Infinite Mage

Chapter 123: New Meetings (3)

Chapter 123: New Meetings (3)


"Ah... the report card? Reina has it."

"Reina? Why? Bring it here."

"I don't know. She snatched it away, saying she'd show it to Grandfather. How would I know what that witch is thinking? Just give me the sword already. I've wanted it since I was a kid and worked so hard for it."

The sword Rian desperately wanted was a straight sword specialized for the Ogent family's swordsmanship. It was a greatsword, twice as heavy as ordinary longswords, and its blade was so long that it couldn't be wielded properly without a considerable height.

Rian had set his sights on the Ogent family's straight sword since he began learning swordsmanship. The particular sword he had marked as his own was one that Grandfather Klumph Ogent had used personally.

Klumph had always wanted to pass the sword on to Rian. Reina and Rian inherited the Azure Hair among his grandchildren, but since Reina was female, Klumph believed Rian was the only one fit to wield his sword.

"The sword is in Grandfather's room. But why are you looking for a sword all of a sudden if you're going on a trip? Tess might have her reasons for coming from afar, but still."

"I have my reasons. Anyway, I'll go get it now."

Rian sprinted up to his grandfather's room. The sword was more than Rian could handle without mastering Schema, but he was determined to take it on this trip.

Shirone was clearly intent on exploring the ruins. If Shirone were to rush into danger, wouldn't it be Rian's duty to protect him?

'This is the Great Straight Sword of the Ogent family.'

Rian gazed in awe at the greatsword hanging in his grandfather's room. The very essence of the Ogent spirit was contained in this form, said to be too challenging to wield without unlocking Schema.

Of course, Schema was still out of reach for him now. Yet, Rian managed to lift the sword with one hand and brought it in front of him.

'It's heavy, but not so much that I can't swing it.'

Rian felt a sting when he was diagnosed with a so-called "Imaginary Schema." But true to his never-give-up nature, he took it positively.

Whether he had Schema or not, he had passed the physical strength test. He might need to unlock Schema eventually, but for now, he could manage.

The sword was too heavy to carry in a metal scabbard, so Rian used a net-like scabbard made of cowhide and slung it on his back.

This attire would surely attract attention, but carrying a sword wasn't illegal, so it didn't matter.

Except for specific zones designated by the city, anyone could carry a sword as long as they adhered to certain rules: commoners in Sector Level C, nobles in Sector Level B, and royalty in Sector Level A.

Rian proudly descended the stairs with the Great Straight Sword on his back. However, he didn't get the chance to draw attention to himself.

Butler Louis opened the door and announced, "Lord, Master Shirone has arrived."

Shirone, who entered the hall with Amy, first greeted Bischoff.

Despite his stern and reticent exterior, Bischoff was a family man who had even taken leave from work to be home when his son was visiting.

Shirone also respected him as a guardian who had helped him attend the magic academy, ensuring that not only his school life but also his parents' livelihood was well taken care of.

"Hello. I hope you've been well."

"Yes, I've heard you're doing well."

"I've been promoted to Class Four recently. It's all thanks to your help. Thank you."

Bischoff smiled wryly, recalling Rian's past. Class Four, huh? How immense must one's talent be to enter Class Four within half a year of enrolling in the magic academy?

Of course, he wasn't the type of parent to compare his children. He was just concerned that as a knight and a swordsman, Rian might not live up to Shirone's standards.

"It's all because of your hard work. Anyway, it seems worthwhile to have supported you. I heard Rian is going on a trip with a beautiful lady without knowing the first thing about it. Are you going too?"

"Yes, we've decided to go together."

"And the lady beside you, is she your partner?"

Bischoff's gaze shifted to the red-haired girl. She seemed familiar but he couldn't quite place her.

"Hello. I'm Amy Karmis."

Bischoff's eyes lit up. Rian, Tess, and even Butler Louis looked at Amy with curiosity.

The Karmis family, though not the most authoritative in the kingdom, was a first-class noble family known for its liberal nature and the talent of the Red-Eyes, which was recognized not just in the kingdom but across the continent.

Their achievements, not limited to any one nation, were what truly defined them.

Bischoff also did not believe that the nobility hierarchy necessarily reflected a family's power. There were plenty of nobles who climbed to high ranks through all sorts of flattery and underhanded methods.

Such individuals disregard authenticity and even change their family traditions for the sake of advancement. However, families like the Elzains and Karmises were of a different class altogether.

Authenticity is established only through conviction. Their pride, having chosen a single path since the kingdom's foundation, could not be bought with money or power.

"Alright, alright. Let's save the talk for later and head out. We need to leave now to catch the boat on time!"

Rian lightened the mood. Although he had received Bischoff's permission, his anxiety hadn't eased.

By now, an express post sent by Reina would be flying toward them like an arrow.

The moment the report card was revealed, heaven would turn into hell, which was a certainty.

"Dad, I'll be off then. It'll take about ten days."

"Alright. You've worked hard in your training, so have fun. Oh, and use this for your expenses."

Bischoff tossed a heavy pouch of gold coins. Rian was shocked upon looking inside. It was the first time he had received so much money from his father.

In fact, Bischoff was pleased. He thought he had failed his son when he took the knight's oath, but Rian had not only unlocked Schema but also made good friends.

Moreover, Shirone, who would become Rian's master, was growing steadily based on his remarkable talent.

If training is considered an investment for real battles, isn't it only right to pay half a year's wages?

Rian felt guilty, but even such feelings were a luxury at the moment. The only thought filling his mind was to escape the house alive.

"Got it. I'll be back with my friends. Oh, Temuran, could you have a carriage ready to take us to the harbor?"

"Understood. Have a pleasant trip."

Temuran bid Rian farewell with a sympathetic look. The mere act of fleeing, drenched in cold sweat, was enough to guess the situation.

'I can only hold on for 10 minutes. Good luck, young master.'

Temuran focused on the envelope in his pocket. It was the express post from Reina that had just arrived from the capital.

Due to the busyness of the household staff, there wasn't a single leisure carriage available. There was a private carriage, but it would take an hour just to fit the saddle and prepare it.

Rian insisted that they didn't need to bother with such preparations, but he had to agree to at least check the tightening of the carriage wheels. If there were an accident, the carriage manager would bear all the blame.

The four waited near the stables for the carriage to arrive.

For a while, there was no conversation. It was a common occurrence when people meet for the first time. However, inside, numerous analyses were taking place.

Tess first scrutinized Shirone. Knowing he was a mage aspirant, she had imagined a hot-blooded young man because of Rian's knightly oath. But upon meeting him, he was surprisingly tender and composed.

Amy of the Karmis family also intrigued her. The Karmises, known as the stars of the continent, made her wonder about their personalities.

Eventually, Tess broke the silence, thinking that there should be no awkwardness at least inside the carriage.

"Shall we introduce ourselves? I'm Tess Elzain."

"I'm Amy Karmis. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, I'm Shirone Arian."

Tess exchanged handshakes with Shirone too. But upon hearing his surname, she tilted her head in confusion.

Being from the Elzain family, which specialized in diplomacy, she knew nearly all the noble families. However, she had never even heard of the Arian family.

"Ah, Arian, huh? Um... is your family based in Creas?"

Tess asked circumspectly, trying not to offend. Shirone openly shared his background.

"Ah, I don't have a family estate. I'm a commoner."

"A commoner?"

Tess's eyes widened in shock. Initially, she thought he might be joking out of nervousness. Otherwise, why would Rian make a knightly oath to a commoner?

Tess turned to Amy. The lack of reaction indicated she was aware of this, too.

'What's going on? What is Rian thinking? And why Amy? How could someone from the Karmis family accompany a commoner as a partner? Isn't this a couple's trip?'

Unfamiliar with Shirone, Tess was understandably confused. Rian's decision struck her even more strongly.

Even if Shirone possessed great abilities, it's not easy to disregard social status.

Especially not just any friend, but a knightly oath requiring lifelong service to the master.

'In a way... it's very like Rian.'

As Tess struggled to find a response, Shirone spoke up first.

"Sorry. If it's uncomfortable, maybe..."

"No, no, it's my fault for being rude. I was just so surprised I didn't know what to say. But... am I the weird one here? Everyone's so calm, making me feel like the bad one, haha!"

Tess quickly defused the situation. Whether commoner or noble, Shirone was Rian's lord. She felt she couldn't afford to treat him lightly.

'Tess, you're a person of integrity.'

Shirone could sense what kind of person Tess was. It was indeed like someone Rian would choose.

Making others laugh at her own expense required genuine kindness.

"Thanks for saying that. I've heard a lot about you. Rian's girlfriend, they say."

"What, me? Really? Do we look like a couple? Do we match that well? Haha!"

Tess began to like Shirone. Meanwhile, Rian's face flushed red. It was a misunderstanding he had to clear up, but he kept quiet because he liked that Tess was being nice to Shirone.

Amy looked at Rian in surprise. Initially, she wondered what kind of schemer had planned this trip, but he turned out to be more straightforward and considerate than expected.

'The Ogent family, known for establishing themselves solely through swordsmanship. I heard there's a genius among the black-haired ones, but this one has azure hair.'

The nobility rank was second-class, not royal, but that was due to their stubborn and uncompromising nature.

Such families are called 'pure' in political circles.

A term denoting neutrality, it doesn't significantly impact politics in peacetime.

However, in times of national crisis, where the pure's allegiance lies can change the political landscape, making them a force that cannot be underestimated.

As Amy pondered this, Tess observed Shirone and Amy.

Both had charming appearances and a spark of intelligence in their eyes. Even without knowing their real characters, they seemed to share a similar stubbornness.

"So, what's the relationship between you two? You really do seem to match. Are you a couple?"

Tess pointed back and forth between the two, prompting Amy to bristle slightly. It felt as if they were being matched up like small kids of similar stature.

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