Infinite Mage

Chapter 135: Priority (5)

Chapter 135: Priority (5)


Chapter 135: Priority (5)

Back then, he was too terrified to intervene, but his heart was in the same place as Shirone's.

However, when Shirone reached out to Amy, and when Amy responded to his call, Zis woke up from his dream.

He could never be Shirone.

"Damn, acting all cool even though he's just a commoner."

He wouldn't have felt jealous if it were someone bragging about learning a bit of magic. Sometimes, when dealing with arrogant nobles, he even felt lucky to have been born a commoner.

But Shirone was also a commoner. And he had the courage to give up something precious for a friend.

Zis remembered the sad smile Amy had on the carriage. Did Shirone understand the meaning behind that smile? No, he would never know. It was a true feeling she showed because it was in front of someone who meant nothing to her.

Thinking about it made his stomach churn again.

"Damn it! Why a commoner? There's no excuse to make! What kind of person is he!"

Having vented his frustrations in front of his house, Zis opened the door and entered. Seeing a candle lit deep inside the hallway, it seemed his sister had been waiting for him all this time.

"Brother, why are you so late? I was worried something had happened."

"Yuna, why haven't you slept? How are you going to work tomorrow?"

"How can I sleep when you haven't come home? What happened?"

"Nothing. I was just busy, and time flew by."

Zis knelt in front of Yuna. Not just because she was his sister, but she was a person of character. Despite having no formal education, she was wise and kind-hearted.

Yuna was Zis's pride. He couldn't let her live a miserable life like his. He didn't dream of success, but she deserved to meet a good man and have a happy life.

"Why do you look so haggard? Tell me the truth. You can fool others, but not me. If you don't, I won't make breakfast tomorrow."

"Hahaha! Scary, scary. Just some pride-wounding stuff, but I'm okay now."

"Ugh, that pride of yours is always getting hurt. It's so rotten, can't even eat it. Anyway, go wash up. You reek of sweat."

Zis's gaze softened involuntarily. Looking at her, his heart felt at ease. So what if he wasn't great like others? As long as he had Yuna, he envied nothing in the world.

Zis hugged Yuna. The scent of family, sharing the same smell, swept away the day's fears and fatigue.

"Ew, the smell! What are you doing all of a sudden? Go wash up first!"

"Just wait, Yuna. I'll definitely become the ruler of the harbor."

"Tch! Still with that talk? What even is a 'ruler of the harbor'? No one cares about that."

"Haha! That's true."

Yuna smiled and hugged Zis back. She didn't really mind the smell of sweat. After all, not a single drop of it was shed without thinking of her.

"I really hope that day comes. You can definitely do it, brother."


Zis looked out the window at the moonlight pouring in. It was a perfect night for sightseeing.


Shirone and his party were busy from dawn. While the girls bathed, the boys cleaned the house, and when the boys entered the bath, the girls sat in front of the mirror, drying their hair and dressing up.

After bathing, Shirone and Rian thought time had stopped when they peeked into the girls' room. Amy and Tess were still in front of the mirror, busy with something.

The boys had no choice but to eat breakfast first. They had a simple meal with food bought from the town the night before.

Only then did the girls start choosing their outfits, changing every time they walked in and out of the room.

Rian thought Tess and Amy were testing him.

Changing outfits because they didn't like the previous one was understandable since they were girls.

But what was the point of changing into something else only to come back wearing the previous outfit after a while? Was it a real challenge? It seemed like a clear challenge to the observer's memory.

"Ah, just wear anything. Are we going to hunt dragons? Why fuss over a piece of cloth with no defense?"

Tess looked at Rian with eyes filled with horror.

"Ugh, so crude! If you guys don't care about your clothes, we have to dress up even more. It's all for your sake, so shut up."

Amy came out wearing a sky-blue dress.

"Shirone, does this look weird?"

"No, it's pretty! Amy looks good in anything."

"Really? Hmm."

Amy didn't pay much attention and went back to her room. Tess envied Amy for that.

"Please, learn something from Shirone. Ugh, so annoying."

When Tess slammed the door and went inside, Rian pouted. What had he done to deserve that? Speaking one's mind was a virtue and a matter of pride for a swordsman.

"Shirone, how do you come up with such words so easily? Teach me."

"Huh? It's simple. You can't say everything looks weird."


Rian burst into laughter, holding his belly and falling backward.


11 AM.

The girls, now changed, checked their backpacks. They packed emergency food, a knife, a compass, and a rope to prepare for any unforeseen situations.

Tess, satisfied with her reflection in the mirror, clenched her fist and shouted.

"Done! Were ready for the ruins exploration!"

"Shall we sleep now? Let's definitely leave tomorrow morning."

Tess blushed at Rian's sarcastic joke.

"How long do you think I took? And Amy prepared with me."

"Why bring Amy into this? Is she a hostage or something?"

"Speaking of which, do you think your shabby outing clothes and that stupid greatsword suit you? From afar, you look like a caveman! Know your place."

Amy fulfilled her role as a hostage.

"Rian, sorry. It was actually my fault for being late. Tess was ready before me."

"Haha! It's okay. It shows that Amy took her time to get ready."

Tess's eyes turned fierce.

"What? So, I don't look pretty at all?"

"Hmm, let me see"

Rian scanned Tess.

Well, he had always thought she was pretty. She didn't need to dress up to be beautiful.

But she really made an effort today. Even wearing perfume, which was unusual, made it obvious to Rian, who wasn't known for his artistic sense.

"Yeah, well. I guess you're pretty enough to say so."


Tess, who had a mountain of retorts ready, was completely disarmed in an instant.

She never expected to hear the word 'pretty' from Rian's mouth. Her face turned red, and then redder as she realized her face was red.

"I didn't dress up to hear that from you! You idiot! Caveman!"

"Alright. Now that that's settled, can we please leave? We won't be able to see anything if it gets dark."

Rian hurried his friends outside. Thus, five hours after waking up, Shirone and his party were finally ready to set off on their journey.

Shirone's initial plan was to explore the ruins alone with Amy. But as his friends became more involved, it was impossible to act separately.

They grabbed any carriage lined up on the beach and headed east.

Traveling from the west end of the island to the east was a tough journey. But the four of them, chatting away in the carriage, lost track of time.

"Hey, look over there!"

Shirone pointed out the window excitedly. A lush forest forming a mountain range was visible about 2 kilometres away from the road.

The mountain range stretched like a camel's hump, and according to what they heard, the Kergos Ruins were at the end of this range.

"It's Toa Mountain. I heard from my brother that Galiant used to be a volcanic island. The island was formed from lava that seeped out from under the sea and solidified. It's been in a dormant phase since a volcanic eruption 500 years ago, but there's always a possibility it could become active again."

"I see. Kergos Ruins are also half-buried in volcanic ash, right?"

"Right. The Galiant autonomous government proposed restoring the ruins, but it was scrapped due to opposition from the natives. We might be able to see how much it's buried once we get there."

"Why would they oppose it? Wouldn't it be beneficial for the natives if the ruins were restored?"

"I don't know. But they must have their reasons. Maybe they have secrets they don't want to reveal. The autonomous government hasn't even been here for 100 years."

"So, it seems there are many secrets. It's not just an ordinary tourist spot."

"Apparently. It's rare for natives to manage existing ruins directly. Kergos Ruins have high historical value."

Shirone, based on Amy's explanation, took another look at the mountain.

Toa Mountain's jungle belonged solely to the Kergos people. The Galiant government didn't even dare to encroach upon the native autonomous region.

Suddenly, Shirone felt a chill. Was it just his imagination, or could he feel a wild gaze from deep within the mountain?

The carriage stopped 1 kilometre away from the Kergos Ruins. The coachman informed them that it was impossible to go further by carriage from here.

Stepping out of the carriage, Shirone surveyed the surroundings. Numerous stores were visible. There seemed to be an exclusive contract between the horse society and the local merchants.

"What the hell! I paid for this carriage ride, and now you're telling me we can't go any further? What about all this luggage?"

A middle-aged man with a protruding belly complained to the coachman after alighting from the following carriage. His wife and two daughters also wore dissatisfied expressions.

"However, that's the contract with the transport company. There's a paid storage facility for luggage."

"Such bandits! The road is clear, and you say we can't go? Do you think I'll spend even a dime here?"

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do about it. Have a good trip."

The coachman, seemingly used to such encounters, responded professionally and drove away.

Eventually, the middle-aged man, carrying luggage in both hands, headed towards the paid storage. When his daughters pointed out a snack shop, he set down the luggage and bought them snacks.

Shirone couldn't help but feel a connection with the middle-aged man's situation.

"If we had known earlier, we could have packed lighter."

"It doesn't matter, does it? It might not be dangerous since it's a tourist spot, but it's still good to be well-prepared. After all, our goal is exploration."

Rian looked back at the departing middle-aged man. Cheerful after appeasing his daughters, he laughed heartily and headed towards the ruins.

"Smart, though cheeky. Tourists can't help but spend money."

"That's true, but it's not just about commercial tactics. If the tourism industry isn't vibrant, even the natives can't manage it."

Convinced by Amy's words, Shirone and his friends started walking.

As expected of a historically significant site, there were many tourists. The closer they got to the ruins, the more people there were, and by the time they reached the toll booth, it was packed due to a bottleneck effect.

"Wow, do you see that? There are people from other countries too."

"It's a world-famous site. See that man standing by the arch? I think he might be a native."

Shirone looked where Amy was pointing. A medium-built man was guarding the entrance. His clothes were civilized, but his gaze, fixed straight ahead, was undoubtedly wild.

Tess looked uncharacteristically scared.

"Eek, he looks so scary. And he has tattoos on his face?"

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