Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 238 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 4

It was quite hard for the 'hero' to keep his composure, yet he tried his best. He avoided looking at Abbadon, yet he didn't kneel or admit submission.

No, he can't possibly do that!

"That beige liquid is a high grade potion. It both heals you and compensates for your lost mana." Abbadon continued. "That's only one of things my mistress would give for her subjects, the loyal ones that is." His smile got more vicious.

"What's with your smile then?" The hero's back was filled with cold sweat even though he was back to peak condition now. 'He is far more dangerous than I thought. But that's ok, the situation will change very soon… that smile on his face won't last for long…'

"Oh? What's with my smile?" Abbadon asked, genuinely confused. "My mistress has taught me to smile while delivering a message from her-"

The hero suddenly widened his eyes in realization.

'Such a vicious mistress, of course! This person is not even my worst enemy…

'It is this mysterious mistress that he keeps talking about that is the true source of evil! 

'If it is his mistress, then it is only obvious that she would be stronger than him and… more dangerous!' The hero was struggling to swallow his feelings of inferiority. 'Are we doomed? Are we really going to serve this mysterious queen of hell!? But… I can't let that happen. After all, I have worked so hard to get this far!'

"Are you saying that my smile irritates you?" Abbadon asked, switching his smile upside down after understanding the human's question. That made everyone even more frightened. "Or do you dare say that my gorgeous mistress has taught me wrong, you imbecile low-life?"

His frown seemed more genuine the longer he looked at the human in front of him. 

"No, no, of course not!" The human instantly raised his hands, almost yelling as he tried to clear up the misunderstanding. His heart almost stopped with the daemon's simple question.

He wanted to explain that he only meant that such a vicious smile like the one he had on was anything but a real smile. 

It was a smile that would be used to mentally break and torture the worst evil creatures in the world instead! It wasn't something to use while negotiating!

But before he could speak, he realised that it might make him even angrier. 

They would all perish if that happens.

'No, I can't let that happen…' the hero was about to give a reply when Abbadon raised his hand.

"Anyhow, I don't have time to waste." Abbadon's voice was as cold as ever, sending chills in the air and filling the area with his suffocating presence even though he was still heavily restraining his aura. His expression was now neutral and cold. "Seeing that you're their leader, I'll give you a last chance, will you submit, or will you die?"

"Isn't that too unreasonable?" The hero asked while slowly stepping forward. He wanted to get away from the elves so that they are not exposed to danger. 

Yes, he was the hero. He could not allow the elves to be enslaved again, even if he had to sacrifice himself. He had to protect them…

Like hell he cared about the stupid elves!! 

He only wanted to enslave them himself!

Those stupid creatures are strangely masters of magic! They would help him invade the continent of the jungle, thus securing both continents under his grasp!

He was no hero, no, he was simply a man with ambition. He worked hard to achieve his goals and nothing was going to stop him now! 

Soon, he'd become the supreme king of the two continents!

So what if this creature was terrifyingly strong? He had a plan for these types of situations after all!

Directing his attention back to Abbadon who was looking at him coldly, he swallowed loudly as he readied himself to buy some time.

"You say that your mistress will offer us rewards such as high grade potions, but your smile seems to say that we'll become food for the devil." The hero continued, trying to stop his shaking chest from indicating his fear.

"Additionally, those people behind me, those elves… they have been through a lot! From slavery and being treated like garbage to being banished and completely forgotten... 

"And now you're asking them to submit to someone who -for all they know- could be a tyrant? You're asking people who had just finished a war for their freedom, to give it up again?

"Esteemed sir, you surely understand how unreasonable you sound right now, don't you?"

Abbadon clenched his fists, struggling to keep his calm. His aura wanted to do nothing but destroy every disgusting soul in front of him. 'Did he just call the kind Lady Raven a tyrant?'

Getting a hold of his wild emotions, Abbadon gritted his teeth before forcing himself to fully calm down.

"Didn't I just save your miserable lowly lives?" Abbadon asked while pointing at the countless slain beasts behind him. "You owe me your lives, so you will obviously pay me back with everything you have, including your freedom."

"That's unreasonable!" The hero yelled, his anger winning against his fear.

"Hm, your friends are surely too late, huh?" Abbadon completely ignored the hero's story and instead channeled his mana.

The hero instantly got frightened and raised his guard. 'How!? How the f*CK did he know? I am sure that I sent a telepathic signal to my friends, he can't trace that can he?'

"Just who the hell are you?" The hero said out loud, thinking that this person would at least tell him his identity and before killing him.

But contrary to his expectations, Abbadon was not preparing an attack. He simply channeled his mana in front of him and hardened it enough to create a throne fit for an emperor.

"Hm, I told you and everyone when I first came here, didn't I? I am my mistress's Baneful Executioner." He smiled elegantly while sitting down on his throne like an prideful king waiting for his jesters to entertain him.. The mention of his mistress and his own role instantly made him feel a thousand times better. "Now then, you surely understand how hard it must be for an executioner not to cut a b*astard's head off, right?"


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