Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 192 - A Previous Encounter Part 1

Raven was deep in thoughts as it was apparent from her eyes that looked focused and serious. Black was unable to resist keeping her in his gaze.

'So as of now, we know that Yellow is a traitor that is working with Silver.' Raven thought to herself and Kayla. 'And this Silver guy has a power that rivals all of the living Sins at the moment. What a predicament… but at the same time, from Black's way of talking I can expect that-'

"Yo, Black," she called while looking at him. "Let me ask you this, are you still working together with the other Sins? Other than Yellow I mean."

"Yes, Lady Raven," he said with a bow. "It is as you have deducted. The factions are fake and were only put in place to fool Silver and the traitor. However, the relationship between me and the rest of the Sins is that of hatred as previously explained.

"Even though they were set up by Silver, they were still the reason my life was dyed blinding black and turned the way it did." He said with a serious face.

"I understand," Raven simply said while taking a deep breath. Everything has been a heavy load to comprehend in such a short period of time. 'I need a break some time soon…' she muttered and Kayla nodded intently.

"Wait," Raven suddenly said. "So you're the one allowing Violet to attack the Human Plane?" She narrowed her eyes.

"No," Black shook his head. "I've told all Sins to wait out for now and not send their troops into the Human Plane, Violet simply decided not to follow my orders. 

"And… *sigh* I'm afraid that I'm not as powerful as he is at the moment. After the spell we casted together a while back to seal Silver, I had taken the brunt of the damage since I was the one leading them. 

"My body hasn't fully recovered yet, and unfortunately, I haven't been able to gather my old strength since I've woken up…"

"Hm, I see," Raven looked down as she seemed to be lost in thoughts again. 

Suddenly, breaking her trance and looking Black up and down, she smirked. 'I guess I can name him tomorrow, when I receive the chance to activate my skill 'Apprentice of the Primordial Light', that should at least make him as powerful as before…'

Seeing her smirk, Black was confused and tilted his head in question, yet Raven seemed to ignore him.

'Please do not forget asking him about the Voice of the World thingy, what is that? And why did it want him to kill the Sins?' Kayla questioned and Raven nodded.

"Um, so Black, what was that thing you called the Voice of the World?" She asked.

"Ah… truth be told, I don't know much about the Voice of the World myself, however," he suddenly got serious. "I know that a person would need to pass some trials, or simply possess a significant amount of power for the World to recognise them, before being able to hear the Voice. I am surprised you can't hear it yet," he said honestly.

"Speaking of which," Black closed his eyes as if lost in memories. "I have heard the Voice of the World just a couple of years ago... about thirteen years or so, I believe.

"Unlike what one would expect from such a powerful… err, entity, it was quite afraid and almost shaking as it was apparent by its tone. 

"At the time, it had told me that it needed my help to eliminate a single target. And as a reward, it would give me more power to achieve my goals.

"The Voice had mentioned that the target was weak and vulnerable. Furthermore, it had claimed that it was of the utmost importance that the target got destroyed as soon as possible as it was one that would end up destroying this World, and ending everyone's life on this planet, all planes included.

"The Voice had claimed that it had already destroyed at least one other world in its path, which is why I had assumed it was weak at the time which would make it easier for me to get rid of it."

"Hm, interesting…" Raven said. "And I'm assuming you have accepted her offer and destroyed that target? Seeing how we're all still alive and all? Did you receive the extra power as a reward?"

"Yes, and no…" Black said while shaking his head with a smile. "I have accepted the Voice's offer and went on my search for that target. 

"To my surprise, the target was but a little sleeping boy that looked no older than three years old, and was thrown in a dark thick forest. Although this kid looked human, I knew he wasn't.

"He seemed abandoned in an alien spaceship of sorts that was no longer functional." He said and Raven's eyes slowly started to go wide.

"Abiding by the Voice's instructions, I was about to plunge my hand into the boy's heart to supposedly save the World and get my reward. However, before I could proceed with that plan, I- I saw the boy's eyes…

"They were beautiful azure that I couldn't resist losing myself into. It took me a second to realize that he was indeed dangerous, and if left to grow up, he will most likely be enough of a threat to endanger the world. 

"The fact that he was able to hypnotise me, an ancient demon lord, was the biggest evidence." Black said while looking at Raven.

"Furthermore, around his neck, I saw a lustrous necklace that looked similar to-"

"Something like this?" Raven interrupted while holding out her Amethyst Heart between her fingers. Her hands were shaking and tears were welling up in her eyes. 

"Ah, this necklace indeed," he smiled, seemingly not surprised.

On the other hand, Raven and Kayla seemed to be in shock. 'Wait, how could this be? There's no way… so, we've met before and not only that, but most likely, he was the one to save me…' Raven was nothing short of confused as countless questions filled her head.

'And wait, I destroyed a planet? And will destroy this planet? Why? No, how? This is pure chaos and doesn't make any sense…'


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