Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 239 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 5

"You… what?" The hero asked in fright as he had not heard what Abbadon had said. 

After all, how could he hear what the daemon had said with all the ear piercing noise filling his mind and shaking his core?

For an instant, the hero was able to hear the unmistakable sounds of his cracking spine and his own pitiful wails as he begged for life…

He instantly shook in fear. 

This wasn't mere illusion.

This wasn't just imaginations based on fear.

No, this was way more than that!!

One of his abilities was foresight. 

He could see glimpses of the future. 

And just now... just now, he could have sworn that he had seen the person in front of him, the person that is now sitting on the throne, smiling sadistically like an arrogant tyrant before snapping his fingers in the air.

The sound of his snap was almost instantly accompanied by the breaking of his own spine! The hero felt even the tiniest hair on his body stand to an end!

His eyes were clearly shaking as if he had just gone through multiple deaths in a mere second!

'Just… just what the hell is this creature?!'

"You're a b*stard, that's what I said," Abbadon repeated, thinking that the hero was not satisfied with being called a b*stard. His smile was long gone, and only a cold and serious expression was left. 

He had noticed the new fear in the hero's heart, but he wasn't sure just yet if the reason behind it.

"You dared name my mistress a tyrant, did you forget?" Abbadon's displeased voice was clear as a cathedral's bell, ringing in the ears of everyone that wasn't laying on the ground unconscious "If it wasn't for my mistress's mercifulness, you would have been already dead countless times. Do you understand?"

"But- but I only said for all we know, your mistress may-" he suddenly could not continue, feeling the cold gaze penetrating his soul. "I apologize-"

The hero's heart was still beating loudly and quickly like a drum, making it harder for him to listen or even focus on anything else but avoiding his death!

"How smart of you!" Abbadon clapped happily, as if his previous cold gaze was nothing but a mere illusion. "You understand your mistakes pretty quickly!"

The hero who was now sitting on his knees, on the bloody ground, felt his body shake in fear. His arrogance long gone after getting a glimpse of the painful future awaiting him.

"But unfortunately," Abbadon's vicious gaze didn't waver, yet his tone got instantly sharper like an exterminator's axe. "It's too late for you. Saying something so prosperous about the person I admire the most can not be easily forgiven. Even an idiot like you surely understands."

The hero's heart sank. He could feel his spine aching as he remembered his vision.

He was done for. Everything that he had worked so hard for will soon disappear… No, that wasn't it. His entire life… will soon be extinguished!

"However," Abbadon said as he glanced at the elves behind him, only a handful had not fainted yet. "I might consider killing you quickly and without torturing your soul if you admit that you're no hero.

"I want you to admit that everything that you've done so far, from releasing the elves from their torture to massacring most of your own people, was solely made to get you the ruler's seat.

"Admit that you wanted nothing more than enslaving everyone on both continents. Admit that you're nothing but a mere sinful lowlife! If you do that, I might spare your disgusting soul."

One of Abbadon's skills was mind reading, and he had obviously known that this scum was no hero! He was able to read him and see his desires like an open book.

And although Abbadon's face would usually be brimming with joy and anticipation while torturing a sinner like him, he could not smile now that he was aware of how dark and evil this filthy human was.

He had sacrificed many people for the sake of his own goals that were filled with feelings of superiority and greed. He wasn't a person who valued the elves more or hated the humans because of their actions. No, he simply didn't view anyone but himself as a worthy entity.

He believed that everyone and everything else was beneath him! That's why Abbadon wanted nothing but to throw him into the depths of the void and torture his soul for eternity!

After spending so much time with his mistress, Abbadon had learned to value the lives of living beings and cherish them.

However, that only applied to people who were not as corrupted as this so-called hero, this fake hero!

"Sir hero…?"

"Sir hero? What is he talking about?"

"Don't listen to him, Sir hero, destroy him!!"

The few elves that were still able to withstand Abbadon's glare urged the hero to get rid of his evil presence already, yet he was only shaking in the ground, unable to utter a word.

"Hoda!!!" A voice thundered across the destroyed ground, startling the hero and elves.

The voice came from the skies a group of humans came soaring, auras unleashed and fists clenched in anger.

"Look! It's Sir hero's friends!"

"It's Sir Mola and the others!!"

"There's still hope!"

"The heroes are here to beat up this evil liar!!"

"Haha we still have hope indeed!!"

'Huh?' The fake hero on the ground was unable to speak after what Abbadon had said. 

He was going to die for sure! But his friends are here! There's no way this person would kill them all, right?

'No… this person… this supreme being… no one could possibly defeat him… we're done for!' Thoughts of his soon to come death were assaulting his sanity.

He could hear his friends, yet he could not even warn them to run. Well, not like he cared that much about them.

They were merely his servants and vassals. They were meant to die for him.. What made him feel bitter though, was the fact that even if they all die, they won't be able to save him.


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