Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 88: The Arkhaim Town Hero!

Chapter 88: The Arkhaim Town Hero!

---Alex POV---


[What now? without the sun above your head, you are just a useless lump of walking EXP!]

I sneered at the Light Ogre direction while vigorously throwing my magic bullet from my hand! Not only that, But I also controlling numerous Sword Qi to bombard the Dark Ogre body with my mind as I busily besieged him!


The Light Ogre who seemingly realized my intention trying to rush at me but was hindered by Sable who blocking his way with his enormous body!


Sable screamed before spewing out the crimson fire of the Dragon Breath skill at the Light Ogre direction! 

With the light ogre already out of the screen, I could solely focus my intention into besieged the Dark Ogre and disabled him first!

Without further ado, I attacked the Dark Ogre more intensely without giving him a chance to take a breath!

Bang!! Bang! bang! Bang!!

Swussh swusshhh swussh!!!

Spell after spell, it rained down toward the Dark Ogre without mercy! 

When it's still daylight, he can still regenerate his HP without worry, but now, After the sun already set and the day became dark, the Light Ogre couldn't perform his Light Element Regeneration anymore and assist the Dark Ogre regeneration!


The Dark Ogre retaliating in madness by punching the spell that overwhelmingly came in his direction in berserk! I could feel the Dark Ogre attack became stronger, yet, it wouldn't change the outcome of this battle at all, since I attack him in the distance!

'What the use of the powerful punch or melee attack if it cannot hit me, at the end of the day? Let's end this long battle once for all, these fuckin bastard really get into my nerves all this time!'

The [Trinity Orbs] behind me rotating in madness as the spell continued bombarding the Dark Ogre body in succession! it's not taking too long before the Dark Ogre body fell and thudding toward the ground weakly!



[One down, now, without your MP supply, I wonder how long you can hold our onslaught?]


Looking at the Dark Ogre already losing its consciousness, the Light Ogre trying to escape in a panic! 

He knew, as long as he's alive, the Dark Ogre would not thoroughly die!

'Do you think I'll let you do that?'

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!

sskk skk skk!

With my thought, the 3 levitating Orbs that circling in my back changed their elements immediately!

Thunder, Thunder, Fire [TTI]

[Storm Bringer!!!!]


With my body enveloped and enhanced with Thunder's energy, I started to onslaught the Light Ogre who trying to escape by bombarding him with the machine gun Lightning magic bullet!

Bam Bang Bam Bang!!!

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!

[Cold Wave!!!]

[Trinity Orbs] element reshuffling!


with the addition of cold wave as well as the summoned Freezing Field, the Light Ogre movement became more restricted and could only defend himself with his mana shield!

With his movement already debuffed, I didn't waste this limited-time opportunity by continuously attacking him in madness and depleting his mana shield magic power without mercy! 

While I bombarding the Light Ogre with my spell, I didn't forget to control my Sword Qi to held the Dark Ogre in place! 

As long as the Dark Ogre started moving slightly, my Sword qi would penetrate his body without mercy and restricted whatever he tried to do!




Before Long, the Mana Shield of Light Ogre started to broke into pieces and showed me a sign that his mana already depleted!

Without hesitation, I reshuffling the Element of [Trinity Orbs] into Thunder, Ice, Fire to perform my final attack!

The three orbs started rotating in madness as an enormous elemental energy brewing in the air vigorously!

With me as the catalyst, the elemental energy affected tremendous magic energy in the surrounding area around the Twin Immortal Ogres!

The magic energy became restless as it started boiling in madness, giving a chilling and eerie feeling to anyone who felt it!

'Let's finish both of them together!'

With my MP already reduced in a chunk from the spell activation, I inhaled a big breath before screaming the spell name that appeared inside my head!














Looking at the two breathless Ogres corpses below me, I tiredly taking some a breath and exhaled it to ease my nerves slightly. As for the orbs that rotating at my back a while ago, it's absorbed inside my body. For some reason, it's become a thing like S**asuk**e cursed tattoo that he got from the snake guy, but mine was plastered in the back of my neck.

'If you guys asked how can I see it, of course, because I use a mirror from online shopping skill, anyway, this time is really a long and gruesome fight that greatly depleted my stamina'

I put the two ogres inside my inventory skill while having this thought inside my head. After storing their corpses, I started checking the surrounding area around me.

In my vision, A 50m diameter surrounding ground around me became concave in a lake-shaped, the ground smoking heavily after seemingly being burned by the heat and a charred soil could be seen here and there. Not only that, I found some of the soil had a hint of freezing in it.

'so, that's why this smoke is really hot, maybe it's not just smoke but also steams from the evaporated ice? sigh...'

Realizing that the aftermath of the Explosion spell was more terrible than I thought, I decided to not recklessly used this spell when there were allies nearby.

'Maa.... as long as it's not destroying the monster corpses into ashes, I guess this spell isn't that bad'

While I have this thought inside my head, all of a sudden, a cheering voice suddenly reverberated from the direction of the town!


[Immortal Dragon Alex!! Long live!!!!]

[Arkhaim town hero!!!!!]

[Sir Alex!! Thank you for defending this town!!!]

Even though the distance was far away from me, but I still could hear what the people cheered about because of my enhanced sense.

Hearing their cheering, for some reason, I could feel something warm swelling inside my heart and made me embarrassed slightly. When I still enjoying this warm and strange feeling, a notification appeared inside my head

[Legendary title triggered...]

[Congratulation, you get 500.000 EXP for your achievement in the Defense of Arkhaim's Battle!]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]




[Aqcuired title : Arkhaim's Hero]

[Aqcuired title : Immortal Dragon]

Arkhaim's Hero : You're now very well known inside Arkhaim town! your prestige among the Arkhaim townfolks rises greatly! all children will adore you as a hero, and the bard will sing your Legend!

Immortal Dragon : ???



Looking at the title description I became speechless since this was the first time for me to get a non-combat title. And not only that!

'Again!! what is this [???] thing?!! I already have two skills with this fuckin question mark thing, and now, even an unknown title appeared in my status!!! Bloody hell! can you just stop playing and act mysterious with me??!!'


In the end, I chose to ignore it and flew toward the town direction. since it's already night and I already depleted my stamina a lot, it'll be better to rest now.

[Sable, you back to the Al mansion for now. Take this and rest]


I gave a command to Sable who's still silently flying beside me as I gave 3 buckets of fried chicken to him. Sable who seeing the fried chicken happily flapping his wing as he opened his mouth to swallow it cheerfully before flew away toward Al mansion direction.

After seeing Sable who's already leaving, I continued to fly for a while before hearing the cheer of the people more clearly the nearer I got into the Town's gate. Looking there's a lot of people already waiting for my arrival there, I became flabbergasted and quite awkward.

[[Long Live Immortal Dragon!! Long Live Sir Alex!!!]]

[[Arkhaim's Hero!!! Hurrayyyyy!!!!]]

hearing the townsfolk vigorously shouting my embarrassing title and nickname with high spirit, a hint of redness appeared in my cheeks as I became embarrassed. 

But as expected, since they're already waiting and expressed their heartfelt emotion, it would be rude if I gave cold shoulders to them. In the end, I landed in front of them and give my best to thanks them.

[T-thanks a lot for your heartfelt feelings, I really appreciate it a lot, but... it'll be better if you don't call me with such an embarrassing title... and you guys should thank your lord more than me since I defend this town because of her, to begin with]


[As Expected of Immortal Dragon, to make the Warmage of Gharam to become his women!!]

[[Long live Lady Alein!!! Long Live Federic house!!!]]

[[Long Live sir Alex!!!!]]

This time, the townsfolk cheering Al's name as well as her noble house's name.

'ma.. there's some that still cheering my name though...'

As the cheering continued, I could see Al among the group of guards and adventurers. not only them, but there're also Silver Wolf and Chali in there. 

Al who heard the people started to cheer her name after I tell them to, giving me a smile and sexy wink in my direction.

Looking at her wink I just gave her a playful smile in return.

The Silver Wolf and Chali who seeing our interaction gave me a playful and teasing glance at me. They seemed to know that this night was Al's turn to get my love, hence, they started to retaliate by teasing me. 

Seeing their teasing as well as playful expression, in the end, I could only give them an apology and awkward smile.

while I thinking that I owe these women a lot, suddenly, I could feel a tiny hand pulling my pants slightly. I turned my head below me, only to find a little girl around the age of 6 years old, trying to give a humble flower that you usually found in the town street to me.

Looking at her cute face which dyed in redness from her shyness, I couldn't help myself to lift the little girl up in my embrace and thanked her with a big smile as I took the flower from her tiny hand

[Little lady, thanks a lot for the very beautiful flower! I'll treasure it a lot]

[Swir Awlex, y-your welcwome~ hehehe~]

the people who were looking at the warm scene suddenly gave big applause before cheering again in high spirit!

prak prak prak* applause

[[Long live Sir Alex!!!]]

[[Hurrraaayyy for the Arkhaim's Hero!!]]

With the festive atmosphere around us, I was talking playfully with the little girl and gave her a bar of chocolate covered in aluminum foil. The little girl's big eyes became round as she had a confused expression dyed on her face, she tilted her head cutely before turning her small head at my face questioningly.

Realizing that she cluelessly asking me, I taught her how to open the cover and told her that the chocolate inside it was edible and delicious.

After hearing that the thing I gave her something delicious, the little girl cutely taking a bite before had her eyes changed into a crescent moon from the sweet and delicious taste of the chocolate. 

She ate the chocolate happily and gave me a peck on the cheek as a sign of gratitude. I ignored the chocolate crumb that sticking in my cheek because of her little kiss and decided to give this little girl back to her mom.

I checking the surrounding for a while before finding a beautiful blonde human mature woman wearing slightly dirty commoner clothes, worriedly looking at the little girl in my embrace. I approached her slowly before the little girl in my embrace started wriggling around in excitement when seeing the blonde mature woman!

[Mama!! lwook! I get dwelicious food from swiir Alwex!!]

[It seems you're her mother, you really have a beautiful and a cute child~ you're a great mother~]

[T-thanks you for your compliment S-sir, it's a waste on me, and thank you for giving Lala a sweet, I-I... I wonder how much this sweet cost, I'll pay it!]

[Hahahaha~ you don't have to mind it, it's just cheap stuff anyway. Lala is it? ill' give you back to your mother]

[ummmhm..... Swir Alwex, can you play with Lala if ywou not busy?]

Looking at the innocent eyes of the little girl, I conflicted slightly before smiling at her and patted her head gently. I gave the reluctant Lala to her mom and promise her that I will visit her later if I have the time.

When I gave Lala to her mom, for some reason, I could sense a hint of sadness in her mother's gaze. In the end, I became curious and started checking the surrounding of Lala's mom before finding out that I couldn't find a man who seemed to be Lala's father.

I became intrigued and decided to whisper something to Lala's mom's ear to ask my curiosity and confirm my speculation. after finished my "question" I could see Lala's mom become red and embarrassed before whispered something to me to "answer" my question seductively. After whispering her answer, she started leaving with Lala in hand to go home.

I could see Lala waving her hand cutely with her big eyes from inside her mom embraces after realizing that her mom taking her back to go home. I waved my hand and gave her a smile in return as I saw their disappearing back among the festive crowd

'ma... it'll not bad to help someone in "need" and It's for Lala sake too... anyway, I could take care about this later, for tonight, I need to fulfill my "promise" to Al first, mweheheh~ ( )'

With this thought, I walked to the Silver Wolf, Chali, Al, Eliz, and Al's battle maids direction as giving my best and somewhat stiff smile to the still cheering crowds to return their feeling.


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