of his mission. Sui Yuan wills himself to have facial paralysis for a short while, lest he breaks down crying.

Besides the romance part of things, the other task he has to accomplish in this world is to ensure the major events are maintained. This doesn’t actually require Sui Yuan to do anything. Even if he sits back and watch, the storyline will unfold by itself. All he really needs to do is to protect the male lead from danger and make sure he doesn’t die. As for the supporting male lead’s own ending, this world is completely different from the previous one. For He Haochen doesn’t have a clear end he needs to comply with. Even during the conclusion of the story, the supporting male lead’s circumstances is not mentioned.

...He most probably ended up blending into the crowd of ordinary folks?

Sui Yuan can only take one step, then observe the situation before taking another step forward. Even if he doesn’t know what he has to do near the end of the story, for now, his top priority is to guard the male lead from death.

Repeatedly fighting alongside each other, mutually watching each other’s back...the fact that this seems like something a married couple will do is something he doesn’t understand, and can’t be bothered to either...

Living in the capital can be considered as satisfactory. Going out to fight zombies with the team every day, gathering crystals, searching for goods and supplies. In a blink of an eye, two years passed just like this.

When news of the destruction of Lu Sheng’s largest base reaches the capital, Sui Yuan knows that the first major climax of the story has officially begun.

Just like how human Ability Users constantly evolve, the undead themselves are also climbing higher and higher in rank. Not only are these higher-level zombies stronger in every aspect, they also begin to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

Naturally, when compared to humans, the difference in intelligence is still far, far away. If mankind’s wisdom lies in fighting and scheming, then the zombies’ lie in working as one. In terms of who will win or lose, it is quite difficult to judge.

Immediately following the destruction of the largest survivor base, a series of news detailing the downfall of several other bases arrives. Originally thinking this is a mere coincidence, the speculation is dashed immediately as soon as the map is spread out and the destroyed location pinpointed. Involuntarily, a feeling of dread arises.

This is indeed not a coincidence. It is a premeditated, large-scale operation planned by the undead. Evidently, the swarm of zombies is under the control of something else, plotting to bring down humanity’s strongholds one by one, to snatch away territories originally belonging to mankind.

When Sui Yuan, Mo Xuanzhi and his team of Ability Users are summoned to the capital’s command centre, this piece of information causes Leng Xia to pale.

Although she is someone who experienced rebirth, she is not omniscient and omnipotent. In her previous life, she was simply one of many ordinary survivors, relying on good fortune to continue living. She didn’t have any special abilities. This dual water and space system she possesses now is a pleasant surprise gifted to her in her second life.

Because she was an ordinary citizen before, Leng Xia was unable to access any secret information. She only knows that the largest base fell to a high-level zombie leading a horde but was completely oblivious to the danger concealed behind this attack. After all, if news of zombies gaining intelligence and know how to cooperate leaks out to the public, mass panic and chaos will ensue. Even before they can face the enemy, humanity would have been wiped out due to fear.

Therefore, with this in mind, as soon as the military discovers this danger, they only divulged information to select clear-minded and strong individuals—meaning the top Ability User squad in the capital—in hopes that they will be able to solve this issue before the general populace takes notice.

"We have already sent forward scouts to keep track of this horde and predict their next target based on the route they are taking, as well as pinpoint the mastermind controlling the other undead. The former has already been recorded on this map and the latter has been determined to be a Rank 6 zombie who has awakened its spiritual conscience." The current head of the military, a dignified, middle-aged General taps the map with a finger. "Its strength is still unknown, but it is likely controlling the others through their linked conscience. Think of it as a hive of insects. The queen is the hive mind, and everyone else is in charge of implementing her plans. Naturally, as a Rank 6, it cannot be underestimated."

"Do we know how many undead it can control at a time?" Unlike the other Ability Users whose face and eyes show the terror in their hearts, Mo Xuanzhi is the picture of calm. A serene expression also reflected on Sui Yuan’s face. It can be said that within the team, only these two are able to remain cool-headed after having such shocking news dumped on them.

"Around a thousand, give or take a hundred," The General replies. "The majority are low-level zombies, with a handful of high-level ones. This is approximately its limit as to how many it can control through its conscience right now, which is why we need to deal with it as soon as possible."

Lifting a hand to rub his temple, it is clear the General is extremely tense and worried about this development. "Due to the harsh environment and shortage of supplies, the human population’s rate of growth is affected. Right now, we are experiencing a fierce decline. Although we are protecting the women, children and elders within the capital, male adults are constantly sent outside to face danger. Every day, we experience quite a few casualties. We cannot afford to let this continue for too long. The number of undead is increasing and they are becoming stronger too, while our numbers are shrinking. Although the Ability Users are also becoming stronger, the large difference in number between both species is a grave issue. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to strike the zombies first, at the instance where we can deal the most damage!"

No one will possibly disapprove of the General’s speech. After all, who here can’t see the grim situation humanity is facing right now? However, no matter how much one approves of it, there will still be complaints when they are all but being coerced to take on this kind of suicide-mission. To sacrifice oneself for the sake of humanity is, of course, a noble deed, but is there such a selfless, gallant person in this world left?

The General is naturally aware that for a horse to follow you, one must first feed and pamper it. If one cannot incite zeal in this group, forcing them to take on the task wouldn’t result in anything good. However, even after listing a great deal of promises and benefits they will get should they undertake this mission, the Ability Users present still hesitate.

Feeling rather impatient at all this dallying, Mo Xuazhi eventually takes the lead. "I’ll go, it should be fine this way, right? So can we leave now?"

The General pauses, heart overflowing with joy at the unexpected good news. Mo Xuanzhi is the lone person able to rally Ability Users by his side, and his team consists of outstanding talents. So long as he gives his verbal consent, then the task of persuading people to join this high-risk mission is already half done.

Since the male lead has spoken, Sui Yuan will naturally follow along. Moreover, in the original plot, He Haochen also participated in this operation. Seeing Mo Xuanzhi already turning to leave, Sui Yuan smiles and gets to his feet. "Then I will go too. I apologise, but I shall take my leave first."

Under everyone’s eyes, Mo Xuanzhi and Sui Yuan leaves, one in front, one behind. The former holds the door open for the latter until they are both outside the room, a small smile curving his lips. Those present are once again blinded by misconception. Ai...these two men really like displaying affection in public no matter where they are.

Following this, how the General goes about persuading the others to accept is something Sui Yuan can’t be bothered with. He knows that on the second day of this operation, a command will be issued. The military and Ability Users will work together in a joint operation to exterminate this large threat to mankind’s existence.

As what lies ahead of them is a suicide-mission, everyone indulges themselves before that day. If they are to die, they will face death without regrets, or else going to hell still harbouring unfulfilled desires is too lamentable.

Regarding this way of thinking, Sui Yuan doesn’t quite understand it. Hence, his daily life leading up to the fateful day doesn’t change in the slightest, rendering people speechless at his eerie level of calm and composure.

Approximately thinking along the same lines as everyone else, the female lead Leng Xia eventually accepts the pursuit of an Ability User in the same team, entering a betrothal. Although she once harboured a crush on Sui Yuan, she is aware that no matter what she does, she cannot overcome Mo Xuanzhi. As time passes, her eyes become clearer, and she gradually lets go of this hope. Rather than strenuously wait for a man who will most certainly not turn back to look at her, she might as well accept the regard of someone who has relentlessly wooed her and grasp that happiness.

Besides, she doesn’t wish to be thought of by Mo Xuanzhi as a thorn in his side. To die at the hands of her team leader, rather than a zombie would be an extremely miserable way to go...

After discovering that the female lead was smoothly stolen away by a cannon fodder, Sui Yuan acts as according to plan, plastering on a bitter smile as he congratulates the betrothed couple. He is then mercilessly mocked for still harbouring a one-sided affection for an old flame. Amidst the roar of laughter, someone shoves him into Mo Xuanzhi’s embrace, jokingly telling the male lead to properly "punish your wife and educate him" in order to make Sui Yuan forget about Leng Xia.

At the men’s attics, Sui Yuan and Mo Xuanzhi glances at each other and smile faintly, appearing once again like a married couple who understands each other so well that even a single glance is able to communicate whole sentences.

As everyone lives their daily lives to their heart’s content, the day of the mission slowly creeps up, and before they knew it, it is already upon them. Mo Xuanzhi is appointed as the leader of the Ability Users, with Sui Yuan as his second-in-command. Their main objective is to eliminate the higher-level undead, leaving the lower-level ones for the ordinary humans to deal with.

"Afraid?" In the backseat of the car, Mo Xuanzhi leans closer to Sui Yuan, dark eyes carrying a swirl of unclear emotions.

"No," Sui Yuan replies calmly, unchanging expression envied by others.

"We will be fine," Mo Xuanzhi states in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

Sui Yuan merely nods, declining to comment.

A second later, Mo Xuanzhi’s hand cups the back of his head, mouth moving against Sui Yuan’s in a short but hard kiss.

The driver of the vehicle: "Boss, you will be struck by lightning if you continue with this public display of affection!"

5237: "Sui Yuan! My shouldn’t consider being kissed by another man as something normal ah! QAQ"


[1] Rice is/become cooked = another way for saying a woman is impregnated. As for guys, well...


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