Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 19

C19 – Two More Buildings

Once the monster stepped within the 200-meter attack radius of the Raging Flame Tower, the Defense Tower sprang into action.

The Raging Flame Tower, with its modern architectural design, was aglow with red flames that shimmered even in the darkness of night, casting a fiery radiance.

As the monster breached the attack perimeter, the Raging Flame Tower unleashed a basketball-sized orb of red fire. It burst forth from the tower at great speed, slicing through the sky to strike at the monsters beyond the wall.

The fireball’s impact on the ground set off a devastating explosion, engulfing and incinerating any monsters within a ten-meter radius.

At least five Goblins were consumed by the blaze, instantly killed by the inferno.

Qiang Nantie watched in awe. Had the monsters been more tightly packed, the casualties would have been significantly higher.

“The Raging Flame Tower’s might is truly formidable!” he exclaimed with excitement. Regrettably, he possessed only one Defense Tower. With an arsenal of dozens, he could fortify his entire territory impenetrably. Even in his absence, security wouldn’t be compromised.

“The power of this Raging Flame Tower is quite impressive,” remarked Huamo.

“Yes, but it’s somewhat lacking,” Qiang Nantie responded.

The Raging Flame Tower’s kill capacity was finite; the monsters were too dispersed, not swarming en masse.

Soon, the Goblins that had evaded the Raging Flame Tower’s assault were mere meters from the wall.

“Huamo, it’s our turn!” declared Qiang Nantie.


Having mastered the Level S Seven-star Sword Technique, Qiang Nantie was eager to gauge its effectiveness.

He and Huamo positioned themselves beside the wall, ready for the impending monster onslaught.

The Raging Flame Tower was designed to target only those monsters outside the wall; it was powerless against any that breached the perimeter.

Now it was up to the troops and heroes to engage. Alas, his barracks had evolved into the Bronze Bird Terrace, which, by its very nature, did not produce any foot soldiers. To raise an army of small soldiers, he would need to acquire additional barracks.

Goblins weren’t particularly large creatures. They stood about a meter tall, with the tallest barely reaching one and a half meters.

The one-and-a-half-meter Goblin was a Level Four Elite, likely the most formidable among this onslaught of monsters.

The monsters commenced their assault on the wall, but the Thorny Vine Fence was not only resilient but also bristled with barbs and was laced with poison.

Upon reaching Level Twenty, the Thorny Vine Fence’s attributes had significantly improved.

The Goblins, after crashing into the fence, emitted agonized howls. It wasn’t long before they turned black and collapsed.

“The toxicity of this Thorny Vine Fence is incredibly potent!”

Qiang Nantie and Huamo hadn’t even engaged in combat before the Goblins were already strewn across the ground.

One by one, the Goblins continued to slam into the wall, attempting to scale it, only to succumb shortly thereafter.

The Level Twenty Thorny Vine Fence now towered at five meters, with each vine as thick as an arm and brimming with venomous spikes.

Even though the Goblins’ impacts weakened the fence’s defenses, any damage was swiftly mended by the fence’s regenerative capabilities.

Thus, Huamo and Qiang Nantie were essentially spectators to a monstrous suicide mission.

Danger was nowhere to be found.

“Huamo, should we make a break for it?” Qiang Nantie proposed.

The original plan, as devised by Tung Xinghan, was to wait for the monsters to breach the walls before engaging. But with the monsters failing to penetrate the defenses, boredom set in, prompting them to consider a preemptive strike.

“Let’s do it,” Huamo agreed.

Flinging open the gate, Qiang Nantie and Huamo charged forth, exuding lethal determination.

“Seven-star Sword Technique, first form: Dubhe Sword!” Qiang Nantie declared, brandishing her long sword and charging at the nearest Goblin, with Huamo close on her heels.

Tung Xinghan confronted the Goblin, his sword striking swiftly, cleaving the creature in two.

“Excellent swordsmanship!” Qiang Nantie exclaimed, thoroughly impressed. True to its Level S ranking, the Seven-star Sword Technique allowed him to bisect a Goblin with a single slash.

Huamo unleashed a flurry of two sword strikes, swiftly dispatching two Goblins.

The Goblins outside, upon witnessing the duo, launched an offensive against Qiang Nantie and Huamo.

“Let’s revel in the thrill of battle.”

Only a handful of monsters remained. For Qiang Nantie and Huamo, handling them was a breeze.

“Ready!” They positioned themselves back to back, launching an assault on the Goblins.

Qiang Nantie’s prowess had skyrocketed after real combat and mastering the Level S sword technique the day before. Though he hadn’t fully mastered the combination and variation moves, his dedication and earnestness meant his combat experience was growing exponentially.

They cut down the Goblins one after another. Even a formidable Level Four Goblin fell to Huamo’s blade in a single strike. The besieging creatures were ultimately vanquished.

The second day of the newcomer’s trial concluded!

Time to tally the rewards!

Qiang Nantie and Huamo had vanquished 100 Level 3 Goblins, 3 Level 3 Elite Goblins, and 1 Level 4 Elite Goblin.

Combat evaluation: SSS

The basic reward was 120 Soul Coins, 120 spirit coins, and a basic farm. The bonus for the exceptional evaluation included 240 Soul Coins, 240 spirit coins, and a well construction.

Hearing this, Qiang Nantie’s heart swelled with joy.

“I’ve actually earned two more buildings!”

The loftier the rating, the greater the chance of securing a building.

Securing the highest rating for two consecutive days, it was only fitting that he received building rewards.

The prospect of earning two building rewards for two days straight filled him with elation.

“I arrived with just a handful of food seeds. I wonder what the farm will turn into after its evolution?”

Surveying the surrounding treasure chests, Qiang Nantie said, “Huamo, let’s gather up these chests.”

“Of course!”

Their battle had been swift, wrapping up in under half an hour.

Yet, collecting the treasure chests took them just as long.

“It’s time to return and construct the buildings.”

Eager to witness the transformation of the two buildings, Qiang Nantie selected the perfect spot and commenced the farmland construction.

“The farmland is successfully built and has evolved into a spiritual field.”

“You’ve successfully constructed a well, which has now evolved into a Spirit Spring.”

Before Qiang Nantie, a field materialized, radiating with spiritual energy much like the Spirit Vein Bamboo House.

Beside the spiritual field, a small lake emerged, at the heart of which lay a Spirit Spring brimming with spiritual energy.

“They’ve certainly lived up to my expectations. Time to check out the attributes of these two structures.”

“Building: Spiritual Field”

“Level: 1”

“Upgrade Requirement: 0/100”

“Quality: S (0/2)”

“Defense: 100/100”

“Special Attribute: Accelerates crop maturation and the area surrounding the spiritual field is saturated with spiritual energy.”

“Introduction: A field infused with spiritual energy not only hastens crop growth but also imbues the crops with spiritual essence. To evolve it further, two spiritual fields will be required.”


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