Infinite Mage

Chapter 124: New Meetings (4)

Chapter 124: New Meetings (4)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu



Indeed, Tess had a physique that could match the bulky Rian, with long limbs and a tall stature, giving her a deep waistline.

In contrast, Shirone was unmistakably a mage. He was of average height and on the thinner side compared to his peers.

Of course, physical beauty wasn't the entirety of one's charm, but it was inevitable to feel inferior in front of Tess's imposing presence, who stood a head taller.

"No, we're just friends too. She's especially coming along at my request."

"Ah, I see."

Tess didn't quite believe it. The fact that a girl from the first-class nobility was accompanying a commoner as his partner was enough to hint at an extraordinary affection.

Rian thought the same. In fact, his biggest concern while planning this trip was if Shirone couldn't find a partner due to his status and introverted personality, which could potentially hurt him.

But to his surprise, even Shirone, who seemed indifferent to girls, brought along a stunningly beautiful girl.

Rian always believed that a girl should evoke a protective instinct, like Amy did with her adorable charm.

In contrast, Tess was someone who surpassed him in skill, so it was impossible to feel romantic towards her.

Even if it was just due to her Schema ability, few men are attracted to women stronger than themselves.

'Give it your best, Shirone. I'll actively support you.'

While Rian was strategizing, the prepared carriage arrived. The four gathered their belongings and headed towards the carriage.

That's when it happened.

"You brat! Rian~!"

A tremendous decibel voice spread from the mansion. The murderous intent carried by the voice alone was enough for Rian to realize everything was exposed.

"Damn it! Run, everyone!"

"What? What about the carriage?"

"If we ride, we'll be too late! Look back! We must jump over the fence at all costs!"

The three looked back towards the mansion. A towering whirlwind of yellow dust was approaching them.

Without fully grasping the situation, Shirone and his companions started running.

"Rian! What's happening?"

"Damn! The report card must have arrived! I actually came last! Dad's going to kill us!"

"Really? Like, actually kill? Let's just tell the truth and leave. What is this, running away for a vacation?"

"Feel free to try if you're so confident. I'm running. Just so you know, my dad's a certified Grade-4 Swordsman."

The color drained from the faces of the three. Tess activated her Schema and dashed forward, with Amy following closely.

Shirone, lagging behind, felt his heart pounding. He was running forward, yet the wind blew from behind.

Pushing through the air at such speed meant Bischoff was surpassing human limits.

"Rian! We're going to get caught!"

"We have no choice! I'll sacrifice myselft! You guys go ahead and have fun on the island!"

If anyone could pull it off, it was Rian. But leaving friends behind for a vacation was out of the question. Amidst the chaos, Shirone thought of a solution.

"Amy! Let's use Teleportation! Rian, don't move!"

Shirone grabbed Rian and cast a Photonization spell. Their bodies flashed brightly and then shot forward as beams of light.

Experiencing Teleportation for the first time, Rian felt dizzy. His vision narrowed to an extreme, making it feel like all scenery was rushing towards him.

It was the perspective of a mage.

Amy, understanding Shirone's instructions, grabbed Tess and cast Teleportation.

Two streaks of light dashed across the garden at incredible speeds. It was a dangerous situation where they could crash into any obstacle and shatter, but Shirone and Amy didn't allow for any mistakes.

Thinking they had gotten far enough, Shirone looked back. But he had to grit his teeth, holding back tears, as the whirlwind had closed in even more.

It was tearing through everything in its path, obstructions and all.

Naturally, the image of the Great Straight Sword, the symbol of the Ogent family, came to mind.

"Amy! This way!"

Shirone screeched to a halt in the middle of a dense forest and called out. Amy then canceled a turn to close the distance to Shirone.

The destructive whirlwind was 100 meters away, tearing through the forest.

Tess stomped her feet in frustration and yelled.

"What now? Are we just going to get caught?"

"Hold on to me! We're going to fly!"

Shirone expanded the radius of his Spirit Zone as much as possible. It wasn't enough to escape the garden, but there was one way.

If they couldn't outrun the speed, they could disappear from their coordinates momentarily.

"Here we go!"

Shirone used Synesthesia to search for a safe location as his friends gathered. He hadn't expected to use a spell he thought he wouldn't need for a while in such a practical situation so soon.

Targeting the outskirts of the forest, he cast Spatial Warp, and their bodies ignited into light before being sucked into the sky.

Simultaneously, a tremendous wind swept in, carrying shadows with it, erasing their presence as it passed where they stood.

Bischoff clenched his hand that failed to catch Rian, regretting the missed opportunity by a hair's breadth.

"Damn it..."

Pivoting 180 degrees, Bischoff braked with both legs, sliding across the ground as if on ice, pushing back for several meters.

A mound of earth, weighing twenty times his body weight, rose behind his heels, showcasing the immense physical force his body contained.

Bischoff looked back at the path he had charged down with a heavy heart. The ground was churned up, and trees were snapped randomly.

All of this chaos was because of Rian, who dared to deceive his father.

"Imaginary Schema?"

He trembled as he pulled out the report card. The more he thought about it, the more sighs it drew from him.

Yet, on the other hand, he felt a pang of sympathy for his inept son. How much training must he have undergone to possess strength akin to Schema?

"I suppose it's a consolation prize."

But then, Shirone had already mastered Spatial Warp, a feat challenging even for professionals, marking incredible progress for just half a year.

Shirone and Rian. Rian and Shirone. Bischoff contemplated the intertwined fates of the two boys.

Despite their vastly different talents and dispositions, perhaps the steps they took were equally named 'best effort'?

"This will make a fine memory, too."

Discarding the report card over his shoulder, Bischoff headed back to the mansion.

Having vaulted over the Ogent estate's fence, Shirone and his companions exerted themselves to leave the noble district.

Thanks to the Spatial Warp, they had escaped Bischoff's anticipated coordinates, but they couldn't yet relax.

A Schema master's movement, boasting a nearly animalistic range, couldn't be easily escaped with mere Teleportation.

Only upon reaching the bustling streets did Shirone and his companions catch their breath, still vividly recalling Bischoff's face.

Though they doubted he would harm his son, the approaching whirlwind suggested he was capable of more severe actions.

Shirone sighed, "What do we do now? We've come this far, so there's no turning back."

"It doesn't matter, right? We've got plenty of travel money. Let's rent a carriage to the harbor."

Rian feared nothing but his father. Though retribution was inevitable, gloomy thoughts had no place with an enjoyable trip ahead.

They reached a stable on the city outskirts, offering horses for sale and transport services, hiring drivers to destinations.

With the ship's departure time looming, Rian hastily rented a four-seater carriage available for immediate departure.

Rian and Tess sat side by side, with Shirone and Amy facing them. The interior, meant for commoners, was cramped, forcing them to sit closely.

The carriage set off amidst an awkward atmosphere, but the cool breeze through the window soon eased the tension.

Tess fanned herself, observing Shirone. Though unfamiliar with magic, she understood the difficulty of escaping a dense forest via Teleportation, confirming Shirone's significant magical prowess.

Yet, merely excelling in magic wasn't enough to warrant a knightly oath from Rian, considering the abundance of skilled nobles, leaving her doubts unresolved.

"What was that second spell? It felt odd for Teleportation."

"Oh, that was Spatial Warp. It might have felt disorienting because it bends space along the time axis."

"What? That was Spatial Warp?"

Tess was astonished. Even among her friends attending magic schools, none had mastered Spatial Warp.

It wasn't a matter of mere theoretical knowledge; it required immense mental fortitude and could only be conquered with time and effort.

"That's impressive. Did you come across some fortune? Not to belittle, but Spatial Warp is usually reserved for professionals. Isn't it tough without studying magic from a young age?"

Tess assumed Shirone had entered the magical world through some childhood fortune, as there seemed no other way for a commoner to learn magic.

Shirone simply nodded. While half right and half wrong, he felt no need to correct the misunderstanding as it wasn't a significant issue.

"Right. Without Rian, I couldn't have attended the magic school. The Ogent family helped me enroll."

"So that was it. But still, I think it's remarkable. Competing with nobles from a young age, not just in studies but in other aspects too, must have been taxing."

"Haha! It was at first. But it's okay now. Amy has been a great help, too."

"Hmph, what did I even do? You never told me anything."

Amy snorted and turned away. Despite not showing it, she was frustrated with Shirone's modest response.

Tess seemed to doubt that Shirone, merely a commoner, had mastered advanced magic through his efforts.

Not knowing him, her reaction was natural, but Amy disliked the assumption that Shirone's arduous journey could be dismissed as mere fortune.

Rian scratched that itchy spot for Amy.

"After all, it's only been half a year. Shirone has only been studying magic for that long."

"What, half a year?"

Tess's neck nearly snapped as she turned to Rian. Even for her, this was beyond comprehension.

It was common knowledge among the nobility that mastering Spatial Warp in just half a year was impossible, regardless of a swordsman's perspective.

Tess discreetly glanced across. Shirone smiled, but Amy, still sulking, wouldn't even meet his gaze.

Tess then realized her mistake.

Swordsmen and mages often have opposite natures due to their different pursuits.

If one speaks and listens as swordsmen do, mages infer numerous meanings between the lines. From Amy's perspective, Tess's remarks could seem demeaning to Shirone.

"Oh dear, I apologize. I didn't mean to upset you with my thoughtless chatter. If my partner were treated this way, I'd be furious too."

Amy's face flushed. Mages might excel in language, but direct apologies like this left them defenseless as newborns.

"Me, what did I do? I didn't say anything. And we're not lovers, just friends."

Though Amy responded curtly, her expression had softened significantly.

"It's natural to be unfamiliar with each other at first. Tess may be blunt, but she means no harm, so please understand. Feel free to speak your mind anytime."

Rian spoke straightforwardly, leaving Shirone and Amy at a loss for words.

Accustomed to weighing and measuring their words, the swordsmen's frankness was overwhelmingly burdensome for them.

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