Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 169: I Don't Have A Good Feeling About This

Chapter 169: I Don't Have A Good Feeling About This

After roaming around and checking out the Safe Zone to understand the situation here, we finally settled and set up the tent in one of the suitable places on top of the enormous ruin debris.

When we finished setting everything up, the day inside the dungeon started getting darker as the night gradually approaching.

Thus we also proceed with creating a campfire in the middle of the tent and intended to stay the night here, before checking out the boss room for tomorrow.


Encircle the campfire, I and the ladies sat and enjoy the warmness coming from it with a happy a serene atmosphere enveloped us.

Under the moonlight, we warmly having a light conversation to deepen our relationship.

[Still.. to think the strange Anomali already reaching 61st floor, what the people from Guild doing? Did they failed to take some measure?] *Anna

While we enjoying the warm atmosphere with some cola( I brought it from outside) in our hands and roasted marshmallows( This Also) on the tip of a wooden stick on the other, Anna suddenly shifted the topic to the strangeness of the dungeon that affected the Safe Zone here.

[I heard it from some adventurer who still staying here that the Guild already sent some Mithril rank adventurer to check, but they not coming back yet] *Anni

[Why they did not directly ask that Brinhylde woman in the rumor? The last time I came to Alabatrost city I heard her name a lot, some adventurer guessed that the Anomaly happened after her now missing party, Crimson Dragon, triggered something inside the dungeon] *Alexa

[Brinhylde? Come to think of it, I also heard her name a lot when searching for some information on the Adventurer Guild before

If the rumor about her is true, then it's quite hard for the Adventurer Guild to get some information from her though] *Anna

[Recalled of my memories, I heard that her strength is already being predicted reaching the threshold of Grandmaster level.

If that was really true, the Guild can do nothing if she didn't want to disclose anything.

Furthermore, with what already happened to her former party which was indicated as wiped out inside the dungeon, it became harder for the Adventurer guild to get the information from her with just a force] *Anni

[Not only that, I heard from the hearsay, that woman seems still not in her right mind.

After getting out from the dungeon, she suddenly held a duel using the colosseum facility on Alabareist city, continue to defeat challenger after challenger] *Anna

[I heard about it too, sigh from the look at it, it seems the thing she does generate a lot of profit for the colosseum.

After all, if it wasn't the case, there's no way the city lord of Alabatrost city will let her use the colosseum as she please like that even if she was a Grandmaster powerhouse] *Alexa

[Anna, don't you think the duel stuff she does was looked so shallow if we just see it as just there's something wrong with her mind?

I think there's more than what is actually seen on the surface

frankly speaking, I don't believe that all the duel thing she was done was just a meaningless act] *Anni


[Right, Anna can I see the Ancient book that you got from the Oasis's Lake?] *Anni

[Sister, why you suddenly want that thing-.


Don't tell me?!] *Anna

Seemingly realized something, the twin suddenly looking at each other faces with a very serious expression.

Seeing them acted like this after mentioning the Ancient book, I suddenly recalled something,

[Did the both of you think, all the weird things that this Brinhylde did was to complete a mysterious inheritance quest?] *Me

[I'm not 100% sure, but the probability of it being the case is high

Else, all the duel she's done was just a meaningless act, and my instinct told me that it's too simple to be simply ended just as that] *Anni

While I still confirmed my doubt with Anni like this, Anna already took the Ancient Book that she got at the Oasis's Lake out.

She observes the Ancient book for a while, and flipping it, trying to understand the content inside it to no avail.

In the end, she gave up and passed it to her sister, Anni.

Like her, Anni also began to open the book and trying to Analyze it with high concentration.

[This letterI wonder if it's linked with the world inside of the dungeon here] *Anni

Flipping page after pages, Anni began to ponder and carefully trying to read the unknown scribble as her forehead started to frown.

As to not ruined her concentration, I and the other just silently observed her in silent agreement.

Before long, she stopped trying to analyze the Ancient Book and closed it.

After closing the book, she gave it back to Anna silently and began to touch her chin, started thinking and pondering on something by herself.

Looking at her gesture, she seems not gave up to find a way to decipher the Ancient Book yet.

[Master, I think you have to meet with that Brinhylde from the rumor

Even though I'm not 100% sure if she really trying to complete the unknown inheritance as I speculate, but my guts feeling told me we can get something that linked us to decipher the letter in this Ancient Book, even if it was not the case at all] *Anni


Hearing Anni's advice to let me found the Brinhylde woman, I silently pondered about it in silence.

There's some point at Anni's words.

Even if by chance this Brinhylde didn't get or trying to complete her Inheritance quest, considering she and her former party used to trigger the Dungeon Anomali on the 85th floor( Of what these adventurers gossiped about is true), there's a high chance that she can lead us to find a way to decipher this Ancient Book.

[Let's forget about this Ancient Book and the Dungeon Anomali thing for the time being.

Swe don't have a plan to climb further this soon anyway~

right now, we better take some rest to get back at our full condition to challenge the Boss tomorrow.

Considering its 60th-floor boss, maybe it will give us quite a challenge later] *Me

With my words, we closed the discussion about the Ancient Book and Dungeon Anomali that was stuck and did not go anywhere, before we go back to sleep after finish our drink and snack on our hand.



------------------The next day--------------------

Woke up in the morning and stretching up all my muscle, I get out of my tent to check the situation outside.

Just as I take my step outside my tent, Alexa's appearance greeted my eyes.

Sitting in front of the extinguished burnt wood of what the campfire remains, she absentmindedly looking in a certain direction with her sexy limpid eyes.

[Alexa, what are you looking at?] *Me

Curious, I decided to ask her.

Hearing my sudden voice, she came back to her sense and turned her head to me.

[Alex, when I doing my night duty after Anni's turn before the dawn, I heard some commotion in the biggest ruin there

since I still have some responsibility to keep watching the camp that time, I'm not going there to check it out so I didn't know what the commotion was about, I can't help myself to be curious, and it's slightly bothered my mind a bit]

[The biggest ruin? Isn't that place supposed to be where the Dungeon Crystal is?

I wonder what is the commotion in there about?]

Just as I have this conversation with Alexa, there some movement on the other tent not far from me.

It was Anna and Anni who woke up from their sleep and getting out of their tent.

[What is it? Why did you guys already speaking so loud in the morning?] *Anna

[....] *Anni

[Oh, you two already woke up? It's good then!

Alexa told me that there's some commotion in the ruin of the dungeon crystal before! Let's check it out!] *Me

Without waiting for their answer, I hurriedly head toward the biggest ruin where the Dungeon Crystal is located, leaving the ladies behind.




Upon arriving there, I saw some of the Adventurer Guild staff and a few adventurers still making some commotion.

The Guild staff seems to argue with each other over something, while on the other hand, the adventurers discussing something and pointed at the supposed to be red dungeon Crystal( which was used by people to teleport to the special boss room) that now already turned and changed into eerie black with their hands.

[Did you hear it, some titanium rank adventurer said to be trying to conquer the boss room and not coming back until now! All that happen before the red crystal now changing into this ominous black color!] *Adventurer A

[Maybe, they proceed to the next floor? Why you sound so sure that their disappearance connected with the black Dungeon Crystal?] *Adventurer B

[Are you idiot?! All people now already know that the 61st floor is not safe as before! The difficulty there already increases to a higher level! Did you not hear about how many Titanium ranker bodies already found there?

After knowing this, do you think the adventurers who challenge the boss still recklessly proceed to the 61st floor?] *Adventurer A


Accidentally hearing two adventurers who started arguing, I gradually understand what the commotion is about.

Turning my head into the black crystal above the ordinary blue one, an ominous feeling suddenly creeping into my whole body, gave me a chill deep into my bone marrow.

'I don't know why, but I don't have a good feeling about this black crystal should I challenge the boss here?...


I can't back off right now, after all, I already make a promise with the Silver Wolf member to get the Lord Rank Monster skill for them

Maybe I can do it by rechallenge the 40th-floor boss, but as expected, if I do it, somewhere inside my heart told me that I will regret it forever..'


'What should I do?'




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