Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 191 - Black's Story Part 2

Approaching Black who seemed so fragile and almost broken, Raven patted him on the head with the intent of letting him know that he is not alone. 

Feeling her touch, Black widened his eyes in surprise and seemed to forget his fear from her.

Looking at her intently with teary eyes, he realised that his mistress was showing him her support. She was there with him to aid him in his time of need.

'What is happening to me?' Black thought to himself, realised that his vision was getting blurry and uncomfortable. Additionally, the swirl of emotions in his heart made everything seem fuzzy and strange.

"It's ok now," Raven's voice was calm and peaceful, so comforting. "As long as I'm with you, I will never betray you, nor will anyone else. You don't have to keep suffering and tormenting yourself with thoughts of a dark past or sinister hatred. 

"I promise you that I'll help you achieve your goal, but remember that you will do it as my subordinate. I will help you defeat Silver if you're willing to do it under my command, and not a stupid oath that is made to make you suffer, ok?"

Seeing his confused expression made Raven chuckle at how cute he looked. Yet, she was sad at how pitiful and fragile he actually felt inside, but she tried to hide it.

Giving him a quick hug and some time to recover, Raven watched him wipe away his tears with a smile as a fierce yet happy expression took over his face.

He seemed rather sincere in his emotions while looking at Raven in admiration. "Thank you, Lady Raven…"

"Uhm, think nothing of it," she smiled. "Now, go on with the story please, many questions are still unanswered."

Nodding silently, Black got serious again before continuing.

"At that time, after waking up from my conversation with the Voice of the World, I found out that I had gained powers that were equal if not more dominant than the other sins. 

"After a quick skirmish between me and Red, I was able to crush his soul and avenge my parents, the same way I have stated in my oath, gaining even more power than anyone else in the Demon Plane.

"Additionally, I have fought against the remaining sins. Seeing how powerful I was, they had agreed in the heat of battle to form a truce and combine their efforts against me.

"That obviously didn't matter as I was still able to defeat them all. However, just before fulfilling the final part of my oath, a small light in the back of my head decided to investigate the reason the Sins have started the war, instead of living in peace like they've always done.

"After some questioning, it became apparent that someone else had their hands mixed into this. 

"During my questioning session, the Sins seemed to point their fingers at each other, claiming that 'A' had started the war when they had destroyed a portion of their capital, and then 'A' would claim that it was 'B' and so on. 

"What made this complicated was the fact that none of them was lying, they all believed their own claims.

"Not too long after, the Sins were sure that someone else was mixed up in this. Someone was taking their forms and attacking the others' cities.

"After some investigation, we were met by someone that called himself Silver. We didn't know anything about him, other than the fact that he was the one to light up the first spark of war. In a way, he was my nemesis and he was the reason my parents died and my world dyed black.

"To our surprise, even though I have fought together with the sins, this Silver guy was more powerful than what we could have expected. Especially after the fact that all of us were exhausted from the previous fights.

"At that time, it boiled down to either us all losing against Silver, or us sacrificing our lives to stop him.

"While part of me had wanted to destroy the Sins' souls to gain the power I lacked, I knew that that would make me nothing less of an imposter of Red, the person I hated the most. That's why I've chosen another option at the time.

"Combining the energy of the seven Sins present at the time, including me, I was able to cast a massive spell that was aimed to destroy Silver.

"However, for some reason, the spell wasn't able to fully destroy Silver and instead put his body in a state of hyperbaton of sorts. 

"Consequently, me and the other Sins were on the verge of breaking down as we had lost almost every ounce of energy we had, and so we had chosen to go into slumber ourselves, and the plan was to wake up before Silver, and destroy him for good."

Black took a chance to recover his breath while stealing a glance at Raven who seemed lost in thoughts before continuing.

"Fast forward many years later, I woke up before the rest of the Sins, and found out that Silver had already woken up before me even.

"The good part was that none of us had their powers fully restored yet, so none made any advances. 

"As time passed on, I built back the central demon capital and assigned some archdukes to lead the population. 

"Naturally, as time passed on, those archdukes died, leaving behind their offsprings to take care of their responsibilities. The last line we have so far is composed of the six archdukes you've met earlier.

"And finally, as of now, we have all of the Sins awake from their long slumber, yet almost none has recovered their full powers, including myself."

Hearing that, Raven widened her eyes. 'What sort of power did they have? Their aura alone at their weakened state could easily wreak havoc in the Human Plane! What will happen when they fully recover?'

Shaking her head, Raven still didn't understand the purpose of Black's plans. "So I get what happened and all, but why did you try to act as if I was your enemy? Why did you pretend to want to fight me? Why-!!!!"

Like the last piece of the puzzle falling into place, Raven finally understood everything that was going on. The reason Black acted the way he did, and the reason the two demon lords, Blue and Yellow, had acted the way they did.

Raven still remembers how Blue was merely terrified while Yellow seemed more angry and was thinking of a way to escape.

"Seems like you have it all figured out, Lady Raven," Black smiled weakly.

"Uhm," Raven nodded. "So Yellow is a traitor that is currently working with Silver?" She asked to confirm.

"Yes, Lady Raven," Black replied, hoping that his mistress will be less upset with him. 'But will I be able to forgive myself? I have inflicted her with the pain that had turned me into what I am today, is that fair?'


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