Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 89: The Aftermath Of The Battle

Chapter 89: The Aftermath Of The Battle

I and the others decided to go back to Al manor after separated from The Guildmaster, Vice Guildmaster, Galiust sword party, and the Beautiful twin.

At the time when I was going to separate from them, I didn't know why, but Alexa inexplicably looking at me intently as if I owed her something. Seeing her gaze, I quite confused, But after a while, I recalled that she asked about my race when we're in the Adventurer before. 

I thought maybe she waited for my answer all this time.

Given that, in the end, I give her my answer 

[Actually... I didn't know exactly what my race is, but I believe myself to be a human...]

After hearing my doubtful answer, she nodded at me and leaving silently with a deadpan expression. Looking at her somewhat awkward act, somehow I get the message of "Understandable, have a nice day" vibe from it...

I couldn't read accurately what her expression is, was she annoyed? or maybe it's just her nature and character? In the end, I decided to ignore it for now.

This Alexa's event wasn't the only one, after that, it's the Twin turn, more precisely, it's the older sister, Anni.

She seemed to want to be one of my subordinates and bow her head to me in front of a lot of people!

[Please, Sir Alex, let me be your subordinate!]

Hearing her direct and to the point approach, I became startled and flabbergasted. I could feel the people staring in my direction as they started gossiping excitedly. Looking at the uncontrollable situation, I could only sigh tiredly before answering Anni. 

[Sigh... go to the Al manor tomorrow, we'll discuss this further... for today, just back to your home and rest your body first...]

In the end, I could only delay this thing for tomorrow before hurriedly leaving with the others to back toward Al manor. I know what she's implying by saying that, she just wanted me registered as her master... and deep inside my heart, I know there's always something hidden under her request as her request was just too good to be real...




Upon Arriving at Al manor, we decided to rest in the living room. I gave my order to the other member of Silver Wolf to back to the mansion via the Teleportation Gate to rest their body and eased the non-combatant people in my hidden base. 

It's already two days since we not back there, there's a chance that the non-combatant people in my hidden base started to become worried so it'll be better to send the member of the Silver Wolf to go back to ease them. 

Anyway, I just need Silvi who was their leader to inform me about the gaining from the aftermath of the battle.

Before long, I, Silvi, Chali, Al, and Elizabeth sat on the couch inside the living room. As usual, since this was Al manor, the three Al combat maids serve us with some refreshments and wine.

'Come to think of it, I didn't see these 3 combat maids in the camp before... mah... maybe they just busy with something at that time, more importantly, this wine is not drugged right?'

I slit my eyes and gazed at Eliz who standing behind Al formally, feeling my gaze, Eliz stared at me and answering me with a hint of annoyance in her tone

[It's just an ordinary wine, why are you staring at me doubtfully for?]

[Is that so? anyway, you guys seem to level up a lot, even though is not as much as Silver Wolf though, hehe~]

Al, who heard my teasing words suddenly pouted her mouth

[It's your doing right?.... Alex, did that benefit only exclusive to your 'Underling'?]

[I don't know for sure, but right now, it seems it's only affected people who already registered me as their master. Anyway, I will check about this ability of mine in detail later. 

Don't worry, once I find something about it and can share this benefit to others, I will share this experience boost benefit to all of you~]

Hearing that I would share this ability with them, Eliz and Al opened their eyes widely as they staring excitedly at me! 

Somehow, from their big eyes, I could feel a hint of adoration when they're staring at me.

'As usual, power is a really precious thing in this world... Somehow, their expression reminds me of the woman from my previous world when they heard their man will be buying some branded luxury goods for them. Anyway, it's good if they become stronger and defend themselves better after all~ so let's not dwell about this too much~'

As I have this thought inside my heart, I noticed the three combat maids that served us silently flinched their hands for a while after hearing my statement. They started looking at each other's eyes silently as if confirming something, before resuming respectively serving the refreshment once again.

I decided to ignore the three and inquiring about the somewhat doubtful question that slightly bothered me.

[Umm... guys, Somehow there's something that slightly bothers me and made me curious, I have these doubt since we get a lot of monster corpses in this battle, I wonder if the adventurer guild in this town can buy all of it without problem? are they have enough golds to pay for the spoil in our-, I mean, pay for the spoil in the people's hand?]

Al who silently sipping her wine glance at Eliz and gave her a signal to answer my question.

[This... I think the Vice Guildmaster will take care of it, since she has Space&Time magic like yours, she can go to the Adventurer headquarter to get the golds to buy our spoil. You know, since there's unending demand of monster corpses and a magic stone, the Adventurer Guild headquarter surely not let this chance to slip from their hand]

[It makes sense, Silvi, How many monster corpses that we get from our spoil?]

Silvi who always silently sitting right on my left beside me, answered my question in a rigid and formal manner

[Informing to Master, After asking the Silver Wolf members for the estimated number, we roughly get around 6500+ B rank monster, 300 A-rank Green Ogres as well as 45 high A rank Red Ogres]

[Pfffff- I-isn't that almost 60% of the total monster horde?!!! you guys... what a monster!]

Al who still sipping her wine suddenly spit it out in shock and interjected our conversation after hearing the estimated number of our spoils.

I couldn't blame her, since I, myself opened my mouth in astonishment after hearing this incredible number.

Silvi who seemingly grasped our expression decided to explain further

[Informing to Master, It's because the effective strategy that Lady Chali's invented as well as the spectacular Wyverns Rider's maneuverability that boosts our spoil into incredible degree]

Hearing her explanation, I turned my head to Chali who sitting elegantly right beside me, She just smiles charmingly at me to return my gaze and calmly sipping some wine in an elegant manner.

'As expected of the Wise Wolf, or maybe, it's because the book collection in our room really helping enhanced her wisdom greatly? It's great to have a woman like her to assist me to manage everything that my hand can't reach, maybe I shall make her into the leader of my harem? looking at the future prospect and possibilities, I think it's a good idea'

While I mulling over this stuff inside my head, I grabbed some refreshment on the table and eat it silently. I didn't know how much gold I would get later If I sold all the B rank as well as the Green Ogre corpses to the Guild, but I knew exactly that it must be a lot.

And with the increasing number of golds in my hand, there's a good thing and a bad thing in it. It's not good if I spend it all of it on my Online Shopping Skill since it would be a chance that I might make the economy in this Kingdom collapsed sooner and later...

'I have to create a business where I can make some of the golds in my possession to flow... maybe the Fast-Food business is good, I can buy a raw ingredient in this world and twist the recipes slightly. and making soda isn't that hard too... hmmm this is a worthy idea that I have to contemplate further... 


Let's discuss it with Chali later, Since she had a Chef side job, I think she can enhance the "c*olonel" recipes further. for the business plan, I can discuss it with Eliz later'

As I eating the almond-like peanuts leisurely while contemplating my plan, all of a sudden, Chali who right beside me seemed to remember something as she started speaking to me

[Master, Our level already reach the maximum, I think we have to go to the churches to change it into the higher job. Since this is a special event in our lifetime, I hope master can accompany us to the churches tomorrow if Master has some free time...]

Hearing the word church, I flinched for a second. For some reason, I started to become restless after hearing the word, "Church".

'If possible, I really don't want to have anything with the church... but since it's my woman who pleading me to accompany them, it couldn't be helped...

Sigh... Finally, the time has come. I hope there'll be nothing weird when I visit there. Whatever, It's not like I try to destroy this world balance and planning world domination or anything, why should I afraid to this organization for?'

I firmed my mind and answer Chali with a smile plastered on my face

[Umu, we can go together tomorrow. Silvi, Tell the Silver Wolf, I will accompany you guys to the Church to advance your job tommorow]


[.... Silvi, can you stop being so formal? since you're already one of my women, now you can act more casually with me. You're acting too stiff that somehow it makes me quite awkward... relaxes more, Okay?

Anyway, since there's nothing that I need to know, for now, Let's rest our nerves and enjoy the refreshment here!]

After I finished my sentence, the atmosphere became warmer a lot. We continued chatting leisurely and enjoy the wine and snack that already been served on the table. I, who saw the Three maids still acting formally, command them to join us and enjoy the festive atmosphere inside the room together.

At first, they hesitated slightly, but after getting Al's permission, they relented and sat together on the couches.

As for Elizabeth, she already sat beside Al and enjoyed the wine relaxedly. Since she already knew what kind of person I was, she stopped acting formally after hearing me encouraging them to enjoy our time here.

Anyway, since her relationship with me was already known by the public, she stopped to behave restrictively and formally in front of me and acted more casually. Her distinctive speech that always annoyingly polite, became more casual too.

With these, I and the women enjoying our quality time in Al manor's living room warmly... Since all the problem that haunted this town already solved at this moment, for now, it's time to wisely rewarded ourselves with delicious food and wine to celebrate and paying our's hardwork~


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