Infinite Mage

Chapter 136: Ancient Ruins (1)

Chapter 136: Ancient Ruins (1)


Chapter 136: Ancient Ruins (1)

"Right. He does look strong for real."


Shirone and Amy agreed. It wasn't just the tattoos. Their keen senses were picking up on the latent force within the man.

However, Rian thought differently.

"Hmph, just because he's glaring doesn't mean he has any real strength. No need to be scared."

Rian's senses were less sharp than others. That's why he couldn't open a Schema, but Shirone found reassurance in that. In any frightening situation, Rian would steadfastly be their shield.

"Great! Let's start exploring the ruins!"

They passed the toll booth and began their investigation in earnest.

The Kergos Ruins were a temple dedicated to a deity, forming a square structure 2 kilometers in length and width.

Crossing a 200-meter-wide moat via a bridge led to a long gallery, and it was another 500 meters along the pilgrimage route before reaching the central temple.

"Wow, it's really huge. Can you believe this was built thousands of years ago?"

"I heard from people earlier that it's only this visible because it's buried under volcanic ash. In reality, it's several times larger."

Shirone looked down at his feet. Since the volcanic eruption happened 500 years ago, the volcanic ash would be beneath the surface layer.

Amy, who was ahead, turned back and shouted at Shirone.

"Shirone, what are you doing? We need to check out the central temple too."

Shirone didn't respond. He just smiled faintly, deeply engrossed in something.

Amy approached him, puzzled.

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

"Amy, try entering Spirit Zone."

"Spirit Zone? Why all of a sudden?"

Realization dawned on Amy, and she slapped her palm.

"Oh, I see!"

Mages can extend their senses through Spirit Zone. If there was something hidden beneath the ruins, it would surely trigger their Synesthesia.

"Got it. I'll give it a try."

Amy entered Spirit Zone. As she probed the underground with her Synesthesia, her brows gradually furrowed. After about 5 seconds, she seemed to have realized something and released the zone.

"Shirone, this"

"Yeah. Nothing's being detected. There should at least be some bedrock, but there's nothing."

"Could it be because the layer of volcanic ash is too thick? What if we go deeper?"

That was the issue they were stuck on. But after a moment of thought, Shirone had an epiphany.

"Aha, there's a way."

Amy could do it. Her specialty was the Target Form among the Four Way Formation, known for its long range.

The Target Form, also known as the Cross Zone, places the mage at the intersection of two lines, rapidly rotating it to swiftly hit a specific target.

But it didn't end there.

Upon entering the advanced class, Amy specialized her Target Form into Sniper Mode.

Sniper Mode, with a perfectly straight Spirit Zone, places the mage at the end of the zone to enhance range.

This directional zone, despite its slow rotation, can achieve at least four times the range of the Target Form.

Even expanding the zone's radius to just 500 meters makes it surpass 1 kilometer in Target Form. In Sniper Mode, it could hit a target 4 kilometers away.

Amy's basic radius was 68 meters. In Target Form, it reached 143 meters, and in Sniper Mode, it exceeded 500 meters.

"Alright, I'll try."

Amy entered the zone with a Sequence Method. The transformation of the Four Way Formation was swift, and a tilted cross stood erect.

'Sniper Mode!'

Amy's zone dove downwards like a cascade. A groan escaped her clenched teeth.

As the zone extended, its durability inevitably weakened. Without obstacles, it wouldn't be an issue, but the underground was unpredictable, causing the zone to bend erratically.

Amy pushed deeper with desperation.

And just when she thought she touched something, her zone shattered, shaking her consciousness.

"Ugh! Ugh!"

"Amy! Are you okay?"

Shirone quickly supported her. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

"I'm fine. But this seems tough. I penetrated up to 300 meters, but beyond that, it's impossible. It's like tossing a thread into the ocean; it just drifts aimlessly."

Shirone could guess the immense force at play. Amy's zone was not weak, yet she compared it to a fragile thread.

"Still, we discovered something might be there. That's significant."

"It's a result, but it's not enough. We need someone capable of maintaining durability while expanding the zone. At least a top-level Zoner, or else Spirit Zone exploration is impossible here."

It seemed to Shirone that without such expertise, the underground of the ruins would remain unexplored.

"If only we'd talked to brother Ares. His exploration team might have a Zoner capable of investigating this place."

"Or we could ask Professor Ethella."

Ethella, true to a monk, was a Zoner specialized in durability, perfect for exploring such terrain.

"If it's Professor Ethella, it might be possible. I'm not sure how deep it is, but she could easily break through where I reached."

Rian chimed in.

"But if that's the case, we don't need to investigate ourselves, right? I heard the headmaster gave you a hint. Maybe he meant for you to figure it out on your own?"

Shirone and Amy exchanged glances, their mouths sealed. Sometimes, in pursuit of efficiency, they forgot the meaning behind their actions.

Amy candidly admitted.

"Rian's right, but it's such a waste. If we just break through here, we wouldn't even need to explore the ruins. How about we keep thinking this way?"

Shirone understood Amy's feelings. This journey was to find a hint for the maze, not just to play around in the ruins.

"Let's consider various options for now. It's not something we can do right away. It's even more intriguing now. I feel like I won't be satisfied until I see it with my own eyes."

Leaving their vague imaginations about the underground, Shirone and his friends continued their exploration.

But the Kergos Ruins were truly just an ordinary tourist spot.

As they earnestly investigated, groups of men chatting and children running around with windmills seemed to mock their efforts.

"Amy, are we really doing the right thing?"

"Don't ask me. I'm feeling like self-loathing right now."

After checking the central temple, the last route, the group eventually halted their investigation. They couldn't find anything unusual in the surface ruins.

"I don't get it. The headmaster said we'd understand once we got here. But what does an ancient ruin have to do with the maze?"

"Anyway, something's definitely down there. Looks like we have no choice but to explore with Spirit Zone, right?"

Rian suddenly lit up with an idea.

"I've got a good idea. If we can't break through with Spirit Zone, why not dig into the ground directly? Maybe we'll find something."

Shirone and Amy looked at Rian incredulously before resuming their conversation.

"How about contacting the natives? Since they live here, there must be someone who speaks the common language."

"Hmm, that's a good point. But I doubt those people would know anything important. Maybe we should find an interpreter..."

Rian protested, feeling slighted.

"Hey! Why aren't you responding to me? I said, let's dig!"

Tess interjected.

"Idiot, it's a heritage site that even the autonomous government doesn't touch. You'll end up with a heavy sentence for cultural heritage destruction if you try anything like that."

After reprimanding Rian, she turned to Shirone.

"What now?"

"I'm not sure. Asking around seems like best bet, but that's difficult for now. We need to find an interpreter and get permission to enter the native autonomous zone."

"Really? Then, I have an immediate solution. Want to hear it?"

"Yeah, definitely! What is it?"

Rian, not wanting to be the only one embarrassed, grumbled.

"You're not suggesting we dig secretly, are you?"

Tess struggled to contain her anger before continuing.

"Anyway. Here's my idea. While you guys were focused on the ruins, I took a look around. And I noticed something odd."

"Odd? What is it?"

Tess scanned the surroundings.

"Look at the people. Most are tourists, but some aren't. They move in groups, are armed, and seem uninterested in the ruins."

The three looked around. Indeed, there were armed individuals, albeit not many, wandering about.

"Aha! I see!"

"Yes, they're mercenaries. Why would mercenaries roam a tourist spot? Some look quite strong. There must be something in these ruins."

"And the mercenaries know about it?"

"Exactly. Contacting the natives might take time, and they might not talk. But mercenaries are different. Just being here means they know something."

Shirone admired Tess's insight. While others focused on the ruins, she alone observed the external situation.

It made sense, considering Tess's background. The Elzain family had a history of producing commanders and diplomats, but their true power lay elsewhere.

They were spies.

To enemies, they were spies, but the information they sent from infiltrating various countries significantly contributed to the Thormia Kingdom's diplomatic strategies.

'It's definitely a good idea. No, it's the only idea we have right now.'

Shirone decided to go with Tess's strategy.

"So, we just need to tail the mercenaries now?"

"Tail them? Hmm, I'm not so sure. If we get caught by high-level mercenaries, especially those with sensory Schemas, it'll be troublesome. I might manage alone, but..."

"That's a problem. I don't even know how to hide my presence. What should we do then?"

"Hehe, do we really need to go looking for them? There's a place where mercenaries are common, right?"

"Really? Where?"

Tess winked and pointed somewhere.

"Fancy a drink in the afternoon?"

* * *

On the southwest inner wall of the ruins, several shacks made of planks lined up, including restaurants, bars, and provisions stores. While these were modest compared to regular shops, they did much better business.

Despite being inside the ruins and having high prices, people visited for the convenience.

Shirone and his group entered a bar. They wondered who would drink in the middle of the day, but except for two tables, it was fully occupied.

They chose a corner spot. Amy sat next to Shirone, with Rian and Tess across from them.

"Are we drinking?"

"We probably should order something; it is a bar, after all. But let's focus on the snacks. It's better to have our lunch here."

Tess ordered. Traditional Galiant island liquor came with hot noodles and minced meat.

After a skimpy breakfast, the four momentarily paused their conversation to eat.

Then, snickering sounds came from the side. Initially ignoring it, the continuous mocking laughter eventually got on their nerves.

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