Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 168: Conquering Hell Desert

Chapter 168: Conquering Hell Desert

That night, I had a discussion with the ladies, planning to leave this Oasis for the next day.

With the realization that our gain that day wasn't good as the first day, it was quite easy to convince the Twin about the unnoticeable trap this Oasis designed for.

Thus, the discussion didn't take a long time and we decided to leave this Oasis and proceed to conquer the Hell desert floors the next day.

After we finish with our discussion, we back to our tent and spend the night together.

Of course, since we were still inside the dungeon we're not going "harder" as we usually do and restrained with having a battle of four for about 3 hours or so before we went to sleep. ( )



For the next following day and forth, we began to continue our dungeon exploration in high spirit.

With the special monster car, we waded across the hot desert land, conquering the harsh terrain with the brute force of the Monster car we currently ride in.

Along the way, we destroyed any monsters who trying to hinder us brutally, changing them into dust, leaving behind only a dungeon drop to fill our pocket to the brim.

Not only monsters but from time to time we also met a wandering centaur tribe.

Of course, when we find them we also destroyed them without mercy, smashing the infamous Ghost cavalry into smithereens.

If y chance we can trace their settlement whereabouts, we also spend some time to flatten their roots and ravaged all the treasure hidden inside it.

Sometimes when I did these merciless kinds of stuff, somehow my act reminds me a lot of bandit rather than adventurers.

Still, even though I have this kind of thinking inside me, but it will not stop me to destroy and devastate the centaur tribe at all.

At the end of the day, this place was just inside a Dungeon.

In the first place, the thing about the centaur here are genuinely living beings or just artificially created was not clear enough to affect my conscience a bit.

So, forcing my way through like this and trying to rake as much reward as possible is still my priority.

Golds, Items, or anything valuable will be stored inside our pockets.

Just like this, I spend more than a month conquering the Hell desert, before we finally arrived at the 60th-floor dungeon, the last floor of the Hell desert.




[Alex, what is your plan after conquering the boss of the 60th floor? Did you gonna proceed further with your team as it is?] *Alexa

Inside the Monster car that running wildly across the desert of the 60th floor, Alexa sat next to my seat, suddenly asked me.

Sitting in the driver's seat while still having my eyes focus on the imaginary road within the sand dunes inside my head, I digested her question for a while and began to give my answer.

[It depends but after looking at the current situation, I think I might be back to the surface and deal with my business first.


But before that, I plan to stay in the Safe Zone here and challenging the boss repeatedly for a week or so while waiting for the others to climb up to the 60th floor Safe Zone] *Me

[Ah, come to think of it, you already gave your promise to the Silver Wolf before

But Alex, what business did you have outside? I thought we don't have this plan on our original schedule? Isn't we originally came here to conquer this dungeon?] *Anna

As I and Alexa started having a light conversation, Anna suddenly chimed in after being intrigued when I suddenly brought the topic about planning to exit the dungeon and deal with my business outside.

[Ah I know this decision of mine sounds so sudden.

I, myself didn't expect that we need two months' time just to get into the 60th floor like this.

So, I started to think about hold and pause the dungeon exploration here for a while until I was done with my business.

hehehe, sorry about that.

and for the details of my business, when all the member we originally brought regroup once again on the 60th floor, I will explain to you guys then~] *Me

[Is that so? anyway, you don't need to say sorry for that.

Isn't like I troubled by your sudden decision or anything.

In the first place, unlike the Silver Wolf and lady Chali, I join the Dungeon exploration this time with a light heart and intend to spend my time together with you] *Anna

Hearing what her twin sister replied to me, Anni also nodded her head to give her confirmation that both of them have the same reason for following me here to this dungeon.

[hahaha~ even though I already experience your sudden sweetness from time to time, but you never fail to amaze me with your frank sweet words all the time~] *Me

With my sudden happy laugh, the mood inside the car gradually became more bright and warm.

In this comfortable silence atmosphere, Alexa who was silently smiling, suddenly change her face into a ponder, seemingly recalled something.

[Alex, when you go exit the dungeon, could you drop me off at Arkhaim town with your space magic? I need to do some preparation before moving and live in your hidden city] *Alexa

[Ahh~ don't worry about that.

I will just do that even if you not asked me] *Me

[Alexa, so, you really plan to stop being adventurer for real, I thought you just saying that jokingly before] *Anna

[I already tired living in this path of violence like this

I think retired and open a small business in Alex city is a good thing to change the mood for a while.

I just want to rest and live in a peaceful environment these days.

Maybe if I want to get some excitement once again, I can back to being an adventurer once again in the future.

So. that's not a big deal] *Alexa

[I wish you luck to what anything you do.

come to think of it, since you're just moving to Alex's city, I think we can still see each other faces often] *Anna

While Anna and Alexa began to have a light conversation like this, I who was focusing on driving the car saw a silhouette of something like temple ruins the same as what is commonly found in this dungeon, the Ancient Greece type one.

[Hey, is that place the Safe Zone here?] *Me

The ladies who have their conversation happily, suddenly turned their heads toward the direction my head pointed to.

The strange Ancient ruin within the yellow sandy desert not too far from our car's location.

[Hmm I think just like you said, that ruin seems the Safe Zone here] *Alexa

[Huh? If that place really a Safe Zone, why it looks so deserted unlike the previous two where we've been visited before?] *Anna


Just like what Anna said, the vast ruin-like place that we found out not far from our magic car location is somewhat deserted and less lively than the other two Safe Zone we've previously visited.

[Isn't normal?

Considering the 41st floor ~ 60th  Hell desert are having a high difficulty to conquer, I think the Safe Zone here could only be visited by only a handful of skillful people] *Alexa

[Still that's looking less lively than what Lady Chali wrote on her report...] *Anni

Anni who always silent and speaking less all this time decided to give her thought of what the 60th Safe Zone should be.

[Anyway, there's no point for us arguing here,

Let's check it out and see what was really happen in there~] *Me

Hearing my opinion, the ladies stop arguing and nodded their heads in agreement.

Thus, with the next step already decided, I drive the magic car and head to the Safe Zone direction.





After getting out of the car and stored it in my inventory, I and the ladies walked in the ruin direction with a light-hearted heart.

Just as we originally suspected, these Ancient ruins turn out to be the Safe Zone of the 60th floor.

If you guys wonder how did I confirm it?

It's because I can't sense any hint of the monster at all in here.

Not only that, in some part of the ruin, I saw human activities, albeit it's not a lively one.

Furthermore, upon stepping our step in the ruin vicinity, I still can found some adventurers and adventurer Guild staff having their business here and there.

So, there's no mistake that this place is a Safe Zone.

[haah~ if the red Crystal placed outside like what the previous two Safe Zone, I think we don't have to be confused like this to make sure that this place is really a Safe Zone] *Anna

[Right, I just recalled that the dungeon crystal here could only be found inside the biggest ruin in there] *Anni

Anni pointing the biggest temple-like building within this ruin, after she said that.

Looking at Anni who informed us about the Dungeon crystal, I and the other nodded our head in understanding and put this information in mind.

And so, we continue walking around and checking out the situation here.

When we walking and roaming here, we barely found people and only greeted with already closed small stalls along the way.

[Still this place is too deserted.

Even though I don't expect the thing here to be lively as the previous two Safe Zone, but for us to find a few adventurers here is quite unusual

And why I can't find the town guard here?] *Me


Getting no answer from the ladies, I perceived they also didn't know exactly what happened here.

In the end, I only shrugged my shoulder and continue walking with them in hand, further exploring this place.


[Hey, did you hear it? it seems another titanium rank party already found death on the 61st floor

The situation of the Deadly blizzard floors seems to worsen

I wonder what makes the upper floors suddenly run in havoc like this] Adventurer A

[Yeah, I hear it

I have my speculation, maybe Brinhylde knows something..

After all, the upper floors were started acting strangely after she was back

That already obliterated guys from Crimson Dragon Party must trigger something] Adventurer B

Just I and the ladies walking leisurely like this, I accidentally heard the two adventurers having a conversation.

'Deadly blizzard? isn't that the new terrain after the Hell dessert?'

'And this Brinhylde? this name again recently I sure heard this name a lot when trying to understand the situation in the dungeon city and here...

Anyway, it seems this place became deserted after the situation on the upper dungeon floor became worsen..

The last time it was said that the 70th something having some anomaly, now it's already reached the 61st

hmmm, in these two months, a lot of things already changing on this dungeon upper floor it's quite fast

Whatever, I still had a thing to do outside, so it's better if I think about this strange thing later'



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